What do you call someone who spends the 23 hours preceding two exams they know almost NOTHING about, self-confessed, whiling away time on the net, on blogs and messengers, on arbit thought journeys, on talking nonsense, on crappy writing, on scolding friends to study, on planning out fruitlessly what all to study just half an hour later-of course, the half an hour never came- on feeling sleepy, but not even sleeping....someone who does all this and ruins the paper completely, and still grins.."All right 5 down, one to go!" upon submission of a blank(almost) answer sheet?
Stupid? Crazy? Mad? Phoenix?
PS. Don't think I feel any guilty...I have another exam on monday, and have elaborate weekend plans about going out an having fun....
well i would call that SOMEONE an ENGINEER :P
this is a typical engineer...barring a few maggu aka ghissu ppl who spoils the WHOLE BATCH :D
typical engineer.
nice to hear that.:))))))
A typical IITian.
Stupid? Crazy? Mad? Phoenix?
Well, i would say that someone includes 80-90% of the junta of 2004 CH Dep. I mean you obviously are not looking at others while writing all this stuff.
Ma'am, you may not agree right now. But within a week or so, you'll also believe that you did much better than most of us.
BTW, if you didn't notice. I gave a completely blank sheet half an hour before you and moved out.
i call that a show-off
Ill call that someone "ME"
...Enjoy urself...
Kon?? + andy r absolutely correct
infact i think I agree with all the comments.. ALL...
almost every exept mayank types can be called some1
callin ur stupid crazy and complicated is a good way of receiving praiseful denials
"No no! ur not bad!!!" types
good istyle...
hey that seems like :D
infact that's the best way to describe me during exam time...are you my clone or what ? he he:P
but I ve only two papers and one of the papers is open notes, second is humanities so haven't even and there is also one lab exam which is online so it's not even worth mentioning :P
This is the reason I've not even bothered to start yet will do so on monday ...what's ur gmail Id?
oye ... havn't seen a "sane" engg student being any different :P
may be u r not meant for iit.by the way wat is ur cgpa?????
Reading all these comments after a break of one weekend full of masti, I instantly feel very happy...because I realise I have a lot of company
Thanx Kon, chandu,Pommu,Banner, AFF and others for support
Thanx mani for callinmg me attention crazy and show-off. i like ur honesty.
well, it was u who didnt let me study na, before the paper, s it was natural both of us ended the way we did
C'mon had i ur crses i wdnt even have bothered to write a post on minors..thats just too insignificant!!!
ya, perhaps not. but cgpa is such a wrong question to ask!
oye andy is the reason we both cud not study in the last .5 hr or for me maybe u + andy.. pls decide n temme
I call it being a member of the Procrastinator's Club. I am obviously a special member. I have an exam on Tuesday and iam whiling away time here;-)
cool stuff you got here
~ anon
hey u just reminded me of the "Ashes" again, even though that was nt the purposes of ur comment I guess:P
I think I shd watch the highlights again now.
thanx for dropping by.
well, urs is till TUESDAY
I made the post preceding this one at 4 in the night when I had avery tough exam the next mornin, which i obly messed up, and half an hour before my exams i ws replying to comments here!
~~typical student. dont exclude other stream students also. yeah they mite not be that typical..~~
dunno ask non engg stream people too :P
normal iitian guy/gal :D ...not fresher:P
Welcome to the club!!!
For a change?
When do i ever study?
Though I agree this was thr first time I gave it a total quits...not even touching books\
Sort of lost enthu!
And no, it's not Rajat's effect,..puh-leeease!
Reminds me of me.
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