Monday, November 07, 2005


DISCLAIMER: I feel funny saying this but I need to spell this out. Whatever I have said in this post is purely an opinion, my honest opinion, probably stupid, extremely foolish and perhaps as irrational as one gets. But then I'm stupid, foolish and dumb, and that in no way stops me from having an opinion, and expressing it, at least here. BUT pls I do not wish to hurt anyone, or anybody's sensibilities. I beg for tolerance, and if that's not possible, pls ignore me as an inconsequential bit of scum, Thank you.

Are you religious?
I know this is a fairly dicey question to ask, if not outrightly absurd, but I really wanna know this: What is religion? And what is being religious? Also, what is, if at all there is, any difference between the two terms?

Of course I'm talking in the Indian perspective, mainly because that's what I'm really familiar with, but I'm NOT talking about any particular religion, in that sense of the term, at all. I refrain from elaborating on any one perspective of what I essentially call Faith-with-a-fraud-name, and let's not mix my views with anybody else's. I respect yours, and I just want a little space for mine.
Because I feel I'm a fairly confused youngster, who hardly understands life and some of the more important things there are in it. Maybe I will, with time. But currently I'm restricted with a narrow perview on most things, and I shall speak from what I observe and feel. Because last week, I suddenly felt I'm not the only one who feels lost and confused, and basically un-belonging, when it comes to domains like this. what is religion? what does being a Hindu, Muslim, christia, sikh or Parsee mean to us, or to the little kid who is growing up in a strange world where he's expected to embrace several things as HIS realities even without a choice or an understanding. We are told about religion, we are told that this book is holy, that this idol is of somebody with this name and this legend behind it, that this place and these places are holy, that these days are sacred, that these set of things demands respect, and that this defines you to the world. Even as I type this I feel again that it is a fairly strong statement to make, but isn't it then a fairly strong fact we accept as a part of our existence extremely conveiently.
I don't know what I'm getting to here, so I'll get to what brought me here. It was Diwali and Eid recently. Both are important festivals in India, and fairly significant because I feel I can use them for generalisation. Sitting in the Puja at Diwali, I feel slightly ashamed to admit that my mind was wandering a lot, away from the ritual. But there it is, I don't even know why I feel ashamed. Probably because I've grown up with something that tells me that I SHOULD. But at some level I can't connect with it. I feel helpless saying this but I always find myself arguing this to myself:

I'm not debating about the existence of God. It's essentially a question of Faith, and belief, and I don't find anything wrong in believing, or not-believing for that matter. It's highly individualistic and subjective. I can't profess strong belief in God, neither will I say I'm an atheist, but if one believes God exists, then God exists everywhere. He doesn't live in a temple or a mosque. Neither does HE demand ceremonies and "visible respect", and puja with certain things and foods. Do we remember God, 'only', or 'more', at certain days? Then why the farce of the "ritual" exercise! If it's purely ideological, how can we pas on ideologies to an individual who's only a kid yet as THE ultimate truth. Aren't ideologies 'adopted' BECAUSE we believe in them?
God to me is a faith, a self-moral-policing, an attempt at rendering FORM to your conscience, irrespective of what name we give this. It's an acceptance of superiority to thyself, and respect. We call certain ppl gods, and equally often. Gods do fall for us. Coming back to the religios sese, there's of course nothing wrong in the way this form is expressed and perceived by people, I'm nobody to decide that, but I'm sorta disillusioned by the whole thing. Yes, I accept I've been to temples, churches, gurudwaras and mosques-I don't know why, but maybe because my parents took me there, because I like the PEACE of these places, and I like the beauty of these places. But commodification and commercialisation of faith hurts me. When things become and are passed on and forced as customs and rituals, it hurts. When I hear remixes of popular Hindi songs as bhajans and watch 2 hour "religious" channels and see fashionable/painful "compulsions" of religion, I feel humiliated. I don't see any faith, any God, and any sanctity there. And I cannot bring myself to conform with the "shoulds" then.
People pray everyday, keep fasts and accept a lot of things and actions as holy, even thought they would agree with some of the irrationality that I just mentioned. At one level, that's hypocrisy, and yes, I accept that somewhere even I am a part of this. I'm a hypocrite. But in moments like these, these questions and absurdities return to haunt me.
I feel the evil is within, within everyone and inevitably a Good-vs-Bad war has to be set up, so there's the God outside, who has been benevolently given a physical presence so that we do the "good" things that we must somewhere. But as long as the evil is within, is there a point?
Is there a point in NOT lying in a holy place when you conveniently lie outside? God, IF HE exists, does He not exist outside?


inhas said...

Actually I am not the right person to answer it cause I am bit of an atheist myself but I believe that religion is a way of life. You do not have to stick to one religion, you can make your own religion as you go along. The evil resides in everybody but so does god. Religion lets you choose when the devil is alive inside you and when the god wakes up. In the mean time do not get haunted during pujas but remember this dialogue from Deewar
" bhai maa prasad samajh kar deti hai tum mithai samajh kar kha liyo karo"

VERTIGO said...

Religion,kya yaar kuchh achha likhne ko nahi mila??Itna conntroversial likhogi to Shiv sena aur KAshmiri extremist dono ghar mein ghus jayenge dharna dene.Kabhi kabhi aapke post padhke rone ka dil karta hai.

N David said...

Religion and God I feel are products of a confused and frightened humanity that could not define/ understand a lot. Religion went on to become a power tool and God? a Joke.

From a 'spiritual non religious' turned Atheist point of view, it is easier to get by life without this divine presence. Erasing God gives u a lot of answers his presence cant give.

Anonymous said...

life is so uncertain and at times so scary that sometimes it just makes sense to believe in god. I mean you need someone to thank when you escape death in a bomb blast, dont you? whom can you thank.. easiest answer is God. Anyway, i love being religious and traditional because somehow it makes me happy.

mIncl said...

This question needs hours of debate and would still not be answered. I wish i had time to share some of my thoughts with you.I've thought about religion and related stuff and I have although gained a lot I still feel I am nowhere.

PS - Its good to be back after a break.

Phoenix said...


Yeah nice dialogue...all boils down to perspective u may say..but in the end, doesnt the whole thing end u with a very hollow feeling...

Sorry apko poochhke likhna chahiye na blog pe...
main darti nahi kisi se, par kisi ko bhi offend karna mera aim nahi hai
aur ro mat yar...i hate tears paro

Joke it certainly is, but it certainly has a huge power to impact, doesnt it..
We live in a country where politics is religion based, life is "religiousness dictated" and spenidng 100 crores of public money on making yet another temple is a mass-accepted and celebrated phenomenon.
and despite that, how many ppl understand the essence of religion..

So is that just a defence mechanism....a sort of backup plan, a shield for u...
If it makes u happy it's ok, infact grt...but at times it makes me feel deceptive and hollow too...

Kya ho gya bahi? max busy?
humse thoughts share karna ka bhi time nahi:(

mIncl said...

last week i was home on diwali holidays and yes i am now kinda max busy, project deadline is catching, but don't worry, ek comment a day ke liye to time nikal jayega.(although its second this day)

Phoenix said...


Hey I'm sorry to say this but don't you think the way u put it, in the last sentence of ur comment, have u, at some level, reduced religion to yourself as a matter of CONVENIENCE?

To quote from the post
the God outside, who has been benevolently given a physical presence so that we do the "good" things that we must somewhere

What 'm saying is that havent we all reduced the whole concept to a farcical means of self-gratification. Or is it just that we have given a "physical" form to the voices of our own conscience and the convenient means to ourselves to turn to every now and then to gratify ourselves of our "normal" lives and sins where we conveniently go on ignoring our own voices of consciousness, because we have given in our acceptance to the fact that we MUST.

i'm sorry if I sound as if i'm preaching or offending anyone, because that's not the aim. Think about it IF you wish to, and dont tell me if u dont want, but i'd be glad if ppl think.


Phoenix said...

Glad u see the point.

It's all about belief afterall, and ur answer to this is as true as mine.

It's all about ur belief and mine, and i respect urs as much as i believe mine.

it keeps me satisfied
Exactly the aim of FAITH....though u might see ur own definition of satisfaction change with perspective, when u put convenience apart.

can`t expect billions on this planet to have a common mode of practising religion, right
No, but it';s more like I cannot expect one billion, or even two, ppl to have the same FAITH..the same conviction and belief.
AND the beauty is that despite that, faith eventually is one ,and universal. that's what ppl call God.

pretty serious u`ve got abt it btw
U cant imagine how serious...have a quiz in an hour dammit..and i am not studying because I have just been thinking, discussing, debating over this.

Me and my beliefs!

Kon ?? said...

sorry this was tooo big a post !!
so just read the last line..

>God, IF HE exists, does He not exist outside?
whoz HE here ? is HE, ur would-be-husband ??
then u seems to be asking if hez a videshi (OUTSIDER) or not :P :))))

Dreamcatcher said...

You really have chosen a very complex topic. "the opium of the masses"To be very frank its something that bothered me a lot too. My immediate family isnt religious at all. Some members of my family are staunch believers. I ve grown up with this very neutral belief - if someone has faith that gives them strength then good for them. But personally i have no conviction in rituals - what is my sitting at a puja going to do?Ive been to Mass, ive been to pujas for diwali. it certainly awes me but i dont find any logic in the pujas. but really this is a personal opinion. and i have deep respect for people who are believers. however i believe that your faith i yourself and all around you are tested in times of crises - maybe my crises havent come yet for me to reach out to some faith to sustain me.

Anonymous said...

i have almost similar thing to say...

i just think sometimes ...those who show beliefs in idols temples mosques etc., they gain some mental peace atleast some possitive energy after praying in front of idol or temple,mosque ...watever.. and i can't feel the same...becoz my mind wanders :P


desperado said...

religion is faith in the one power that u can fall back in times of crisis.
as one of frnd said God is an emotion -a hope.

Azeem said...

I can understand your confusion phoenix..sometimes doubts about religion and God creep into my minds too..but i always try to find answers from religious texts for my doubts and never have i failed to find a answer...thats why i stick frimly to my religion.

Phoenix said...

If that was meat to be a joke..I havent heard a worse one in decades...


and the way i look at it, its more like the same conscience thing that we encounter at EVERY big or small junction of our lives...that is wat is Faith, and religion is a false anme for nothing.
u don need a crisis to realise this.

the mental peace is there..depende who gts it where and how much.

nice definitions..
open to debate, but nice.

And dont all religions, all holy books say essentially the same thing...their own way!
Then , what is YOUR religion?

If that's what ur answer was and that's why u stopped, then u MUST read the post further. because it's not about being religious at all

radiohead said...

highly intellectual .. did u had bounvita milk in d breakfast. And achanak where frm came this religion stuff ??

and then tht gods existence or not ..

i hav had enough of these .. so no comments.

insane said...

yuppie...i was looking for something interesting to read on the net and here is ur post..once again good one !!
I am an atheist. I dont believe in god for the simple reason that humans when start believing in this supernatural force tend to differentiate among themselves based on their foolish turn leading to the growth of the concept of religion, which i believe is somewhere or the other a great EVIL & root cause.
We are hypocrites when we turn to GOD only when we need him or at times of rituals just bcoz we are told to do so..hardly ne of us believe in it..
my personal experience at durga pujas is is less of idol worship or reverence to the almighty but more of other pompous things..
I strictly believe if one needs to believe in GOD it shd be restricted to ur heart and mind as a person to bend infront of.we dont need religion,holy texts,temples etc for it..but unfortunately i dont c ppl doing so !!

radiohead said...

nad hey u hav been tagged. To see wht ur suppposed to write visit d blog. cya .

Ravi Dixit said...

i will come back later and say something more but for now i would just like to say that "I feel the evil is within, within everyone" is true. As true as "the good is within, within everyone". Keeping in mind that our nature is Divine we will be come out of all confusions.

just returned from a journey, a bit tired.

Raja said...

1. "God. It's essentially a question of Faith, and belief" -- nah. it's a question of imagination, and deriving a sense of security/whatever from that imagination.

I wish to be part of the religion-industry some day. be a guru, may be B-). saath dena tab

Kon ?? said...

mez honoured to say the worse joke of the decade :))))))))

Phoenix said...

Intellectual ka pata nahi, universal fight to hai..and didnt coem in one day, have been mulling over this a lot for a few days

Well, I'm flattered with that first line!:P
I dont believe in god for the simple reason that humans when start believing in this supernatural force tend to differentiate among themselves
Loved this line!
as a person to bend infront of
Not even a person, just a fiath, just a belief. anything cd symbolise that for me, and that becomes sacred to me. but what's sacred to me doesnt have to be holy to u.

thanx for ur comment. Felt nice to see concurent thoughts somewhere!

Very true, very sweet!
Very optimistic.

deriving a sense of security/whatever from that imagination.

Looks like u wanna make that "whatever " mean MONEY.
waise religion has becom a huge business , bahut paisa hai. go ahead.

@kon ??

Azeem said...

well,if u ask i am a muslim,thats a part of my identity, my way of life,its true all religions preach good against evil,but the point i wanted to make was that you should try to clear your doubts rather than live with them,then may be you will be more satisfied with the ideology called religion.

johney said...

There is no good or evil, only power and those who are too weak to get it.

In this world that we leave in, bad is not bad and good is no longer good.

Phoenix said...

Got ur point...though i still believe all 'spritiual books'are fancy catalysts to a universal self-realizable process

yeah it's all about perspective

Anonymous said...
See you.

I.D. said...

i identify with your views and especially the 'mind wandering away' during diwali pujas. well written piece. :)