Anyway, this is just to put on record that life is good, and if you don't think so, c'mon man go ahead wear some rose/jasmine/sunflower coloured glasses and see it the way you want to see it, because it is highly unlikely that all will actually BE the way you want it to be!
But who life for one has SLOWED down, for the first time in this year, and so a breather is not all that bad a thing. And till now it's fine too, only slowly it'll now go from slowness to stagnation to rot and decay, but hopefully that's far enough, and till then, I'm not going to stop smiling. Yes, a week back things were pretty bad, but the best news is that I've got some of my self-belief, and the desire to live, BACK, for a number of reasons, and it does feel good, like a new birth! And to the people I owe this new life to, sorry dudes, I'm not gonna say any more thank yous. I think I became a slightrly meaner bitch in version 2.0! :P
Moving on, don't ask me what I've been upto. I know you don't even care. But if you insist, it's been a lot of everything and nothing. Catching up on everything from books to movies to sleep to old friends and even writing. And now, I have another two weeks to idle. My internship begins 1 june!!! Damn the HR manager!
Onto interesting things, thought there aren't many, something stupid happened this afternoon.
I was talking to an old friend( who went on saying OMG You sound so changed. You're even sounding like a normal girl today! Now normal is a word that sounds sooo weird on me I'm still shocked). Anyway I was talking to him, when suddenly the phone got disconnected, and in redialing, I apparently dialled the wrong number. The guy who picked up now had EXACTLY the same voice as my friend and I said sorry and continued blabbering for 2 mins and this person kept on listening without understanding anything. Suddenly my friend actually rang up on my cellphone and I was stunned so I asked him Excuse me this is not 9811****** right? He said, no, but I think you are
Moral of the story:
- dial carefully.
- i blabber a lot.
- stay in touch with old frnds.
- Smile, life is good;-)
Lide is goof :-)
Hyuck hyuck...don't change...and if really needed, change for the better.
"It takes so little to be happy
...and so much to realise what's really little and what's really enough!" a good one ..
ummm .. its takes so little to cribb .. nd its a lil hard to be happy .. i mean meaningfully happy .. nt talkin abt those faked smiles ....
so dont wry .. its nt abt u .. at all .. d preson readin this might be in bigger trouble thn u r .. m not sayin to be happy relatively :D ..
d idea is u still hav lots to do wid ur life .. nd it has lots to give to u .. u jst have to spread ur arms :)
newyz .. i dont wish to be called a weird proffesor ..
u take gud care of urselves ..
nd as thy say on MTV ..
yes, life is good, but it takes a lot of experience to realize it. Finally when you do, it might be too late.
ya age old mantra - keep smiling..i just want soemone to explain me how is it possible..anyways good luck with intern..weren't u leaving in september ??
Stories of Phoenix have all tough morals.
if only...wat was better was known
Oh yeah ;-)
you are a weird professer!
[the anon]
yup aug end...
abhi delhi emin
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