Friday, February 10, 2006

LIF101:Introduction to Life.

An amazing thought just struck me this morning as I woke up on a foggy day for a good-for-nothing half an hour lecture from a seriously good-for-nothing professer and since I cannot even go back to sleep now, I decided to reflect further on it. Isn't it astonishing that we spend an enormous chunk of our tiny lives in trying to understand what life really is, in simply making an effort to comprehend bits and pieces of it and in trying to regulate it when somewhere within we know that after a point life is beyond regulation and control by us? I don't know about the rest of the world, and I couldn't care less, but I realise I do engage in all these vain efforts. (And I would take solace from the fact that Í'm definitely not the only soul on this planet who does that, so silliness has company!). Many argue, and perhaps rightly so, that all this is totally pseudo-intellectual thought and activity, and I won't exactly disagree on that either. But frankly, I don't mind it even if it is totally fraudulent and pointless, because somewhere for me, there IS a point.
I have spent the last two days mainly finishing off my hostel magazine work(which is now done and the magazine should finally be out by Monday. Yippee!!), doing a bit of JAMming (my club event, which we stood third in. Yippee again!!) and thinking, alongwith two extremely satisfying conversations with people I really admire( and who've helped me think better, Yippee once more!!). I realise how much of what is written by all those who like writing(going by all the articles I was editing and all the blogs I have forever been reading) and how much of what is thought by all those who don't mind the pseudo-ism is simply about Life. Theirs, of those around them, and of mankind in general. The enigma is captivating, because hardly anybody sounds any closer to a satisfying permanent understanding of life even after centuries of treading the dead path. And because no package, no buy-one-get-one-free deal, no marketing strategist's brilliant innovation matches "life" for it's ability to be a COMPLETE package, paisa-vasool types. It's got just about everything, and more, that one may need or can think of. Perhaps that's the reason most customers don't get bored of it (or maybe it's just lack of alternatives!)
I have always believed 'happiness', in some way or the other, is the ultimate aim of anything and everything we ever do. Even when we are nice to someone and really kind and selfless, it's just because it makes us feel nice about ourselves, for we believe we have done a good thing. And in this theory-of-selfishness, as I like to call it, everything else including money, success, love etc is simply a by-product, if anything at all. I also think that the one thing that would gives us maximum happiness is when we are able to make somebody else happy, even if that happiness is ephemeral. It's immensely satisfying, and that is why people often go to great lengths in doing things for the sake of the happiness of those they care for. That is why I would do a lot of things for some of the people I love, and cannot bear unhappy. It's not pity, it's not sacrifice, it's in a way plainly selfish, but I don't think it's bad in any way at all. Infact I wish everything in this world works on this principle.
Sometimes we overlook the fact that little things, small thoughtful acts bring immense happiness to people, that eventually comes back to us only. For example, try something I recently started doing: Next time you go for say an auto/taxi/rick ride, provided the driver hasn't been fighting with you and driving sanely enough so that your heart wasn't clocking 170 bpm, say a kind word like "You drive very well. It must be a tough job to do it all day in such unruly traffic. Thank you." or something to that effect when you get down. Don't think I'm being silly; you just can't imagine the ripple effect this little sweetness from you can have. Yoú probably forget all about it in five minutes, but maybe, you'd have made the day for a complete stranger, who is very likely to be very warm to his next customer, to be cheerful with his friends and loving to his family for the rest of the day. And all those people would again in turn feel happier, and the ripples continue. Alternatively, try asking the security guard/ the butler/ the local public-servant you see everyday but hardly care about how they are, or how do they find their work, or simply that you appreciate the amount of effort they put in, and see the difference! I don't claim this always works, and I'm not saying go about flattering people or complimenting them even when they're hopeless, but I'm just requesting you to consider not being too miser with appreciation, even a little kind smile, when you can, with people you can. Trust me, it all comes back to you.
Life is nothing but a lot of opportunities to be happy, and unfortunately we ignore and waste most of them. Even if all this sounds pseudo, crappy and immature, I don't care, because it makes me happy, and happiness is all what everybody is living for.
"We took the path less travelled...
and it made all the difference!"


Anonymous said...

Ah! Atleast there`s somebody who realises the importance of sparing some concern for the obvious underdogs ..great thought Phoenix a similar practitioner of the same, I couldn`t agree more with u :)

Anonymous said...

Rather than use the word happiness the way you have used it, I would use the word satisfaction or contentment. You are right about beinging happiness to others to be happy oneself. There is a chinese saying that a man without a smile should not open a shop.

ken said...

you are very right !! I too have been observing how good it feels to leave back some niceties to the most ignored folks.

Kaala Kavva said...

Infact I wish everything in this world works on this principle.

Why wish ?? It already does.

And life is really balanced.
You always get what you give, you just don't tend to remember. Always.

Hence the most unfortunate one is the sadist.

Phoenix said...

Yeah that's probably true. I think i do have a thing or two for the underdogs. Like I feel a strange happiness when Australia lose a cricket match, or when Kumaon loses an event.[:P]
But my idea is that a little concern costs ntohing, but does a lot!

[hiren shah]
I think you've returned to this page after a long long time.Anyway, yes you may use the word contentment, but it's far more subjective, and I even feel slightly limited. Having said that, isn't contentment so desirable mainly because it leaves u with that feeling of "internal happiness"?

Phoenix said...

I'm glad you realise that. It';s such a nice feeling!

[ze exagerrator]
I made that statement in a far broader perspective, and then it includes things where the principle is practically not applied, because it becomes a rat race.

Thanx for dropping by, and thanx for the appreciation!

vibhav said...

I was about to run away when I saw that "LIF101", but then I realized it wasn't one of those typical XXX000's, thankfully.

I agree with the first part, though your theory about happiness is not falsifiable and so I have to disagree. (Ok, I read "I couldn't care less", but still :) )

"Bring me a man who knows what life is and I'll help you bury him." - Benjamin Franklin.

insane said...

really appreciate your views..showing the right path to all ur readers..saw traces of munnabhai's jadoo ki jhappi !!
its not silly at all for i guess every1 ponders about life & these things..
there is definitely a pt..destiny, maktub,fate !! but for me life is beautiful but not enticing to live for, even if there is no alternative except death!!

Ashish Shakya said...

Hello fellow phoenix!Reached your blog through random bloghopping - nice little coincidence eh?

Anonymous said...

Really nice post!! And this time I mean it....(not that I didn't last time)

Anonymous said...

It was supposed to be an 'introductary course' on life, but contradictions never resonate, introduction gives a deceptive perception of something as subjective and complex as life [or as it is discussed here - the comprehension of it] being simple. The analysis of this {life} cant be a pseudo-intellectual activity, for one cannot be successful/enlightened/satisfied lest one knows what one needs in life, the knowledge of which would require the analysis of life as a prerequisite, again it would leave a big chunk of population {including new-age spiritual-gurus, philosophers and baba-sanyasis } jobless :D.
Good to read the second last paragraph as well. Well, it may sound strange but don't you think it would, after a limit, make others detect the synthetic and false nature of your compliments ? or would it not make others insensitive to your appraisals, once they realize that was just an attempt to make them feel happy and the ground for that was a lie... {well this is no point provided you do this only with strangers, say the person who is driving your auto rikshaw or a moongphali vendor}.
It is good to know that you are bringing out your hostel magazine, and unlike you I would only say that desipite hours of focussed reading I could not read all of your postings, but only few tens of them, and they all do deserve this respected place, by the way most touching was the last poem{post} of your past blog.

Kon ?? said...

" You write very well. It must be a tough job to do all these posts in such readers. Thank you."

:P, just modified the key-line in ur post for u :D

vaise the post is actually quite well...dint read the first para tho :)

Ridhi said...

Really nice...

Phoenix said...

[the anon]
Good u didnt run away, and nice to see u believe it's not falsifiable.
nice quote too:)

Thank you, and get ur poin abt enticing. see the idea is, u shd love living, bt there shd nt be the greedy obsession to hold on to it if nthn else is coming out of it. Simple.

Yes, nice coincidence:)

thank you.

[kon ??]
Achha beta, meri hi taang kheech rahe ho?
chalo appreciate to kiya. ty ty

Phoenix said...


It's just the first lecture of the introdunctory course, don't worry:p

And about the deception part, remember one thing that i alwqys say nikhil. Everything, and i mean absobloddylutely everything, is as simple as you please. It's a very powerful statement, think a bit and u;d realise this!
u may choose to call it pseudo intellectual or not, upto u, but the point is, if u like it, it's ok, if u dont, fine.

as far as false nature goes, well, i NEVER said give praise where it is not deserved. it's nt about praising evryone that i ask for. but think of the thousands of times when u find smthng good, reasonably nice and appreciable, but just didnt show the appreciation.
We all live in an unfortunate time when every appreciation is treated suspiciously and with a pinch of salt, with vested motives being looked for. Again, we think so much before genuinely speaking our mind out. all that is lost is a lot of warmth.
i never say lie to make ppl happy, but makin a slight effort is nt a problem. And esp with strangers.
I dont see the point being miser with compliments. People think that would increasee the weight of their compliment when they give one, but who the hell is keeping a log to know the difference, except u urself perhaps. Being kind is better than acting snooty for the sake of 'prestige'

Meanwhile, thank you for ur effort in readin my posts. a lot of it is crap, so it wd have taken a lot of effort. Thanx, esp for the poem Adhikar.
If someone like u can like a hindi poem, boy, am i flattered?!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site!
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