Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I've been trying to write this for three days now.
Two huge posts have been typed and discarded, because words somehow don't do justice to what I feel like saying.
For the final time.
So I'll be objective now.
I started this blog at a time when I had my first one up and running full throttle, as a 'diarý', where I could write things other than the poetry n prose crap I wrote there. Then, one day, my blogging identity started fighting with my real identity, and I needed to free myself of ancient baggage and words that were trapping me. It became necessary for my survival, and thus on 15th of June, I shut it down. And this one too
At the beginning of this semester, I felt like giving life another chance, and restarted this one.
It worked well, I wrote fairly regularly, and over the last 75 posts this semester, this page got more readers as well. I'm grateful to all of you.
But once again, my blog is questioning my identity, and I dont want it.
I don't want that people read this blog just because it's a girl's blog, or even because it's blog, because a LOT of people know who I am, in person, and this very fact takes away from me my freedom to express what I want to, without value judgements and all other kinds of opinions being formed on me. I do not give anyone the right to decide on me and about me for random reasons. This is(was) my page, I wrote it for myself. But if people in ym college start calling me Phoenix instead of who I am, if random ppl who obviously know me make shocking comments anonymously like Comment #22 here or Comment #16 here, I feel the need of drawing a line, at the end of a very eventful semester.
I refuse to be exploited like this; I refuse to be made an object of observation and comment.
Because you like reading it?
I dont think so.
Most of you dont.
Reasons range from no reason to for fun to for curiosity sake, since this is a GIRL's blog, or because maybe I left a comment on yours someday.
Do you think I left that comment so that you came here, or for some other ''sinister'' reason other than the plain fact that I most probably liked reading what you wrote!
But reverred people now tell me that I comment because I have nothing better to do, and just to attract attention. I'm sorry but I wont take so much insult. Yes, I cant stop anybody from having an opinion. I respect their right to have one.
But I also respect my own self-esteem, my right to exist the way I want to, and my right to express wat I feel like.
Go ahead, call me a new-age insensitive woman if you want to.
As if I care!
I crave for equality(now my previous post makes even more sense to me) which was the reason I first started blogging because I had thought at least here I could be what I am, and I could be judged, if at all, based on what I thought and wrote irrespective of who or what I was born as, irrespective of whether I was Asian or African, rich or poor, boy or a girl.
I see that losing, and the "public" nature of this diary being way more painful than what I ever would have liked.
And that's why, I exercise my right to shut down the diary. I have my reasons, the ones I said here, and others, but I anyway dont see a need to justify myself any further to anybody.
Do me a favour, dont ask em questions.
If I need to express myself, I have other options. But no more posts here, and no more comments from me.
If you feel offended by anything I ever said, I'm sorry.
And thanx to all those who ever supported me.
A special thanx to my most dedicated commenter THE ANONYMOUS too.
I think this completes all the formailities.
Now just don't tell me I'm acting extreme, I know I am. But I dont need your opinion.
Infact dont just tell me ANYTHING at's not gonna make a difference to what I want to do.
I know a "Phoenix" cannot die.
But it can certainly hibernate.
Or confine itself somewhere where it is not seen, or heard.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the wind blows and takes along the leaves
the time goes and takes along what it ever bore
the wind and time carry on carrying
while we keep playing that, which is our chore

there was a time when you said, all you had were words
now you have something more, you're like the free birds.


Anonymous said...

Life comes a full circle ...

You should have given this link too.

Anonymous said...

Well i really respect your decision to shut down this be very frank i had myself felt that your writings are way too precious to be put up on a blog....Because people who are nothing for you end up assuming a false image and god knows why speak stuff that they really dont have the right to....
Move on...Keep writing...But for yourself...dont bring it in front of these people...they dont deserve to read it...
Good luck....

Anonymous said...

My my, it'll be a wonderful writing place I'll be losing out if you shut this one..Your posts were amazing, outright fluent, to say the least..Anyways, its your decision..once again, you're jus an awesome writer..keep it up..

Anonymous said...

your call..but yeah keep the writings goin
and truly ill still wait for that signed copy of your book.. :)
oh n yeah sometimes do keep dropping by on the blog...i guess u can still comment
take care
and yeah keep flyin phoenix

Anonymous said...

but one thing i'd like to say...
i still like envisager...had more feelings n touched more was truly humble request dont pull it down..though its a personal view

"I cannot die, for 'I' is just not this body
It is my soul, my heart, my mind
I cannot die, till the time
When my battle against fear is won
I cannot die, I'll only retire
From this world- when my job is done..."


Anonymous said...

i came to ur blog only a week b4, and so i wont say much. but i would say, that you write well. and all the best...

Anonymous said...

Hi, i have never before left a comment on your blog but just felt i had to now. I've been reading your blog for a few months and have to say i do enjoy it. I don't know you in person(live quite far away...a diff country in fact) and came across your blog quite randomly. It was just nice knowing your views/opinions and i could get a little insight into what life over there might be like. You have great writing skills. Best of luck =)

Anonymous said...


TARU this world isnt a good place .. but then MAZBOORI hai. And u dont need to give any explanations ..and nobodies askin u. And i wont even miss ya cause i knw tht u have stopped puttin ur thoughts out here ..... but they still exist ..

Words r all that i lack now ....
cya . Kidddo :)

Aur haan if u give tht book to dhruv .. mujhe bhi ek copie chahiye . Dogi na ??

And remeber I AM A FAN ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. I hope the phoenix will rise from the ashes again...

Anonymous said...

keep writing even if it is in a place where no one can read it...

Anonymous said...

I have regularly read your blog for quite a long period but never left any comments.
I have always enjoyed your writing and the comments/ reactions that followed. I have not always agreed with what was expressed but its still fine. We all have our own point of views.
With you shuttting the blog, i am goin to miss a real good source of reading well written thoughts, opinions and arguments.
I wish u all the best for all of ur further writings and hope u do write and preserve them, somewhere!!!

Anonymous said...

Well its your wish so do as ur heart tells u to..
Just keep writing for you write really well. your blog undoubtedly is THE best I have read so far for innumerable reasons and honestly I will miss it.
I have to search for a new place to stimulate my intellect..neways if u do write a book someday, gimme an autographed copy...all d best !!

A FAN :)

Anonymous said...

a very welcome decision indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

reconsider is what i can say..
we enjoy reading this space not becaz its a girls diary but its becaz phoeniz diary..

anyway its ur decision.its up to u.

all the best

Anonymous said...


I know, you probably wont change your opinions and we are not supposed to make any remarks..Its your diary, you choose not to write it.
I dont know you personally, and I like reading what you have to say. I dont form an image about you, based on what you write. I would hate to lose you not coz you have commented on my blog, but coz in remote sense you have called me "Didi"once:( and I dont know, how else I would know how my little sis is doing!

Anonymous said...

Let not anyone be the reason behind you closing your diary.Mean people come and go, nice people ignore those MEAN anonymous comments from people who have no BALLS to reveal their true IDIOTIC self.

Anonymous said...

You write for yourself.

Thats the comment you left at my blog when I questioned my reasons fr blogging and almost closed it down last month.And if it beginning to be otherwise , there is not much point.Its a personal decision of urs, and it deserves acceptance without questioning by everybody else.

About other observations , you write well.I had just one comment on your blog ever , and trust me , it wasnt out of any vested interests or compulsions.:).Some of the readers did see you as a human , rather than a girl.Wishing you all the best in whatever you do !:)

Anonymous said...

damn bad thing to happen! as a girl reading a girl's blog, i wasnt lookin for gossip or other juicy tidbits that others usually expect when 2 girls meet, we were and are 2 identites looking at each other in their entireity, I understand that something as personal as a diary if made public will have this eventaul end, no matter how interesting, objective or subjective it is, it has to end this way, cos there are pockets of thoughts that , when expressed do not make "social" sense and the person expressing is usually lablled gross or made the butt of all fun.
but then I actually feel enraged at these nobodies who take the fun out of life, I mean it is so ironical that just like apples, one rotten fool takes out the beauty in the rest of the lot .
may be I dont make sense ... or rather, I dont make structured sense here, but then you being you, know what im tryin to say ....
wont go off with all these statements of good wishes and stuff, I know i can reach you otherwise,I know this blog has had some good outcomes like for eg we meeting each other, and I intend to make the good things last by not sayin a good bye here, but actually start anew in a new mode.

Anonymous said...

Hi Taru,
you sound a bit like me when i rage about lost anonymity. Because at some point maybe people stop judging us objectively if they know who we are. and then there is the question of contexts and sometimes reading too much into things. I dont know you, I do know that you are 18, IITD and that your name is Taru. And really i dont know much about you. But yes, i do know that you write with a lot of depth, passion and beauty. You have opinions and you voice them. And this is your space. Dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise. I have contemplated closing down my blog many a time. Got bored, pissed off by comments, people but came back. I love blogging. And maybe you do too. As you said yourself the phoenix never dies, I am sure you shall be back very soon too.
As a parting shot - you write beautifully and your opinions are interesting. It was wonderful reading you. Do take care.

Anonymous said...

"And that's why, I exercise my right to shut down the diary."

Seems u r hurt but I sincerely hop u didnt meant it.u really write awesome and shud not get affected by some arbit nuisense.think over it again and u will surely get my point.


Anonymous said...

this is no way to do it. you should have deleted this blog. or atleast disabled the comments. this decision of yours is another attention grabbing scheme (at least to me). but obviously u kno better bout urself.. so go ahead. njoy

Anonymous said...

I would agree with Handa. Courage should not require comments.

Anonymous said...

@couple of comments above this one - Stop judging everyone guys.We dnt even understand ourselves and here we go around dropping judgements about someone we have never met.cut out this crap about courage.its silly in this context.

Anonymous said...

I am really shocked to see you shut down the blog,a visit to it was always a jouney deep into one of the most complex and minds at work,i am certainly going to miss your blog.
And,I would like to bring to your notice that the first time i commented on your blog,when i clicked on a link on anchals page.The name phoenix appealed to me a lot and so did you work which i read here.And,at that time I didnt knew you were a girl,only came to know about it through your posts coz u revealed that part of your identity urself in them(yaa...i never saw ur profile).

Not wishin to conclude I must say that in your act of closing this blog,i loose not a favorite blog but also a newly acquired friend.

If God wills we will meet again,just leave a comment on my blog and i will know u r back.

all the best--

Anonymous said...

Its tough to be anonymous on the internet..specially when you write about your thoughts on a blog. That need for anonymity has made me think about shutting my blog too many times , but you're courageous enough to do it as well.
It was great reading your posts and I'm glad to have met you in person as well.

Anonymous said...

y are u goin yaar??????????????
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont gooo.....
not again...


(....I knw i cant stop you....but will it help if i say ill really really miss you.....)


Anonymous said...

It is very nice that you are shutting down this blog, please do it, other wise frustrated people will keep on harassing you unessasrily, and i don't like those fking people, also it is not easy for a girl to survive in today's world, be it jobs or colleges or be it, but you have survived very well, kudos to you, you are an anomaly infact!!! but everything comes to an end so does your blog . . .achcha tha1

par ek baat kahu Taru Kapoor tu hai bahut mast cheez!!!

Anonymous said...

@Tera Deewana toh nahi hu main , magar . . .
You and your desperation.. I pity you dude...

Obviously upar wala comment mera nahi

Anonymous said...

@myself alias Mani

I am you , you are me Mani, why lying silly guy, don't discard the split that has already taken place, the split in your personality, you are scitzophreniatic, why lie to yourself, by calling yourself desperate, but then that is the only essense which splits your persona,keep it up.


See i have no personal grudges with you Taru, it's only male ego part of my cognition not able to withstand your charisma, a girl's charisma, i love you otherwise, and then, what else can i say, you can understand!!!

Anonymous said...

Kiddo,aap bachhi ho.Way too impulsive.Enjoy your Bombay stay.Delete this post and perhaps supply me with naya maal to read :D.

Anonymous said...

To tell u the truth I perfectly understand hw u feel...coz smth similar happened to me too...I started writing my blog so that I cud b me...cud write without thinking...but the URL got out and then every1 started reading many ppl who know me and ppl I dt wanna read my blog...i changed my URL...but dunno how effective that really got me so angry wen ever Tom,Dick and Harry came and asked me y did I write this and that...ITS MY BLOG for God's sake!!...and wen I sed that I dt like discussing abt my blog...or that its personal and dint want them to know...they say "its on the net so wots the big deal?"...the point is its on the net fine...ppl who surf blogs can read it...but ppl who know me as a person reading it just coz its my blog and just coz they r curious abt me and my thots...i dont like it at all!!!...but too bad u wont write...really luvd ur style...hope to c ya back into the blogworld soon tho!!!

Anonymous said...

Maan gaya be , Kalam main jadu hota hai ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh It always happens to us. Such balefulness shall not cease to exist but caring for them and letting them interfere is indicative of you losing to them.

Anonymous said...

again? dont do this....

Anonymous said...

again? dont do this plz...

Anonymous said...

I never knew who you are. I had no idea that you are a Girl. I thought phoenix might be a boy's name. You write so stronly, and your opinions are so hard that one cannot help but notice the force behind such words. And it is remarkable thing.

I don't know you, and you do not know me. I have no right to ask you not to go and I will not ask you. For you know yourself best and what you are doing is what is the best for you.

But, yes, we will be deprived of someone whose opinion I always valued, whose forceful words generates courage to those who read them. And for that sad.

But you will always be remembered.

From the Ashes A fire shall Spring
And the nameless will again be Phoenix.

Anonymous said...

So you have stopped this blog, now i the desperate guy has found another person to haraess, Mysterygal i hope she is a gal, other wise i won''t get pleasure in frustrating her!!! I am coming MysteryGal.

Anonymous said...

So you have stopped this blog, now i the desperate guy has found another person to haraess, Mysterygal i hope she is a gal, other wise i won''t get pleasure in frustrating her!!! I am coming MysteryGal.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

These lines are so true.I just hope you don't hibernate.

All the best