Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Un-Growing Up!

People say I have a knack of driving them to the wall sometimes, pinning them down to the one corner I want them to, till they are completely disarmed and smile, bowing to my wishes. I don't know if that's true, or whether I do a lot of it, but I'm feeling happy about it nonetheless...makes me feel like a queen of an illusory world, even though I know they are only humouring the ziddi kiddo in me( ah..dont worry...I don't make too many unreasonable demands normally![:P]) .
Which brings me to think, it's not soo difficult to retain some of your innocence, childhood chastity of heart alive even in this mad world, if one could do just two simple things.
One, sometimes, for some moments, let yourself go...without thinking of what the world will think, do the silly jab on the roadside and throw the meaningless tantrum to someone close that something in you wants to do, but your mind always intervenes with a "Stupidity Reality Check!" It's hard to realise how difficult it is for most of us, trained by the norms of the adult world to un-behave ourselves for just a little while, in close company. It's even harder to realise how therapeutic can nonsense be to the soul. Try it.
Secondly, try bowing down to someone else's tantrum and laugh with their jab, instead of laughing at it. Judgementalism is hard to discard for some people, but try and honestly humour somebody occassionally, and smile along, and you'd be surprised to realise how relieving that is, too.
OK, if you are convinced for starters you can experiment with me too...I'm in an immensely ziddi bacha mood today...[:D] And if you're not convinced, read the above paragraph again dumbo. :-P
Jokes apart, the point I've been trying to make is simple. There are lot of things that add stress to life. The pace is hectic, and it's a maddening rat race most of the times. But in a rat race, no matter who wins, the winner is still a rat! I don;t see any harm in holding back for a few seconds, returning to the child within, even if that means abandoning the "sophistication part" for a litle while. And I never said do that in a board meeting, but trust me, nothing brings friends closer to each other, more than honesty.
"Chhoti si zindagi hai, muskura ke jee lo yaaron
Shikvon mein kho ke kahin, jeena na bhool jana"
DISCLAIMER: I'm taking Optimism Injections these days. So the above post may be viewed in the light of any side-effects I might be suffering. I also think I've been obscenely lucky with something recently. I think that makes me be unreasonably buoyant ajkal, even on a day like today when I have been going to every class since morning and discovering that the most khadus-est of Prof has decided to bunk today, despite the fact that I'm being soo sincere even after a nearly no-sleep night!(Thanks to him, who was chatting with me till well past 5 a.m.)


johney said...

I know the exact feeling of the side-effects of optimism serum. It is intoxicating and leaves you slightly dizzy and light, and your fets hover just a few inches from the ground.

zubin said...

Is optimism contagious? The entire world seems to be happy nowadays, and those who are not, atleast pretend that they are.
And I remember what my brother told me once, "When we are kids, we always want to grow up soon, so that we dont have to listen to the grownups and start doing our own things, and when we grow up, we become like them themselves." Sad but true. :)
And yeah, chatting with Goli can be bad enough, have been late to office because of him a couple of times myself :).

Phoenix said...

..and then? Does it hurt later?
Would I fall flat on my face?

Hopefully, it is.
It's a sad truth, but I feel it's not something that MUST happen. It's upto us to not let it happen

vibhav said...

Oh! Clever Phoenix did something nasty to someone and now to justify it she writes a postful talking about the joys and importance of being childish sometimes, trying to pass off the act of nastiness as merely a 'ziddi bacha' kind of an act! Never known one so crafty!

(It's just the experiment!)

Anonymous said...

Phoenix:Thanks but I could have done away
with all the extra publicity.
Zubin:And I thought I was passing ur time during ur long night hours in the office.Though happy to know tht I can be such an interesting company:)

thelostcause said...

Sweet post!!!

Himadri said...

[phoenix]"It's even harder to realise how therapeutic can nonsense be to the soul" -- Wow! Couldn't be more well-said.You really are on a 'high' these days, aren't you ? :)

Phoenix said...

[The Anon]
Response 1(the kiddo act)
mere ko crafty sly wicked bola!!!!!!
main tumse katti ho jaoongi!

Response 2(the play-along act)
Absolutely right. This woman shd be given an award for shrewdity....
she's do anythign to put across her point.


I guess so. what's the harm anyway?

Anonymous said...

Chanced by your blog from KD's... i can see why it is popular, really well articulated and i loved the english hindi combo..

have a nice day

Voice said...

send me those injection... n do it asap

Phoenix said...

thankx...though i think it's inflated praise:)