Sunday, September 11, 2005



What do you look for in a person who you make a friend? In other words, what all, according to you, are qualities or characteristics that should be present in someone to become a friend of yours? What are the parameters you judge people on, in general? I'm sure all of you have an immediate list of ready, predictable answers to these questions...Most of you would say nature, opinion, likes/dislikes, behaviour, the amount of trust you can place in him, comfort levels, wavelength matching and other different-names-for-the-same-thing. Some would add convenience to the list, but that's just about it. How many people add 'looks' to that list? As in, do appearances matter? Does someone who looks very smart or beautiful stands a better chance with you of becoming your friend, rather than someone who's this ultra-dark/short/fat/ugly/unpresentable in appearance? Does the latter automatically lose out a few points on your marking scale? Of course, I'm not talking of the opposite sex in particular, rather only everyone in the most general terms, for I do not want to adulterate the pure'friendship' issue that I'm keen on examining with other inspired sentiments about the opposite sex, if you know what I mean.

Which brings me to the second, and the more important question, which is something I've always been wondering about, and I guess several people have raised it from time to time in their own ways too- Is gender a consideration when you make a friend? Does one make friends with a girl or a guy, or with a person? Can a person of the opposite sex become as good a friend of yours as someone of the same sex? Yes? No? Even better? Is the answer different for you if you are a boy or a girl? And finally, can a girl and a guy be the best/closest of friends, or does love always have to come in between?

I know I'm not asking anything new, or radical, but these issues are somehow important, at least to me, and of late I've thought a lot about this. The thought process was mainly triggered by this mini-novel kind of a long story that I sat down to write these vacations, called TOGETHER, on precisely this issue. I never got beyond thinking the end, the names of the characters, the beginning and a basic plot(in that order) as far as the story is concerned. (I typed out exactly 2.5 MS Word pages, and that's it!). But while trying to put everything into words, into the form of a story I thought so much that eventually I ran out of words. I never wrote that story, and dont intend to, for I'm sure nobody would understand it, and I don't want to explain it to anyone either. Some things are best left not being too explicitly expressed. I was, at that time, extremely satisfied with the whole mind-exercise, but of late, I've been thinking on similar lines again.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm someone who makes a lot of friends, and whenever I make someone a friend I never ever consider whether it's a girl or a guy in question. To me, the person, his/her thoughts, behaviour, the human being himself, is all that's important. That's also the reason why I talk to a large number of people easily and rather quickly, because I look at them as fellow human beings and do not waste a lot of time in being hesitant. But then it's a fact that sometimes my being so easy-going is misconstrued by a lot of people. I'm advised to use more discretion, and that's perfectly sane advice, and although I've become more discrete lately, I cannot completely understand how judgements can be arrived at without even knowing the person concerned one bit, and dictated either by hearsay or by perception/hesitation-induced prejudices. Anyway, that's something that can be left aside for the moment.

What I really want to know is the whole funda about cross-sex friendships. I know of people who say that the bonding between two people of the same sex is unparalleled in any friendship including opposite sexes. Like two guys can go get drunk together, abuse together, discuss how well does the latest brand of shaving cream they used foam as compared with the earlier one, and stuff like that. Similarly, there are things that only girls can talk within themselves- ranging from their emotional stresses to shopping trivia to stuff that I won't mention here for I don't want to divulge too many of our secrets.[:D] But then again, there are things that are best suited to cross-sex friendships. Very often there are things u cannot tell a friend of the same gender as u, because either they can't understand it well, or there are other issues. I know of several guys who don't share their stresses and insecurities, esp. emotional and personal level issues with their closest male friends, but find it more comfortable to talk them out with a female friend like me. Perhaps they find that girls understand better, and are better listeners, esp for touchy issues. Perhaps the other guys in their hostels take everything too much as a joke. Similarly there are often problems based on ego clashes or similar things between two girl-friends or even two-boyfriends(though must confess, this happens more in females) which one finds it easy to share with someone from the other gender.

I have more male friends than female friends, but that doesn't mean I don't have female friends at all. Quality wise all of them are on a comparable level, and to a large extent the difference in quantity can be attributed to the atmosphere i live in. If there exists a ratio of 10:1 in the number of guys:girls around me, it should not be too much of a surprise that in my frnds list this ratio is 3 or 4:1. I'm very comfortable with both kinds of friendships, though sometimes I find cross-sex friendships to be more 'complete'. Still, that's a personal opinion. I kind-of like the way everyone puts a certain bound on himself/herself in a cross-sexual friendship. I find this limitation not a hindrance, but infact, empowering, though this is certainly open for debate. Having said that, the intimacy of a same-sex friendship is also worth relishing mostly.
What bothers me, is the fear of being misunderstood in a cross-sexual friendship-both by the junta(esp in a place like IIT) and the person in question. I know there are limits to everything, but I ask again..does love, and an angle like that, always HAVE to come in between? I've lost a few close friendships because of things like this, and have hated it. If two people. of the opposite sex, develop very good understanding and compatibility, is it NECESSARY, that they either commit into a relationship, or fall apart?

Is your gender a bar to your eligibility of being a friend?


Kaala Kavva said...

if this topic were given in turncoat, i'd perform pretty well

on one side i have examples saying that opposite sexes can be friends and nothing more (my exp.)

then I come to see the example of a close friend...(you know who) who needed just a good friend and ended up in what they are today. (obvsly bf gf)

the fight lies in being misunderstood.. which does make gender a bar...

which ultimately doesnt matter, coz i can say 'i give a damn'
but it does.. atleast a little bit.

Anonymous said...

First of all i would like to know what the first paragraph was for ... the one on looks ? Didn't want to start with the topic of gender ?

Regarding the main issue that you raised, i once agreed with Harry's (of Harry and Sally) description of different sex friendships ... that a boy and a girl "can never be friends". But now i tend to think otherwise ... since i have quite a few friends of the opposite sex. But if two persons of the opposite sex are good friends, there is a significant possibility of one of them falling in love with the other ... at least much more likely than the "love at first sight" sort of thing.
There are some things you talk about with biys and some with girls ... gives an unique flavour to these 2 different kinds of friendships, doesn't it ?

but I ask again..does love, and an angle like that, always HAVE to come in between? I've lost a few close friendships because of things like this, and have hated it.

I assume this means that some close friend of yours loved you. In that case, how did this happen ? He of course would have preferred to maintain the friendship than to lose it and you also seem to hate losing it. I don't understand.

Phoenix said...


I get your point...infact this is one of those tailormade-for-turncaot-topics, and perhaps it IS difficult to reach a final judegement
Still, thanx for a SANE-ish comment on this blog after quite-some time.


There were two questions that I wanted to raise, similar yet different issues, though of crse gender was the main one. Hence the first question, which is by no means trivial in itself.

About the rest, well, some things happen.

The Reader said...

Frankly,I don't give a damn as to what junta thinks. It is an opinion formed over the years and yes, I have come very close to drifting apart from some really special friends but have been fortunate enough to still have those people as friends.
The question you asked depends rather strongly on the people involved. Which makes the answer a no, if you were looking for a laconic reply

Anonymous said...

About the rest, well, some things happen.

Resigned to fate ? But that seems so unlike you.
I rather think you decide to break off the friendship in the hope of helping the other person reconcile to your absense, to help him recover from you ... but from experience i can say that it only worsens matters ... and he will end up in a far worse state.

Regarding looks i don't think that counts very much. Since i cannot claim to have particularly good looks, i have been closer to other "common" guys. At least we have one extra topic to crib about ... better than having to see the stream of girls craving for my "good looking" friend.

Voice said...

why is love and friendship always differentiated.... why they are considered to be different. for me both are almost same. love is just a feeling ... while friendship is commitment made ...likewise "general love affair" or bf-gf love or couple love is commitment. when u feel the love then only u r in love and when u don't u arn't and commitment is like a promise.
weird but this is wat i feel and no one agrees :)

Phoenix said...


I 'can't' really be asking for a laconic reply on something like this, but anyway, is that a know even to the first 'looks' question?

(Now, i'm sure u wont have gound that a hindrance because with ur looks u'd have had it easy with ppl approachin u easily, but otherwise...):P


Well, that's a long comment..i'm sure u were tempted to write a post of ur own on this!:d

Waise i'd like to know abt that proposal some other time, but yes, i completely agree with that point of urs.
Been there, done that!

anyway, I dont need any empathy...I've learnt to live with things the way thery are. and for the rest, i take that as ur opinions...

Phoenix said...


Well, u're mostly right. And there's nothing wrong with having gender specific topics..forget different genders, more often than not we talk on diff issues even wiht two diff guys and two diff gals. all this is so individual. it CANNOT be the same, depends on 'person' to 'person'



Anonymous said...

We've discussed this, and so you know my views on most of this very well dear. Still there's one thing I must tell you Phoenix...One can't be too averse to cross-sex friendships because some of them lead to love. Think those are the best forms of love anyway, right?

We are what we are because we started with being the best of's ok if love comes in. friendship is love. Love is friendship.right honey?

Anonymous said...

I am afraid this is nature's law. Two seperate sexes were created by nature for a reason - that they procreate and propogate the species. So it will be unnatural if two memebers of opposite sex could come really close and thought of love never even crosses their minds. Cross-sex (that term sounds positively wierd to me btw) friendships can be long lasting and fulfilling when the guy realizes and accepts the fact that the girl is never gonna be more than a friend inspite of his feelings (or vice versa with girl realizing that).

As for looks - for sure they matter. And that also comes from Darwin. Survial of the fittest blah blah blah.

Phoenix said...

@ anon#2

Cross-sex (that term sounds positively wierd to me btw) friendships can be long lasting and fulfilling when the guy realizes and accepts the fact that the girl is never gonna be more than a friend inspite of his feelings (or vice versa with girl realizing that).

Yeah I agree with that one. but it's definitely easier said than done. And very often lotsa things get complicated due to this.

arpana said...

hey ! ive been a tomboy for most of life now , and I ve had more guys as frnds than gals .... infact there were days when I d thot bein a guy is the best thing to happen ... Ive got some pretty good frnds since school who have been frnds forever and will be so! We've been thro all the pahses ( I think) ... from being buddies to the awkwardness during adolscence to being misunderstood by my best frnd's GF and now ... being there for each other. I u ask me do I love them ? Yea I Do , but not the way the world would like to think ... I can never dream about them roamntically , yet they would be the first to know about anything and everything .... Its the "nazariya" and the understanding that matters.

I have made a coupla good frnds after my teens and I kno that we can never be romantically involved .. wont go on and on cos this is a comment and not a blog ;-) but then dear ... yea ... looks shld neva matter ... never even look at the ppl who think looks are the A and Z of the world

Phoenix said...


well, as I said the other day, we seem to have plenty of things in common :D
U are spot on when u say that understaning is the most crucial aspect...

Thanx for droppin by and sharin ur views..and yes, i KNOW how little looks count without even having to ask elders around. But i was talkin of general perceptions. Like if u just have to ask somebody standing around u a casual question, how much of his good looks, rather than lack of them can affect you. As u say, in long term, we learn a lot of things and know ppl better, but isnt our presentability a parameter to our approachability, to that initial barrier?
and I dont think friendship is an absolute commitment-free bargain. People do expect thngs out of their frnds, though expectation is a topic I can say so much on that probably I'll make a post on this soon. but anyway, there has to eb a certain leel of nderstanding, a depth of obligations and a commitment in frndship too, fot it to hav a meaning. The beauty of frndship is that all this comes naturally and implicitly in it, where as in love, very often, well....u-know-wat.

Anonymous said...

har cheez pe control thode hi hota hai

At least is cheez pe to bilkul nahi hota.

shaurya vaani said...

well as far as looks goes,i dont think looks matter much when we r talking abt friendship.But to an extent it matters when relationships r concerned.

abt the opposite sex frdship nd love issue,i m of a very strong opinion tht people of opposite sex can be really gud frds nd probably best frds without bringing the love element into the picture.u kmow wat....almost all the girls i know here r commited but still they r my gud frds.

Ravi Handa said...

well i do take looks into consideration iff its with the opposite sex. i cant be friends with someone pretty.

Phoenix said...


Neither can I...


. : A : . said...

Very interesting discussion going on here on the topic. I don't think you can really generalize on this, but I don't think geneder should really be a criteria at the end of the day. There is so much more to friendship than the gender of the person.

Anonymous said...

i feel that this blog comes straight out of your life.But the question that you have put intrigues me, as in it can only mean two things that either you are afraid of relationships or you are waiting for the right person. Taru in both these cases the onus is on both people involved in the relationship to judge whether they are at that high comfort level which can be termed as love.
All cross gender friendships do not end up in love or sorrow, but i feel even if one person acts a little too premateurly, or hardly understands the partner then that love term can cause problems, for a cross gender relationship to turn to love there is that extra warmth that is required which can only be recognised by the people involved only in due time and not a moment before its due. i would say that the question cannot be answered in a straight i would say that you need to see a little more around you before you
establish an opinion.

Phoenix said...

@ .:a:.

Well, thats what i think..and mst ppl think this way for their own self, but somehow someone else around us in a cross sex frndship doesnt make us think that way
We DONT always take things rationally. If a guy and a girl are seent together, good frnds talkin, the first thought that crosses everyone's mind is u-know-wat, while when it comes to our own self, we might not even realise it


hey thanx for droppin by

i know exactly wat u mean. i appreciate ur concern.

Kaala Kavva said...
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Kaala Kavva said...

prad i disagree

handa didnt get a chapaat if u look at it with a microscope..

Handa: i cant be friends with someone pretty.

Dead Bird: Neither can I...
(dead bird=feenix)

So dead bird can't be friends with some1 pretty...
Looking at handa's pic...
I dont think he's pretty...

Hence no chapaat 2 no1....

(To avoid any future misconceptions pretty is only used for girls...)

Phoenix said...

what the hell is going on here?

Mountain out of a mole!

Chapaat to the colorful keeda for this...

Ravi Handa said...

:) i bow to thee

Argentyne said...

Phoenix, Handa was asking for my help so that he could reply to your awesome reply to his comment :D. Way to go! :D

btw, I think looks are important only for a very short while. Unless someone's very repulsive, (which is rare) its more bout the way they speak that matters, non?

About the cross-sex friendship thing, it works till a certain level, I think if you get intimate you'd certainly be taking the risk of either falling in love or being fallen in love with. Always helps if the friend is already hooked up ;) though sometimes that might leave lesser time for you :D. Quite a complicated situation and very subjective :)

Phoenix said...

OMG...this day needs to be marked in history...was the comment before last was from the great Handa himself or am i hallucinating!



Well, thanx for dropping by, and that comment on my comment too;)

as for the topic in question, yeah i agreed it is a VERY subjective issue( the average length of all comments proves that) and very individual-based.

But i like that part, that it always helps if ur frnd is hooked up. I alwyas look for that, or else, try and get my frnd hooked up asap

Anonymous said...

Hmm...even I tried to think on these lines. I observed my own friendships with girls; well to me they seem perfectly platonic (though I have no idea how good I am at judging people and their psychologies).

But yes, cross-sexual friendships do have their advantages. One, like you said, if a guy wants to disclose a side of himself to someone which he feels is potentially embarrassing to reveal to a group of boys, friendship with a caring and understanding girl does help.

On the contrary, a boy provides a girl a very comforting shoulder to cry on. Because a male has an inherent "protector and provider" feel towards any girl. Also a trait which my best friend observed was that A GIRL MAY HAVE MANY GIRLFRIENDS, BUT HER BEST FRIEND WILL ALWAYS BE A BOY...think about it