Everyone has their share of big horrors and small fears in their lives, in their todays, tomorrows and yesterdays. Some people acknowledge them, most don't understand them and quite a few try to run away from them. I haven't yet decided which category I belong to, but that's not something I really care about. Most of the times, I am not an escapist. I have learnt it the hard way that it's far far better to directly face your fears as soon as possible. It takes some guts, but it's something that's really important, and one of the most effective methods of conquering the fear forever. There's a small period of lots of hurt and courage and sweating, but in the end, all goes well. That's been my brave-girl's theory for some time now, and mostly, it works.
But I'd not put up a false show of bravery too much here. The idea is that sometimes, some very few times, I find escapism is a good solution to some problems. Of course, advocates of this theory tell me that it is a solution to most, but I don;t really agree. Postponing troublesome situations as long as possible is not what I can always do, and I don't think I'm equipped enough to pass judgements on relative merits of the two things. I just know that mostly, I don't do it.
What brought me to write this post though, is something far less philosophical, though there can be parallels, and perhaps, far less important too. I was thinking about the almost-universal desire of knowing one's future. Almost everyone thinks about it, and this slow simmering desire of "kash koi bata de exactly kya hone wala hai", the kind that propels millions to read the Fortune-of-the-Day page in DT everyday, exists. Despite the fact that most would know how fraud and untrue, how much of a generalisation it is. It's like a small irresistible sin, a guilty pleasure that harms noone(and pays atleast two people per newspaper publication a nice pay cheque every month. Can I get that job please?)
A lot many people are afraid of ambiguity and uncertainty, and this fear manifests itself in various ways. At one level, horoscope-addiction, palmologist-visiting, and to take it to the extreme, going by the "kundli" type beliefs are one of those manifestations. Infact one believes in them or not, but a lot many just do it for the heck of it, almost obsessively, to satisfy some credulous part of themselves.
I don't. I find it stupid, irrational(and watever adjectioves all sensible people of the world give as an excuse), but then naturally enough I do think about the future at times. And then I think perhaps knowing about the future is not such a good idea at all. It's better to take things as they come. But does this amount to escapism at one level as well?
I don't know, but what I know is, too much knowledge can be scary at times, even though it is a lot of power, but then , power can be intimidating too. And knowledge with helplessness is sheer torture. That's why sometimes I wish my mind blanked out a bit, and I didnt understand things at all. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, and good as it may be, at times foresight is ugly.
That, I confess, is one of my horrors.
But I'd not put up a false show of bravery too much here. The idea is that sometimes, some very few times, I find escapism is a good solution to some problems. Of course, advocates of this theory tell me that it is a solution to most, but I don;t really agree. Postponing troublesome situations as long as possible is not what I can always do, and I don't think I'm equipped enough to pass judgements on relative merits of the two things. I just know that mostly, I don't do it.
What brought me to write this post though, is something far less philosophical, though there can be parallels, and perhaps, far less important too. I was thinking about the almost-universal desire of knowing one's future. Almost everyone thinks about it, and this slow simmering desire of "kash koi bata de exactly kya hone wala hai", the kind that propels millions to read the Fortune-of-the-Day page in DT everyday, exists. Despite the fact that most would know how fraud and untrue, how much of a generalisation it is. It's like a small irresistible sin, a guilty pleasure that harms noone(and pays atleast two people per newspaper publication a nice pay cheque every month. Can I get that job please?)
A lot many people are afraid of ambiguity and uncertainty, and this fear manifests itself in various ways. At one level, horoscope-addiction, palmologist-visiting, and to take it to the extreme, going by the "kundli" type beliefs are one of those manifestations. Infact one believes in them or not, but a lot many just do it for the heck of it, almost obsessively, to satisfy some credulous part of themselves.
I don't. I find it stupid, irrational(and watever adjectioves all sensible people of the world give as an excuse), but then naturally enough I do think about the future at times. And then I think perhaps knowing about the future is not such a good idea at all. It's better to take things as they come. But does this amount to escapism at one level as well?
I don't know, but what I know is, too much knowledge can be scary at times, even though it is a lot of power, but then , power can be intimidating too. And knowledge with helplessness is sheer torture. That's why sometimes I wish my mind blanked out a bit, and I didnt understand things at all. Hindsight is a beautiful thing, and good as it may be, at times foresight is ugly.
That, I confess, is one of my horrors.
I guess thats why nature has not given us that ability... for good.
Respect for fear, how encouraging and brave that phrase sounds. And yet merely recognizing fears and feeling brave might be just one of my escape-routes against them. In some cases at least, unless I really make a statue of the fear and staring right in its eye, punch it and demolish it. (Phew! kuchh jyada bol diya kya?)
Oh yes, now that I have the freedom, let me advocate a theory. (How luring it is to blab at someone else's blog!) About what is our future. Of course, let's say there's God. So what this theory says is that if God does anything to our life, it is making our life a compiler and executer of a good programming language. And that is it. WE write the programs. So while the framework is given by him, it depends on us what we make out of it. We do the real application things. This is his outsourcing of destiny, to the people to whom it belongs.
So fears are bugs, and I have heard, bugs are a nightmare for programmers, you cannot be sure where they sit, and from where and when one would come up. Tests are important, thus. And for taking tests, one has to become a bit vulnerable. And for being vulnerable, one has to trust other people. (!!Things get linked so easily!! :) )
hmmmmmm funde funde !!!
as u know, main jyada dimaag kharch nahi karta serious thoughts par :)
anyway just to add...i DONT believe in horoscopes n all, tho i check it quite often, if its a good horoscope i can take a bit of confidence n nothing else.
If its bad, i wud say it all lie ! So u c i hv nothing to lose in this case ;)
vaise me too don't like to look TOO far in future ! Even thinking about the next day is too big a task for me :D
It is said that Courages is not the abscense of fear but the awareness that there is something more important than fear itself.
And yes, Seeing the future is both good and perilous. But I believe the art of fortelling. Ofcourse, true seers are very rare, but there are a few. Those who are gifted with the sight of fortelling.
Your post reminds me of the Cassandra syndrome - a psychological tendecy to avoid ill-news, named after Cassandra, who foresaw Troy burning in her prescience, but was not believed and could not do anything. You should try and read 'God:Emperor of Dune' - one of its main themes is the fatal stagnation resulting from accurate prescience.
BTW, nice to see you back.
Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Bliss :-).
That's what! How does nature know ALL that's good, and why do we always question it and fight it before eventually giving in and realising it has always been the best, what we tried to change for smthng better.
@The Anonymous
Haan, bahut zyada bol diya re.:P
U're gettin me slightly wrong though, for I can vouch from several personal experiences that one has to acknowledge thy fear, and face it, and then the fear stops to frighten. It ceases to exist.
Ur theory, though interesting, is what I call very "passive"!Inspite of the fact that u call urself the programmer, and God the compiler. U r still laying ut the boundary conditions in a manner that cant be defied.Outsourcing and bugs are the funny analogies, but yes, u r right to a large extent.
Although ur linkin up has left me feelign jittery now1
@Kon ??
That's what I said..a harmless guilty pleasure!!
haan, i dont xpect u to kharchofy any dimag on anything any way kanjoos and alsi u r!!:P:P:D
Thanx for coming here.
Well said, btw. I dont know if foretellin exists, but I'm no one to comment. I respect ur views, and I love the way u put them forth.
Thanx for droppign by here. I dont rememeber seein u comment here before!
I think there's a lot of Greek tragedy in my life these days!
Thanx for the suggestion though. I'll try and look for the book.
That's a cruel irony, isn''t it?
Either have power, or be happy.
Hey phoenix , glad to see you back . And at least I dont want too much of future forecasting happening for me.I dont wanna know I what kinda work ill do , what kinda person ill marry , what kinda kids ill have before I actually do. not knowing all this lets one be in the present.kids are so happy coz they dnt think ahead. to quote forrest gump 'life is a box of chocolates , you never what you are gonna get'.and the beauty of life is not in the chocolates , but in this unpredictability.for me , that is. :)
am still glad to see you back.
Ummm....thats the word which exactly comes to mind when i think about my future,sometimes i feel i m neither living in the present nor for the future.I dont bieve in horoscopes and there is noone to guide me around,i am the one who is creating my future(in my recent future u will reply to this comment) and i dunno whether i will ever get my aim-aiims
But somehow I don't know in my case I find it true. In fact very true. Well surprisingly as TOI predicts my day goes exactly in accordance to the prediction! :O
Just an incidence..there was an advice that I have been ignoring my health for quite a long time and should immediately consult doc. OK. Not because of reading the prediction but then due to some weakness I had to see...and amazingly it was pretty serious..and delay could have resulted in more serious consequences. Of course not very firm believer of this...but dunno how it is always true in my case at least !!
>>The idea is that sometimes, some very few times, I find escapism is a good solution to some problems
At times retreat is better than retaliation... you only got to know when. I don't know what else to say... mostly I dont believe in horoscope because the idea of 12 sun signs for 6 billion people ie. 500 million people having same fate is something too absurd.
I agree with ur idea of unpredictability. I'm one of those who are not too fond of monotony anyway, and unpredictability keeps the interest alive. Good things or bad things, too much knowledge about them is not always desirable!
I't right to say that u create ur future(See I'm replying!) but dont say u r totally unguided and lost.
That's a just a mental thing, it's a phase.
Believe in urself, and then the destiny, as well ur future wd bow to u.
Or atlst thats what all the wise men say.
Yeah..I remember the post on Nitin's blog where u had talked of the horoscope thing. I was just too lazy to link that post up here.
See, I fel it;'s more of a best fit situation, where u start fittin in what u had read in the morning with what actually happens. U're willing to accept and ignore a sizeable amt of deviation, and eventually it;s a generalisation that often fits in within experimantal erroe, and u use that as a theory!
Facing is not always retaliating or fighting. It's more of a psychological thing, because fears live in the mind, only issues actually exist, but they can be far more easily handled with a clearer mind.
That is what we call, Ignorance.
And some people call it bliss.
It is bliss but it is certainly not.
When you UNDERSTAND that all's for good, you wont need to worry about the future and even if you know, it won't be a horror anymore. When you REALIZE that its all for the better, you will know that life being so pointless is also for a reason and for the good.
That is one of my horrors too....
everything is said by you and other people.
Everyone has said a lot of things and they are all put up in a way that makes them look wise and nice. So I will change the topic a bit. I like Asimov's ( Foundation series) take on foretelling. The way the art of telling the future and even influencing it has been imagined as a deep mathematical science is a fascinating idea. Interestingly, a completely different book like war and peace by Tolstoy has a very similar theme - future as a function of the present.
When did the definition of even bliss got so complicated!:(
I dotn think I understand ur play wiht words completely.
Tell me is it for the good or for the better?
Interesting point of view there!
So u r one of those who believes that everything can eventually be explained by mathematics....
future as a function of the present is smthng i believe in too, but i never thought about analysing this mathematical function till now!
Theres a peace inside us all
Let it be ur friend ..
- creed .
but lets put it ..
Theres a fear (lots of them rather)inside us all
Let it be ur friend
now one might br surprised Let it be ur friend . shudnt it be enemy .. no it shudnt be .. cause enemies can be stronger at times & thus they can bring u down .
Friends r someone who wont betray & they r the one who can be WON by patience, hardwork, courage & exuberence ..a litle bit of wit as well .
SO dont fear ur fears .. discover them .. having said all that i havent evr applied tht theory .. but thn great theories r like tht only .. alwayz stated .. hardly applied . And lets see if i can apply it & it works .. then it can earn as well :D .
And abt horoscopes .. i do read them almost daily evn if they say .. ur spouse's health should be taken care of .. hehe .. But its jst for fun .. i have nevr worn my luky color :p .
so jst keep fighting dear :)
About being an escapist .. i read this book by PAULO COELHO : THE MANUAL OF THE WARRIOR OG LIGHT ..
it said :: THe warriors also leaves the battle field .. at times whn he feels that things r too strong to be faced .. people call him weak .. a coward .. but he knws that if he wouldnt have given up he wouldnt have been here today to battle again . At the end of every war wht matters is WIN !! And if ur the winner the people who earlier called u a coward .. u will be there king the next day .
[ with add ons frm my side as well .. but it sounded somethin like tht ] .
sometimes whn ur sad & down , its better to close ur eyes & sleep than to wander around all night .. making ur head heavy with swollen thoughts . THe next morning will surely be urs .
[ i guess its because i havent writtn since long :D ] .
newayz take care .
"And knowledge with helplessness is sheer torture."
i whole-heartedly agree.
glad to see you back.
If I say everything's for the good, then you'll say if everything's good then nothing's good because everything's at par. Hence I say everything is for the better as compared to the present. Slope mat poochna ab!
whoa !!!!! I just wanna revisit a blog I loved to read and Wat DO I SEE HERE :O ???? welcome back buddy >:D<
muach !
Ab main kya he kahoon ...
Yeah but i love being in present .. the mysetry is enjoyable !!
Past is history n future is mystery ;) :D
BTW it was nice to see yu back !!
Rock on lady !!
Daya maxx :(,kya tha ye
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