That sinking feeling
At the pit of the stomach
Crowding around the gut
Climbing up to the brain
Squeezing all in its way
Pushing out every breath
I gasp, that sinking feeling
Is making me drown again
I sink, I swim, I fight
Till the sinking wins and I quit
What's the point, I ask myself
Life isn't worth the pain
Numbness takes over the limbs
The mind refuses to think
I walk alone, drowning
In cold November rain
I sink, till I shrink
Deeper and deeper within my shell
The only place still safe
The only place still sane
Alone, in the darkness, I question
Whereforth leadeth life today
But noise is drowning the inner voice
The noise mocks with disdain
Directionless, helpless, alone I wait
In deep safe corners of the cocoon
Either the noise itself will die
Or wash me over drown the drain
I cannot hear, in this noise
What the instincts want me to do
But logic asks me why even try
Life really isn't worth the pain.
At the pit of the stomach
Crowding around the gut
Climbing up to the brain
Squeezing all in its way
Pushing out every breath
I gasp, that sinking feeling
Is making me drown again
I sink, I swim, I fight
Till the sinking wins and I quit
What's the point, I ask myself
Life isn't worth the pain
Numbness takes over the limbs
The mind refuses to think
I walk alone, drowning
In cold November rain
I sink, till I shrink
Deeper and deeper within my shell
The only place still safe
The only place still sane
Alone, in the darkness, I question
Whereforth leadeth life today
But noise is drowning the inner voice
The noise mocks with disdain
Directionless, helpless, alone I wait
In deep safe corners of the cocoon
Either the noise itself will die
Or wash me over drown the drain
I cannot hear, in this noise
What the instincts want me to do
But logic asks me why even try
Life really isn't worth the pain.