All men are equal, but some men are more equal than the others.
And as far as women go, in a traditional society, those with the more equal men would have been more superior than the other women who would have been plainly superior over the men, but in today's fast-changing times of the new-age liberated women, the men with the new-age women(if any) are more equal than the rest of their tribe!
In any case, all this obscenely feministic crap aside which, before you harp on and shoot me dead, I may clarify I don't really believe in...I stick to...everybody is equal, and I'm slightly more equal than the rest ;-) :-P :-P....the point is, in this famously unequal world, success is measured by the power you exercise over your own life, and over others' lives. In all honesty, the more successful is the one who has real-time power and control over his/her own life, and if one can break out of illusions over this self-control and decisiveness, nobody would be happier. But, this post is not meant to be yet another Art of Living lecture. I shall talk more about lesser mortals, about ordinary men either far or confused in the mazes of existentialist queries, and seemingly content with half-truths and illusions, because sadly enough, this society is by and large full of such mere mortals, myself included.
Anyway, the point is nevertheless simple, power attracts power, and just about everything else too. So every society, every community, every group has the few 'more equal' members who exercise a disproportionate influence about the people and the times, henceforth referred to, irrespective of gender, as the ALPHA MALEs of the system.You find them everywhere, and obviously you all know them. Equally obviously, most of them don't know you, because you aren't one of them. The political leaders, the more famous celebrities, the Godfathers of cinema and sports (or on a minscule level, of your class, of a certain course you are about to flunk in, of a certain activity club in college, of blogdom, just about ANYTHING) basically all the larger and smaller, to borrow from IIT lingo, "studs".
What makes someone an Alpha Male, or if you insist, the Queen Bee? I used to think it's purely natural, some people are born with an innate flair for doing some tings well, and better than others. Some people are born as people's people, as natural leaders, as success magnets. While this is true, there's also a certain section who acquire this magnetism, and it's more or less due to a sharper and more active brain(and smarter usage) than the others in the particular area. I'm tempted to believe this is rather fair too, because this implies inequality on somewhat "meritorious" grounds, but I'm digressing too much.
As I mentioned before, the poltu season at IIT is just over, and with mixed results and reactions, the insti has seen yet another year of horse trading and intensive calculation. And of course, loyalty and disloyalty, alliance-breaking and formation and re-formation, rediscovery of trust, and far more frequently, trust breaking exercises. I'm not particularly fond of the filthy game, and tried avoiding it to the extent I could. But I had a vote, a crucial vote, and so you can't count me out of the system!
Besides, there were at least three occassions where I had to break my dormancy, albeit temporarily, and 'do something'. Maybe because I don't despise poltu to the extent that I'd meekly allow a fight to break in my year in my hostel(I'd NEVER let this happen, and I have manouevering skills clever enough that in two consecutive seasons I have managed to keep Blitz@Kailash together, touchwood. For once, I'm proud of something.) Also because I dont despise poltu enough to let too many heartbreaks happen because some jerk in some hostel suddenly decided to carpet his vote, or to switch alliance, so I can use my PR to get in the reqd carpet.To be honest, I didn't really feel good after doing these acts that sorta required 'influence', but WTH, when I look around and see the amount of muck, I realise mine is not even a miniscule evil in a game of sins. In popular Slot P lingo, maine jo bhi machayi, positive poltu hi machayi. And frankly, I'm nobody in front of the poltu Gods and Goddesses, the realtime alpha males and queen bees who swung votes and fortunes around, and the better ones got better shares in the poltu pie (my hostel got a significant share...hail to Kailash's queen Bees too!) For all the smiles and tears I was a part of, or I saw closely enough to be moved, I have only one prayer, may the impact they leave behind on our souls not be harmful in any respect.
But the most interesting things happened just the next day after poltu was over, when over the reservation issue, students decided to do something and in a crowd of confused little groups all assembled at the wind-t wondering what to do next, spontaneously emerged a few who took the initiative and helped decide what to do next. For the first time, I saw a trace of student union-ism in IIT, and the most heart-warming aspect was people from two opposite 'alliances' of the previous night, standing together for the same cause. Again what was disheartening was that many of the established Alpha Males and queen bees, with an established influence, chose not to come forward for a cause that really mattered. For the heck of it, it's about the country and it's about future, and I believe it is far greater than intra and inter hostel politics in IIT. If these people CAN, they should. They owe that much to the society, if only because they are 'born' with the superior Alpha Male traits!
I'm just a nobody, and like all nobody's voices, my voice shall probably never be heard. All I want is that those who know they'd be heard, should for once lend their voice to the right words, rather than herding minor vote banks. Not everybody has the guts to fight, not all who do have the right cause to fight for. Not everybody gets the chance, not everybody gets the power. And with powers come responsibilty. So if the ministers up there with powers vested in their hands have forgotten their responsibility, the youth who have the power have to take up the responsibilty. Maybe it's time to wake up. Or else the future would sleep.
All it needs, like active involvement in poltu@IITD, is consistent enthu. What's right should not be left behind.
Will somebody listen?
To get elected, one needs to do many 'wrong' things, so those who intend to do what is right do not become alphas, and those who become alphas, do not care what is right. I do not know of poltu@IITD scene though.
I feel in national politics we do not need people who are steadfast to do everything right, we need people who can 'somehow' manage to do what is required, and are not reluctant to use slightly incorrect means for that.
Two kinds of good people - those who wish to remain right and refuse to become a part of the wrong they see around them, and those who are not against getting involved in the wrong to achieve what is right because they love the goal more than their principles. The second type are more selfless, but it is more difficult to be like that, requires more thought, more patience, and is quite risky. Damn difficult. Kuchh jyada lamba comment ho gaya!
oh yes ..this is a bigtime wake up call for all of us...
I is not going work this time....WE is what is needed..
gr8 that u guys took the for the laid back ppl...gonna realise soon..
we here in LKO had a talk with TOI editor...and he agreed to give a free coverage for our voice to be heard.....
I wonder if the crowd can get together ......
First of all, everyday almost all people pass through the Wind Tunnel in the evening, and that day it was like a {well explained} 'coincidence' when everyone happened to meet and stay there for some time. Most of the people {including me} were not aware of the 'cause' they were to fight for, and they simply assembled there as they found 'something' going on there. {Pun intended in the three paras that follow, for I found all that to be more of a show-off than being some serious act.}
And yes, special thanks to star news {and may be Sahara} which helped to gather public and made them know of their 'cause', nevertheless, since everyone wanted to be on TV, people moved out of the campus to hold a ‘demonstration’ outside hence became a part of the 'fight for a cause'.
Well, most of the Alpha males {and the feminine class of this clan} were found licking ice-creams in SDA, during your so-called 'protest'.
I don’t know how effective or strong the protest was in Rose Garden, but it must have been a good walk in for those campus couples who are always in search of peace and isolation, and anyway it is not a bad idea to spend a lovely evening before the vacations at a place as ‘entertaining’ as rose garden.
However hard we deny, we are selfish creatures who cannot fight for a cause just for the sake of it, just because that is identified to be a cause… this issue has touched IIT just because we want to protect this perceived 'studaapa' of ours. Why don’t these students gather in the wind T or the rose garden against other ‘causes’ say the Meher Bargav case, the Jessica Lal case or further more important social issues of dowry, female-foeticide or child marriage ? I am not at all saying that we are ‘wrong’ in not doing all that, but at least we can’t say that we are ‘contributing for a cause’. Most of those reading it are going to land in places where they wouldn’t ever be able to know of these causes. We are doing all this drama because it is important for us right now. Poltu is other such thing, which displaces other causes of friendship etc. and makes these individuals do curious things for their personal self.
Anyway, at the end of it all, I must acknowledge the importance of this ‘drama’ of ours, for it will be dramatized further by media and will at least pressurize the govt. to change its mind.
Of course ur voice is heard(/read).
And speaking of the Alpha-males & Queen(are there any in IIT) Bees, their days of fighting it out are over; they're gonna sit tight and watch us all fight it our for our rights, only to jump in at decisive & opportune moments , only for that "oh, we needed that so much" piece of inspiration/dedication/motivation bhaashan/lecture ( along with a photo-op , if they'd their way)
Being poltu kings, nobody will express his/her opinion in public. Tht is what poltugiri is not abt. It is such emotion tht is used by the poltu lords, at moments like this, to reap max benefits.
Those who do come forward openly, are not poltu, and they r the ones who bear the brunt of state's action.
The true poltus among our generation wud be busy chalking strategies for future as of now. There is no "correct way" or "morality" in poltu.
Ur voice is definitely hrd considering the no. of visitors ur blog has.
And regarding the poltu and reservations issue, i feel most of us are just ignorant abt it..there are some who devote their four (or even more) years to poltu and finally end up getting nothin. Leave aside the internal poltu, we will always be united when it comes to issues which challenge the very foundations on which we build our lives.
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