Thursday, April 20, 2006

I want to write something happy!

and I cant figure out what.
except: --> Something happy.

Bad joke I know....but I need to smile. somebody tell me a good pj please.
ok i'll start:

Q.Why cant a dumb cat walk?
A.Because mew=0.

Fine, it's horrible.
Even I can't smile, but I want to be happy. HAPPY. Desperately. Help me. And do something to my headache too.



veikiin said...

try for thousands of pjs..but i m sure u already knew about this one ..;)

vibhav said...

Man has been wondering since time immemorial,
why one is the value of zero factorial.

Now I found this one very humorous. Please do not say it is a pj, or a bad joke.

Tapasya said...

What is a PJ?
A Poor Joke...

What is P + iJ ?
A complex poor joke...

Why doesnt anyone laugh at P + iJs?
Because the joke part is imaginary

Raja said...

for PJs, Ment, go thro' the semi-human dominated communities in orkut, like *Bhagwaan Sri Sathya Sai Baba*, *The Science of [religious book name]*, ......... :-p

Phoenix said...

[the anon, ment]