Two girls walked hand in hand by the side of the road. Neither seemed in any hurry. They were talking incessantly - of course, what else do you expect - while enjoying their icecream. I felt a twinge of jealousy, and dunno why, began to follow them, keeping myself slow and as inconspicuous as possible. The evening breeze was pleasant, the hour largely unhurried, and I wanted to hear what they talked about. I got within earshot, and kept the pace, amused at first at their animated reactions to what seemed like distant minor, almost irrelevant, issues.
But they seemed happy - rather despite the whining, they seemed content, at peace. They switched topics fairly quickly and randomly, and I struggled to follow the full import. Then it struck me, there isn't always a point to what and why you're saying.
I felt another twinge of jealousy, this time at their ability to stay at peace without searching for meaning in everything. They didn't pound every moment to death with an intellectual curiosity absolutely pointless and self-defeating in the first place anyway. At that point, something in my rebutted with a snide remark on how petty, irrelevant and inconsequential their talks were.
I halted.
As I watched them past away, the jealousy returned as pain. I was at least as inconsequential and had had nobody to talk to as carefreely.
And I was walking alone.
But they seemed happy - rather despite the whining, they seemed content, at peace. They switched topics fairly quickly and randomly, and I struggled to follow the full import. Then it struck me, there isn't always a point to what and why you're saying.
I felt another twinge of jealousy, this time at their ability to stay at peace without searching for meaning in everything. They didn't pound every moment to death with an intellectual curiosity absolutely pointless and self-defeating in the first place anyway. At that point, something in my rebutted with a snide remark on how petty, irrelevant and inconsequential their talks were.
I halted.
As I watched them past away, the jealousy returned as pain. I was at least as inconsequential and had had nobody to talk to as carefreely.
And I was walking alone.