Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Several years ago, my mom once commented in passing that watching your children grow old - to the point where they are independent and no longer need your help or opinion for everything - is not always a great feeling. I think I get that. Raising kids from nothing to adulthood is a long habit-forming time when you're completely responsible for basically keeping them alive and well.

But I think the feeling that's worse - a lot worse - is watching your parents grow old.
Slowly, every day. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The missing bridge

There's a bridge missing
Perhaps never constructed
Between your anger and my silence
Your anger isn't just anger
It's everything you don't say
Or can't
Stress, pain, disappointment
Even encouragement
Hides behind the cloak of your anger
The screaming muffles every voice
But it's still too loud
Loud, at least, for my silence
That retreats and shrivels and shrinks
And walks to another room to cry
And loses its voice
But not its meaning
And therefore all we do
Is wait for time to flow
Or the clouds to descend
So we stop noticing
The absence of the bridge
As always.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

The moral dimension

To leadership.
To hard decisions.
To choices.
To life.
