Friday, June 30, 2006


I had summoned my death, and it's messenger was now staring straight into my eye.
I gazeed deeper as well, trying to look for the traces of coldness I expected there, and he sank into mine trying to see blood and malice. We were both evidently disppointed, for I saw compassion, a hesitant compassion. And he didn't know that blood had evaporated long ago from my eyes, and that compassion rarely managed to single out malice.
In the mirror of his eyes I saw my past floating by, but it was all too hazy too distant. Perhaps any history of a loss of love and innocence is bound to be vague and broken. Everything appeared to be broken into so many pieces, down to every atom of existence that I was afraid his eyes would crack if I continued reflecting. Sometimes innocence is disarming; I was surprised he didn't feel the use of any arms necessary to take me captive. Not that I would really have needed them, but I am too heinous for the complacency.
Maybe I should have tried to escape, he'd then have killed me instantaneously with his revolver and I'd have gotten the luxury of death at the hands of a pair of compassion eyes. But maybe I don't deserve that much luck. I think this wait, for a trial, for a judgement, for a shameful death of the last atoms of a cracked life, is certainly well-deserved.
[Excerpt from my story, in the process of being written]


Vikram said...

A very promising OHT (Over Head Transmission)material :P. Just kidding...

Will be waiting for the entire story :)

Raja said...

don't know if I understood anything, but I liked it :-)

[correct "it's" (its), "gazeed" and "disppointed"]

methinks said...

i didn't know whether to keep grinning throughout or to feel pain or something.. can we term it quite-tongue-in-cheek? adorable it is.. but if it's going to be a long piece, like a novel, i'd suggest you lighten up the tone and associations and return to this only intermittently (coz of course this is too precious to lose!)

enough from a stranger, what do you say?

and i lurve your template. lurve.

Robert Frust said...

Reminded me of Terminator when Arnie takes out his eye (electronic, of course) before killing his target's sister.

jitesh said...

I guess you should have given a lil preface for the unintellectuals like us.
B/W i came here from my blog frnd link

Anonymous said...

so...death uses a revolver? like the ones in sholay :)

. p r i c k . said...

I would say, you're good.

Faith said...

your blog is beautiful too. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool..indeed the complete story is awaited..
I dont know bt the revolver should be replaced by something, something very magical, i m not u r probably a better judge.

Tapasya said...

Where do you get these ideas from, huh?
Im waiting for the entire story:)

Phoenix said...

I agree. OHT to hona hi hai, it's just an excerpt fromnowhere!:P

u shd be my grammar teacher:P
haan will correct it, put it in a lot of hurry. and yes, it wasnt meant to b understood. dont know why i put it up waise:p

[rosa rose]
Dear stranger, welcome here, and thanx for ur words. You are free to grin or feel pain, and yes it's gonna be pretty long, but not a novel-long. And I dont plan to nhave too muc of his heavy suff, although it isa heavy concept in itself, this surprised even me by coming out so grave.
and tyhnx for all the lurve.

Phoenix said...

[robert frust]
:D I would like it better if I end up making as much moey as Terminator.

police inspectors, do.

[faith, prick]

i dont know:D
i dont thionk i'd put up the whole story up here w=ever,

u'd understand why it is so if u know the whole context of the scene

[forgetful functor]
Welcome here!:)

and here's a bit of a preface, though it is a spoiler for the rest of the story.
The narrator has doen a heinous crime, but he's not a hard core criminal, and he has just called on the police who's sure to get him death for himself. the 'he' is A POLICEMAN.