Tuesday, November 08, 2005


A creep.
Agonisingly slow, yet tangibly quick.
The shadows continue to creep onto the night, to grow upon a wasted, scared body lying invisibly cloaked in its own smugness at a certain forbidden corner.
Darkness is supposed to hide the dark and blur the gloomy, into a state of an almost non-existence, into the security of a fallacy. But there are a few gruesome myths that darkness inflates and accentuates, like shadows. And that is why, despite the darkness, they continue to grow conspicuously upon and inside him, where they evanesce into another far-more powerful, resident darkness.
The creep continues to tantalise.
While shadows percolate the pores in time, and darknesses pour into each other, the body writhes in the pain of rejection and oblivion. The forbidden corner is both uninhabited and overpopulated, both aloof and chattering and currently it is intruded by blood, alien molecules and a bereavement of speech.
And the deafeningly silent noises of a certain pair of approaching footsteps.
They didn't kill him, because they couldn't kill what really was him. What they wanted lies between his two legs, actually beneath, but he wasn't going to 'speak up' even if his throat wasn't this alien to voice. His personal darkness was too powerful. Weakened by an invisible yet allied force, all they managed was to cut off his eleven 'fingers' and throw him in this forbidden corner alone where shadows and darknesses grew into his disgraceful existence of both the present and the past that now creeps upon him. Wounds, visible and invisible, suck an undeserved life out; time seeks its revenge and sucks his self-esteem.
There's noone, yet now the approaching footsteps are almost-audibly close.
He seeks redemption, he seeks escape. But life has to be just to him; actions need to be paid back for.
Death comes, but minus an embrace.


arpana said...

intense , brooding, dark and good !

Voice said...


seem to me like a prelude of a novel..

description was good and ingenious.

Kon ?? said...

:o :o :o ??

mIncl said...

kya? are u all right? why are you rolling and writhing in pain?

Phoenix said...


thank you..
novel..dunn, but prelude, yes, perhaps!

@kon ??
I knew it, u wdnt understand this post... actually tough hai!
but in case u did, and got even THE hidden meaning in it, then, well, great. But I doubt it!

who said it's about me stupid..
read that arefully..HIM
And, I can speak, and I am not THAT dark!

Raja said...
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Anonymous said...

What these observations and theories highlight is that each and every entity is not distinct but in some subtle manner, connected and is a part of this self-regulated existence. Each one of them has a role to play and one common, unified aim. The amazing part, is the manner in which all of us, rather, 'the whole' is able to communicate with every part of itself and is contained in each of its bits. The Morphogenetic Field Theory and the Holographic Theory make us realize that we all are, in many ways connected and affected by every event that takes place.

VERTIGO said...

The poor guy always dies :D,what do you mean by "What they wanted lies between his two legs"?????:O:O

Anonymous said...

Successfully achieved randomness deserves to be appreciated appropriately...good job!

. : A : . said...

Dark and well written. Almost gothic.

Phoenix said...

U too
Pulling my leg!

huh! u r getting affected by wat's happenign to th guy in this post...
save urself...
MFT is dangerous!

sorry yar next time wont kill him
and that part, well...dont ask me

thanx...credit my prof too, in whose lecture this was possible..

Raja said...
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Raja said...
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radiohead said...

nice but scary story. something btw his legs interested everyone reading this haan :) ....

hey cudnt u be a bit generous .. and leave his fingers as it is .. whn he was to be killed .. why cut his fingers ...

and yes ur style of writing has alwayz been good .. no need of me to tell tht ... evry one here knws ..

and hey u have been tagged for both .. the first & the second one .. and u dare not escape any of them .. or ........

Phoenix said...


thnx for reading.

1.well, i hate to explain...but i can give u a good explanation of wat is wat in the post..and it only reflects perversion of thought if all u guys just think of one thing..think laterally..
2. i have deliberately left things to imagination, so that everyone can use lateral imagination, but unfortunately, ALL OF you are perverts!

yeah, sadly so!
Scary, haan, the bigger picture in my mind is even darker, but thats just my imagination..

fingers..well..effect ke liye..a slow excriciating dath...he deserves it.

tag...well..i cant do first one..sec is easier...can tdo first.
dont know myself.

Ravi Dixit said...

kharnaak post hai :O
mujhe kuch bhi nahin kehna..chup hi sahi hoon

insane said...

dark nd intense !! well written...tho didnt get hold of lot of things..

johney said...

The Last Embrace of the Mother, that is what death is called by the Boderlanders( In Wheel of Time series ). It is said that to the trained mind, death is another journey.
Nice post over all. I hope the 11th finger stays in darkness when it is not needed.

Piyush said...

kuch nahi samjh aya ..as itna ki kiso maar ke uske fingers kaat liye!! wo bhi 11 fingers??? gory!

Grease Lightning said...

tantalisingly dark and eerie.
really well written,and the message it sends accross is really awesome.it conveys a lot of things
Firstly your shadow is the only companion for life and secondly it give a sneak peek into the ultimate reality of life which is Death, which sucks the life out of you, but doesnt suck the soul. In a way its never a person who dies , its only his body that perishes.
well done.

Anonymous said...

i guess i am just too tired right now to understand the post. Or maybe Canada has somehow weakened my comprehension abilities. I think I will give it another go in the morning when I am fresh.

Phoenix said...


u deleted ur comment!


arey i hrd lots of tareef abt u kal...from a junior of urs!:P
anyway, as for the post..koi na...it's very vague i know

It is said that to the trained mind, death is another journey
Very true.
Thanx for ur comemnt.

Yeah, gore....

Yeah, please do...but i have to accept...it's a little tough to comprehend, because there's too much to imagination.
it's meant to be dark.

@grease lightning.
gosh! thanx man
I didnt expect u to understand or appreciate his post at all..yeah it's eerie..like my mind!

Thanx a lot.

insane said...

wat !! who has been spreading rumours abt me...tareef & me ?? opposite poles..need to talk to u abt this yaar..i dont remember any junior of mine in IITD ??

Anonymous said...

arey but i know ur juniors in iitk na
somebody from there told me!

Anand said...

somehow reminds me of the prolouge of some dan brown novel...though tougher to comprehend.

insane said...

i think u or anon is confusing me with some1 else in iitk...thank god !!...i am not in iitk..but u do know my real name..dont u ? i deduce that from ur last comment on my post..

Anonymous said...

To be very frank I have got very very litle of this blog of yours...
but this is 3rd or 4th article that I am reading of yours...most of them r on death. Why so?????
Do you like it???or are you trying to remove the fear of it by jotting it down......

Anonymous said...

Well written! It's too roundabout and annoyingly complicated on first-read but it kinda gets better on re-read. But I still didn't get the "ha ha ha" part of it. There's nothing really funny about cutting off a well..."finger"