I found today in an oldddddd journal a very cute little entry which is simmering with confusion, anger and hurt of the 12 yr old variety over seat allocation in the classroom. I have been laughing like crazy ever since. For the life of me I can't remember the specifics other than the sketchy details in the journal, and I am marveling at how wonderful memory is - it automatically erases most of the ugly parts of day to day life, because all I really remember now of being 12 is the fun, the carefreeness of life and the little moments I cherished. Yes if I really think about it I remember the few people I used to dislike or fight with, and the struggle it *felt* like. But I do have to really think about it. More or less, it was the time when scoring 95+ was easy and also mattered :D Such a nerd I am.
Writing journals is a useful, even if embarrassing habit. :-)
On another note, yesterday we celebrated the first marriage anniversary of two very close friends. It is a scary thought - marriage + 1 yr also (are they old or am I? :-) ) but on the other hand it is no nice to see them happy. Here's wishing loads of happiness and good luck to all my other friends who have taken the plunge or are shortly going to in the next few months.
And to everyone else, boys and girls you rock for not being insane! Please stay this way and not lose it :P :)
We recently had a "women's get-together" kind of an event at office - with all the femalefolk present and discussions wandering from dieting, shopping, marriage and how it ruins your life, work-life balance, kids, dieting, shopping, hot men at BCG (yawn!), "embarrasing secrets", "fun facts", "hidden talents" and kiss/crush stories. And dieting. I missed part of the event towards the end, but apparently that is when one of the younger crowd i.e. another IIT associate went and asked one of the older women -" I am sorry but I just cant relate to any of the topics you are talking about (marriage, kids, work balance blah) is there something wrong with me? Am I not a woman?"
Such a cutie!