My apologies to everyone who tried reading the post before this one and did not understand it!(I know it was horribly arbit, and very tough to make sense outta, unless you are familiar with a certain level-less (tending to minus infinity) level of PJing and uchhalofication that some of the more enlightened individuals in my college(including me(and also Ze Chapaater) ) are familiar with!)
Sorry, er...I guess I was just trying to be a little funny and light-hearted here on this page, and inadvertently, my weight reduced to almost zero!!!!:P
Coming to my little funny life that I realise I share so little with my diary these days, well, all I can say is that life is getting cuter and funnier each day. Minors(yes again, exams exams and more exams....IITD loves them (so do I actually, they give me a lot of free time)) are underway...Actually they are 33.33% through! I must also mention that the ones that are through are the only ones I like somewhat, or know anything of. Everything else is French Greek Dutch and Latin to me. But...What the hell! I'm enjoying my joblessness!
My Humanities exam today had Poetry plus a couple of decent novels in the syllabus, and as such it went fine(though I didnt read the novels to completion and wasn't even concerned about poetry) but it left me wondering later about something I had gained an insight into, thanx to this course(which is rare, how opften do you actually learn something in a course!). I have not really been a very big fan of poetry that doesn't rhyme, but of late I find myself appreciating free verse better. At the same time, I also realised how much can a poem, or any piece of lit for that matter, can be (and is,if it's of any consequence) dissected to reduce it to cruel shreds of an otherwise apparently beautiful piece of art! Not there's much fault there, but sometimes it feels so cruel to leave the "feel" aside and focus instead on the literary device and the rudeness of the imagery! I don't know if even the author actually thinks in so much detail and plans his work out with that much precision...Shalabh felt authors do, but I wasn't too sure. Definitely there's some thought process(unless u write impromptu meaningless crap like me, but then, I'm no author/poet, not even an amateur) that goes into it, but am not sure about the extent...unless it is written for the critics only.
The same question can also be asked about other forms of art, viz. paintings, music and movies. Music I can still understand, but about the others, well...I guess I don't really know?
One more thing, are there any poetry editors in India, or elsewhere?(I hope u get what I imply the term to mean, in analogy with editors of another genres of literature)
Of course, the more important question is, should there be any literature editors at all, and I don;t really see the need, but am just wondering if there are any!
I feel like dwelling on this further, though I'm repeatedly reminded of my exam at 11 tomorrow, which I know nothing of. OK I'll keep it short. The question that's bugging me actually is this editing funda. (OK it's not bugging me, I just feel like thinking deeper into it). Should art have editors? Did I hear censorship? Yeah, that's what...the concept like "poetic license". Does art lose its meaning and relevance if we impose limits on it, or is it a just price to pay for the sake of abstract concepts of society, culture, civilization, impact, tolerance etc etc which everyone is familiar with. I'd have given my own views here, but I have time constraints...I've ''employed''(:P:P:P:) some ppl to teach me some basic concept, and I can't keep them waiting forever!
Ha...see I have to edit this post, and my thought process.
Life...edited and censored out!!:)
hmmm ... talking about censorship , I guess there is a brigade which decides wat shld go in and wat shld be left out , check out my blog ... the recent doodle has shocked many a people !!!!
>My apologies to everyone who tried reading the post before this one and did not understand it
your apologies are accepted :)
btw yeh waali post funny thi :o ??
god knows :) or maybe u know :)
Understand ur point of view....Who the hell decides the shoulds and shouldnots, of crse IF there need to be any sgds and shd nots in the first place!
nahi funny nahi
general si thi...
Respect ur views, as in understand wat u r trying to say..Guess Sanil and Art n Tech have left a huge impact on u..
yeah come level wat u say is true, but as prad sayas, things for commercial use only...m....i dont know, am i thinkin too much?
i dont kno bout poetry editors but u seriously need a POST EDITOR.
btw... the word tht i m supposed to type for verification is "wankoo"... now u need to do some censoring here too...
For several pieces of art, be it writing or visual, I often feel there is more disection than the thinking that goes into the creating. Often, the creatvie process is more subconscious and less deliberate.
i dont think that ay really.but it is the other point of view...i'm jus tryin to be a little broad on the outlook here!
who asked for ur gratuituous advice on that?
Absolutely agree with u..that's why i was wondering, we dissect so cruelly somethign that wasnt even writtenw ith souch deep intentions
for one, everyone is free to express whatever he/she likes.(pradyot prefers to display his pic upside down, i don't, others don't show theirs)It is a matter of taste as long as you don't force anything on somone.Ever wondered how come the singer whom you loathe so much has so many fans? Its the difference and hate for your dislikes that brings on comtempt, let anyone burn gelatin papers on canvas and sell to anyone, if you don't like it its fine. let mallika do movies, if you don't like the movie just don't watch it. ya i know, it feels bad when someone goes aginst your definition of what art is, but then nothing is absolute, who's to decide which definition is right?
u don't have to apologize at all. it's ur blog after all and u can write anything u please.
@brood mode
hehe....but some ppl think they can be post editors for me!:P
Right, Everything is absloutely relative!
Subjectivity is the essence of art,so i think any artist worth his salt believes that instead of the end,it's the process itself that's the product.Art
by its very nature is open to views of all sorts.And it's somewhat debatable
whether these discussions/dissections should go on even at the chagrin of the creator him/herself...afterall kafka's
friend didn't keep his promise to him,but in the process did such a great favour to the world.
as far as writing is concerned...its creativity...wot the writer feels is written...just thoughts penned can b pathetic or wonderful...depends...but its creativity still the same...and people write just coz they feel like it...they write their feelings..its for read it if u like and dt read read it if u think its pathetic...but i dt think there shud b editors for this who can curb creativity...the writing has to b from the heart...without ne cut-paste;-)
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