Thursday, September 24, 2015

I need too much

I need sleep. But the kind which is deep, tired and restful with no nightmares.
I need food. But the kind that you love every morsel of because you were famished and because it was well-earned.
I need work. But the kind which is challenging, meaningful, frustrating and satisfying at the same time.
I need friends. But the real ones, the 4 am ones, the always-there-for-you-in-good-bad-or-no-news ones. The non-Facebook kind.
I need a life. But not like this. One I can afford to waste. One which I pretend has some meaning by spewing gibberish that sounds profound.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Leadership lessons HBS couldn't teach me

Here's the thing about leadership voids. 
Either you step up and fill them. Or you step out, before they consume you.

Because no matter how swanky the ship and no matter far the currents carry you, eventually, a captain-less ship gets lost in the sea.