I'm happy; I'm the happiest I've been in a long long time. And I'm afflicted with infinite optimism.
Touchwood! Nazar lag jati hai!
All those who don't know what passion means, stop reading further, because I'm only going to mumble some non-understandable crap about passion here. Because for me, life is all about passion. Things don't work without the fuel of passion except as a mechanical fulfilment of obligations. I have slowly been losing a lot of passions in my life; the fire within me had started to burn me myself because there was a dearth of causes for which this fire should burn. As a child I had little aims of a particular subject, a particular score, a particular sport, a particular moment of happiness that would keep me going. But growing up has its price.
So many times I feel we live in an age where most of the good causes which deserve to be fought for and lived for are already taken and over, and now, all the burning fire within individuals is getting wasted in trivial frustrations. We are in such a shortage of worthwhile things to complain about that all the pseudo-intellectual questions of existentialism and other such things keep haunting us and we keep getting wastefully lost in them. Some time back I said that our generation is probably the best ever at cribbing, and then I saw the only people who were not getting lost in the pseudoism were either those who had found a cause in their lives and had better things to care about- mostly survival needs of food, water, family and job, or else a distinctive passion on which they could focus their energies. I could see a stark contrast in these vis-a-vis those who had nothing strong to call as their faith, whose life was embroiled in continuous calculations of gain and loss and pros and cons, and who had made compromise the single biggest characteristic of their way of living. And that was when I rediscovered some of my lost passion.
Moments of clarity are good for the soul.
I have always felt individuals are who they are because of what their belief is. There's nothing right or wrong in this classification: yes, from this perspective there are only two kinds of individuals, those who have strong beliefs in life and those who don't. Again beliefs could be borrowed, and even gullible(different from flexible) and not disbelieving is not equal to ignorance either.But all these are individual traits and are extremely subjective. Nothing is inherently wrong or undesirable, and had I not been so intoxicated with my own passions at this moment, I'd have perhaps gone on to the pros and cons of each. But a logic that postmortems everything is something I've abandoned for the moment. I'm on a high, a high no amount of alcohol or drug can parallel, because I've consciously found myself a cause to be devoted to. Now if it's right or wrong, fruitful or self-destructive, I simply do not care.
Just like the attainment of perfection needs passion, so does the attainment of passion needs someone perfect : a perfect 'cause' such that in the given space-time coordinates nothing is more right.
I feel someone has injected a few doses of "life" (or atleast a double dose of Ecstasy) in my body...I found my perfect cause. My passion seems alive. I can smile without guilt. And I wanna live some more, though even if I die this instant, that would be a perfect death in perfect bliss.
Aj kal paaon zameen par nahin tikte mere.....
UPDATE: If you're looking for good causes too, this is a miniscule thing: If you really feel that street harrasment and eve teasing, this page warrants a look
Ah! I`m so happy for u ..finally u sound positive about life :)
good... [for rediscovering ur passion .]
sometime i think strong belief is good and sometime i thnk that is bad.. may be wat is good is bad too
Babes you remind me so much of who I am..
Passion is quintessential element of anything worth acheiving..sadly, I am losing my direction!
[the anon]
Ph of course..you are the creon..and even though i never thought he was the "villain", i never wanted to be him.
[grain saint]
chaliye koi to khush hua[:P]
It's all a matter of perspective. but do not confuse belief with rigidity.
Oh cmon dids...why do u say u r losing direction...see it happens to all of us. u just need one deep breath and one moment of clarity. it will pull u through.
this happened yar smtime we thought we just completely lost in tht world
but for finding correct path atleast we have to remain positive in life
Could not have expressed it much better :) !!
best regards, nice info
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