My head refused to move. It even refused to think that it wanted to move. Eyes didn't blink, hands didn't shake, and I don't know where my heart was.
There was nothing that I could see, yet everything was crystal clear. Never before have I seen vagueness with so much clarity that I could make out every single particle of the haze that enveloped the ambience, yet held me snug in a moment that refuses to die. An eternity passed in the next millisecond, and lips parted to lend the moment a rare strength, a strength that derives itself from weakness.
Breathe returned, hands stirred; I was cold, ice cold, but slowly convection was making me warmer. A smile, a few words, more nerves, more passion, and an illuminating translucency. It could have been a dream. And then, the lights went off. It wasn't a dream. It isn't one.
The touch proved to me I could still feel. But I knew I was numb, and within a few seconds I was so numb I didn't even know if I was numb. I don't remember anything after that. It was just too delicate to have survived in the junkyard of memory.
And now, the bubble has burst. There is only a tiny droplet that it has left behind. But it is enough to soak the whole of me. Forever. It's abstract again, but this time, I am a part of the abstract too. Not all dreams come true; not all dreams have to come true. Mine didn't. But it wasn't a dream.
It was a moment, a moment that was just meant to be. It was jinxed.