Monday, May 30, 2005


Dear diary
My apologies for being so irresponsibly absent and out of touch with this public incarnation that you are of my diary-writing world. If I look back a the date of the last post, a lot seems to have happened, at least by the amount of time passed, but then, life has become such a drag these days that at times even ten minutes look like a few hours of nothingness, and at other times I hardly have any idea when mornings turn into evenings, and hours into weeks!
These are probably my worst holidays ever, because this time I don't even have the solitude I normally love whiling my time in the company of. I was, and am, cribbing for some kind of work to do. The only formal occupation I have is driving lessons that eat up an hour each day, but sadly even they are not going to last too long. I can't go out anywhere because of some requirements at home, and anyway how much do I ever go out, especially once outside the college domain! And I just don't have any friends at home, no kidding(I hardly know how many members live next door to my house though I guess they're quite friendly, and generally everyone knows them) As I once noted about myself and heartily laughed at, I must be one of the most "home-stick" girls my age!!!
Thank God, the comp is fine now, but then, with renovations in my room due in three-four days, I may have to live without it again for some more time [:(] Anyway, all I do whole day is watch a little bit of TV, write extensively (my personal diaries are filling up fast [:)] ), read up a bit, help around with the work, play with Plaster of Paris to satisfy the crafty monster inside, do some painting etc, or simply sit and think, and think a lot. Hardly worth a mention all this na, i know! But then that's how I'm too I guess- unworthy and unmentionable! But I guess I'm OK with it.
I don't see any major changes in this narration for the next couple of weeks, after which I'm going out of Delhi. Now that may sound like fun, but I'm not sure if THIS time the trip alone would be more fun or painful. Whatever, there's still time for it at least.
I sometimes miss the regular college days; I even miss the exams at times!!! That's because being one of the most non-serious non-sloggers at IITD, exam time for me easily translates into Bakaiti time. Nightouts with friends (and acquaintances and would-be acquaintances) in Ex-Hall, RR and the hostel are absolutely wonderful times. People are tense and worried about so many things (and not only studies) and continously talk out to relieve themselves. And even the group-study part (with uchhalofying intervals) is a charm in itself. The palpable tensions on everyone's face, the elations and disappointments associated with every paper, the ultimate highs and lows of moods and determination- all these are beautiful experiences if one can observe keenly enough. I think examination time is also going to be something I'll miss when i leave college!
But for now I miss living the most! Huh!This 77-day holiday break is just toooooooo much. I already feel like studying, can you believe it? Just anything to get back to the usual grind.I'm too used to it! [:D]

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Don't ask me why, but I'm very very very depressed...
There's nothing I'm feeling at the moment, I'm just numb. I don;t know what I'm writing, or why. Do not read it, atleast do not ask me anything. I don't wanna say, or do, anything.
I'm just.....

Forget it, I think i should go home now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


For those misguided by the title of this post, don't worry. I'm not going to write a gigantic post describing my daily exploits on one long trip in the Savannas or the Himalayas, or my wierd discoveries of the beauties and vagaries of nature. I must confess I find all that pretty boring, as well as long book reviews as blog posts.
What I'm gonna write instead, is my funny experience yesterday, when half of us were brainwashed that it was essential to go out and get freaked out on the day when your exams end to prove ur elation and excitement. So in short what happened was that as the clock struck 10 am yesterday and the prof collected the answersheets of a total disaster, the one predecided, definite things in everyone's minds was that we're going out, though noone knew where [:P]
One hour of discussion after the paper led to an agreement upon meeting at 2, and leaving together for CP for a movie and food. Twice before 2, the decision got changed to different places (thanx to the wondeful invention the mobile phone is!). We eventually met at almost 3(the guys made us wait for an hour!!!!!!!!!! [X-(] ) and again a discussion started. The venue changed from Saket to Priya to Gurgaon to Ansal's to finally Noida, with a 7-2 vote in its favour. (There were 9 of us btw, 5 guys and 4 gals). Actually it was a combined b'day treat of two people, one of whom happens to be my lovely roommate who had her bday yesterday. So movie was a MUST. Anyway, with Noida as the decided destination, we left the IIT premises and reached Nehru Place. There someone had a brainwave about going to PARAS cinema hall itself, at Nehru place, which, for the uninitated, is a pretty pathetic theatre. But the distance to Noida was a definite deterrent, and somehow people pulled themselves upto the theatre, since it was anyway showing the movie we wanted. We found that the current show had started ten minuted before, and actually, we would have still seen it, had we not discovered that the air-conditioning was out of order(yuck!!).So out we went, underneath the merciless sun, roaming around there only for half an hour(!), drinking lime sodas and discussing meningitis, and so forth!

Then I had brainwave#2: we could go to 3C's at Lajpat Nagar...nice place, only that it was in the opposite direction than where we were..:P
But still, I'm such a convincing person and noone wins any arguments from me (hehe, actually I'm such a terrifying soul that people do agreee most of the times when I yell about doing a particular thing!) that eventually we all started for Lajpat Nagar. Half an hour and a boring, rickety bus ride later, we reached somewhere near the final destination, but still...we were 2 kms away, which noone wanted to walk in the heat.

We took rics next, and what ensued next was the best part of the day- a rickshaw race, and guess what, we won!!!
To think back, it was stupid the way we were shouting "bhaiyya aur tez chalao!" "Bhaiyya, aj dikha do ki hamara richshaw sabse aage hai!" etc and playfully teasing each other at the top of our voices in full public view on a hot summer afternoon on Delhi roads (and that too, the Ring Road, busiest of them all) but trust me IT WAS FUN!!!

It was almost evening (ok it was 5, but it wasn't hot) by the time we reached, and 3C's was showing KAAL 5:05 PM. We had spent an entire afternoon getting there, so we had to watch the movie, which we did. I shall not divulge the details of the movie, nor give a silly review. All I'll say is that the first half is slow and draggy and the first few minutes it was so pathetic we cursed ourselves for being there, but by the end it was good, and i did enjoy the second half. Especially with our kind of comments and harkate to add to the fun, which I'd better not write here :P

Once the movie ended, it was time to eat. but half the people didn't like the food court at 3C's. So we were off to Haldiram's next, a 20 minute walk, after a round of what people called "appetisers"!And then, no one was hungry at Haldiram's, so everyone ended up with icecream sodas, mocktails, kulfi falooda and chat!
Finally it was 10:30 PM. We emerged out, and thought we should return...
But voila, brainwave#3...within 5 minutes we were off to India Gate!!!

Reached there almost at 11, and did absolutely silly things there, like playing with a balloon and pouring COKE all over each other!!!
It seems we also disturbed the slumber of this uncle sleeping nearby, who suddenly got up and started yelling at us. Shamelessly grinning on his face, we simply shifted our location :D :D

Then at 12:30, bak to insti, after more of the harkate and then playing at the Wind tunnel. Gave arbit bumps to seven people, ate a b'day cake that a frnd of mine had saved for me even though we were half an hour late for her b'day, and then ran off to the Insti Roof- one of the most beautiful, wonderful and peaceful places in the insti. Got to my room at 2:30 I guess, and obviously didn't sleep immediately. :)
I guess that's about it, for the day!

(From KAAL)
  • If u go to a jungle, take ur gf/wife along, u don't get killed.
  • If u're a gal and wearing a mini, make sure it's not the shortest on sight..u get killed
  • Do not kills
  • Say "cut the crap" every five minutes. You look arrogant but u scare off ghosts

(From the day)

  • Have a definite plan BEFORE you embark for a hangout, u save a lot of travelling time
  • Do not throw COKE on the face of a sleeping middle aged wreck. He howls like a dog wearing the skin of a senile tiger
  • 4 girls CAN pick up a 100 kg guy to give him bumps. Try it, but only if it's for a bet that's worth ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


**Insert a loud, nasty, relieved, laugh here**

Finally, finally, finally...majors are over!!!!!!!!
Don't ask me how they went. I've become an expert now I guess in screwing up one exam after the other. If I think back, probably the manufacturing paper was the best of the lot, because I screwed it up the least as all I had to do was fill up those four sheets with lots of phattas, and with a decent PMT, I'll pass through easily. Maths was pathetic with a capital P, Chemistry I ruined because I was too callous with the preparation, and the last one, well I don't even wanna think abt it(considering it was a departmental core subject, there's nothing that could have been worse). Oh BTW, I got my Elec paper [:(]. The grade in all probability will be an A-, and I guess that's ok, for I don't think I could have ever managed another ninety marks reqd for a better grade. And nobody in the course is getting an A anyway!
All right all right all right, enough crap about the majors. The keyword about anything to do with them was the last one in the first sentence of the previous paragraph :"went!
They're gone.................
And with them, of course, is the semester, and my first year in IITD!

There's lots from the year that was that requires thought and introspection, words and expressions, memorising and forgetting, learning and imbibing to be done. But all that later, for I have a loooooooooooong and tortous, absolutely "wela" break that's gonna last more than 2.5 months (and trust me, i'm ALREADY bored, though it's the only some hours into the vacation!!!). So anyway I'm gonna get a lot of time to think, remember, realise and write about the year that was. I guess I should first let this end-of-major-jubilation die down!

Actually, if be completely honest, it's pretty strange but I'm not really happy or should I say I'm not feeling happy from inside about this fact that finally the sucking academic routine and exams are over. I just don't feel free like the free bird I supposedly am, now.
Why, I don't know...maybe it'll be ok in some time. I'm not even too upset at being away from college or friends or something else. I'm used to that, I can handle it. One thing I do want for sure is WORK...I desperately want something to do yar..something to keep me occupied.
I'm definitely NOT lookin forward to a vacation with not even nominal work to do. Give me something I can enjoy, maybe something creative, or something useful. Actually even something completely useless will do, I just wanna satisfy myself that I have work and am not doing it, rather not having anything and not doing it still!!!:D
That's exactly what I am...
But so what, is that bad?

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Blame me for being lazy, over-confident, stupid, foolish, and the most screwed-up mind in the whoel campus!
Because that's what I am, and I cannot blame myself alono enouh(too laxy for that also i guess)
Incompetence, stupidity, crap- that's what I call what I've been doing for the last two days, and eventually screwing up one paper after the other.
Especially today's maths. Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwddddddddddddd...
Seriously, the first thought that came to my mind within 30 seconds of getting the paper(the time I took to browse through the ten questions from Mars) was to check if I "could" get an f in this paper, because I didn't think i could score even a single mark there!!!To my relief, I realised my PMT is 42...which means I won't flunk.
God, that was some relief.
Eventually I did something in those two hours..attempted something in those ten questions( how many I've no clue) and occassionally got a really wierd answer too. the only thing I remember is taking 6(!!!!) supplementary sheets, which psyched out the guy sitting behind me completely [:P]!
But those are just six sheets full of blank/crossed out pages, trust me!!!
I shiver to think of my possible grade..........

Forget it, it's over..and thats what matters...
Paper khatam, ab frustane se hot kya jab prof le gaya sheet! :D
Chill marne ka time hai..kal ke major mein abhi 25 hours bache hain...
And waise bhi kal manufacturing hai...usme anyway I've the highest PMT...thoda bahut pad loongi, 5-10 minute..bahut hai :P

Some people never change...