It's amusing how things that are more delicate than glass break without a sound, while glass itself creates a clamour loud enough for the whole world to hear and makes your hands colourful so that you can be caught red-handed. But the more delicate things mostly break even without a whisper, perhaps only a silent tear- shed or unshed. You escape being caught, but the face is a give-away so often that everyon knows you're the culprit anyway. Even the mirror. The crime may be hidden, the criminal never is.
One of the most crucial of these delicate things is trust. I've told myself 183 times not to trust anybody, and failed 184 times. I trust the same people again, little less or little more, or I trust newer people. Then I get hurt, little less or little more, or in a new way altogether, and 183 becomes 184 and 184 becomes 185(essentially, add one....if hurt==huge, add a few more). But frankly, it's not me alone. So many people have trusted others an regretted their foolishness later, but one cannot just do away with it because this world sould no work withou trust. If everyone stops trusting each other, it would be a catastrophe, and I'm optimistic enough to assume it would never happen. Perhaps I need to become wiser and maturer so that I know whom to trust and whom not to, but I don't think I have the patience.
The other thing that shatters extremely soundlessly and painfully, is respect. A lot of people meet me and I get to know them from a position of respect, i.e. they get my respect by default and from there proceed to either lose it or increase by virtue of their actions. And when sometimes some of them lose it drastically in a minute, you only feel foolish about yourself, and sooo hurt. I do not want to get sceptical and cynical such that I start being suspicious of veryone I meet, but if things keep getting shattered like that and I keep getting "moments of complete gyaan", I dont think I can hold out much longer.
The third, is the poetic cliche' of the broken heart that breaks without sounds and leaves one so numb, so destroyed and so hurt that no other pain looks worse.
And I'd not even go into this. I'm at a loss of words.
That was confusing!
Analyzing post....Done
Parsing post....
2 Error(s)
in if hurt==huge -> if statement ( missing.
in 183++ -> Lvalue required.
U become wiser and maturer and have patience enough, still i believe you cant decide ki whom you can trust and whom not to!
Even sometimes,very few though, it turnsout to be a real disaster judging someone(positvie or negative) so early.. i mean by first look or talk!now the pain is worse
PS:why do poets compare heart with glass while there is such a big difference..:d
after reading the title, I thought its all about Broken Heart only. Surprised to see its mentioned only in the last 2 lines [:(] !!
Anyways... as u said correctly, w/o trusting, this world will be a catastrophe. Agree 101% !!
and yeah... I m feared now to meet u !! [:(][:P] U judge so early !!
[the anon]
I thought this was simpler.
oh when did i hit Alt F9. do not compile anything. simply comply.
i normally dont judge ppl immediately, and in any case stay flexibe. the only thing is that i hav a certain nonzero respect for everyone, and ppl then either lose it or increase it. this is the different from the std of smone starting from zero and then possibly gaining respect.
poets are cynical:))
[siege perilious]
i know thats the unexpected thing...but i ran out of wrds to put it in. i knew it was smthng everyone wd know whther i said it or not, and i'd rather nt whine in public.
but dont b afraid of metin me:O
i am not the chief justice of india:)))))))
Arrey... a sound sleep and good food, then (I hope) you would be okay :) !! Cheer up Phoenix.... :).
Well..i agree to the pt that wen u trust someone n they betray you...its hurts like hell!!
But u knw...untill someone betrays you..u never knw if the person is trustworthy or not!
So i guess...its just trial and err at that! :-)
Does it have a deeper meaning or I am spending too much time reading (between) the lines??
Trust, I always. And shattered it was, a few times. But I gathered the pieces and mend them as good as I can. And I started to trust again.
Respect, I always. And shattered it was, a few times. But I gathered the pieces and mend them as good as I can. And I started to respect again.
Love, I always. And shattered it was, a few times. But I gathered the pieces and mend them as good as I can. And I started to love again.
Long time ke baad reading your post!! got a lot to catch up with.
I agree with everything you have said...
Been there done that!
Dont trust but you trust anyways!
oh yes..finally i caught up on my sleep of the week, and life looks grt
yes its trial and error, and like crazy i'm hell bent at going thru the whole procedure again.
i'm actually looking fwd to it:P
it had sevral things between the lines. but i dont know wat u read..
kudos to infinite optimism
yeah's the same old story everywhere
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