Somethings in life happen by pure coincidence. Or atleast, you may look at it that way and it seems more perfect, more delightful, more alive to me. A series of events and impulses that lead to pleasant or not-so-pleasant events...but then life truly comes alive in such moments. Sometimes you just discover such joy in a routine expected thing which just happens as it should, or because it simply doesn't happen. Sometimes, random decisions bring to you thrilling experiences that you cherish forever. Sometimes, the universe gives you energy to do some really meaningful things you had never planned on doing, but you were meant to!
Something somewhat similar, albeit not exactly, happened to me yesterday. It was a happy day, till it became happier, and eventually the nicest day I've had here so far. I had my first class, and I was naturally quite enthusiastic about it, because I really want to experience, compare and contrast education at KTH vis-a-vis IIT. Anyway, the class turned out to be nice and I find the course (Industrial Management) quite interesting. I met some NTU students, three of them Indians, so I have friends already. Then I met a Swedish guy for lunch. His name is Niclas and he's one of my three student mentors here. He's like really sweet and helpful, and yeah, quite fun to be with and talk to. So I spent like an interesting our with him, and thus it's been four dates with four Swedish guys (mentors) so far and yeah, they're all cute! (Jealous anyone? :P)
Unfortunately he had a class so he had to go, which was the end of my nice, happy day, and I was free for the day so I started getting back when I realised that the next morning (that was today!) I had a class at a place quite a distance away in the campus (It's another end really!). So it was a nice sunny afternoon and I had nothing to do, and thus I started walking towards the place equipped with a map in my hand and lots of reflections in my head, almost talking to myself. I had been walking 15 minutes when I reached an intersection and stopped to read what road I wanted, when the nicer bit happened.
A Swede, who looked quite tall and just a bit more mature to me than a teenager, walked up to me and asked if I wanted some address, and I showed him the place on the map that I wanted. He said he was walking in the same direction and could show me the place. And so we began walking and immediately he started asking me lots and lots of question about where I was from and so on. It turned out he's quite interested in India and Asia and he looked at me with a really high level of curious interest and lots and lots of questions, beginning with how soon could he learn hindi if he studied it 8 hours a day six days a week!! He really is interested in both langauges and travelling and I now know he knows at least 8-10 languages and has lived for a few months or years in many countries, just travelling. Now I felt nice talking to him and he just kept asking questions one after the other, till we stood at a place and talked for more than three and a half hours!!!
He asked me about india, about the people, about the differences from the west, about the history, about my opinions on everything under the sun, about what I do and how I have so much energy[:P], about India, Pakistan and the subcontinental terrorism(((EVERYBODY here knows about it really, and kashmir is the first thing I end up talking to a lot of Swedes on first mention of India...Views anyone?), about my impression of this place and the people, about current world affairs and governments, about imperialism and global unity today, about so many things that I can hardly recollect....but it was like I had a one on one conversation with someone after a really really long time, something like 5 months at least, and with all my blabbering energy and his amazing inquisitiveness in, i had a really heart-warming discussion and yes, I was loving it!!:D:D
So it felt soo happy and nice, and then we walked towards where I wanted to get and he actually helped me find the floor and the room I was looking for. Which reminds me an interesting thing I see in a lot of buildings here. Since the terrain is mountainous, so many times you enter a building and realise it is the fifth floor! And then you go two floors down and look out of the third floor window and in looks like the ground floor too. Know what I mean? :) So we entered from the fifth floor and exited from the second...
And we walked towards a shorter way to the bus to my home and to his university, when he suggested i see his university which was right there. It looked interesting and I agreed. All I knew was he's a Ph.D student in Languages and cultures from a Business perspective, and studied at the school of business management, where he took me and it was quite lovely. And then, right behind was this huge beautiful lake that I spotted and looked so excited he took me there to show me the view. It was just breathtaking! And then, from one view to the another and one path to the other we just kept talking and walking, and laughing and hiking and talking and walking along the lake for the next three hours!!!! He missed his work, but didn't seem to mind it, and I was astonished by this friendly guy (he was 44 and a bachelor, as I learnt) who took so much pains to telling a stranger like me every building, every anecdote, everything there was to see around that place. I mean had I been alone I would have enjoyed the place immensely, but since he took me along to the cliffs and we climbed to the highest point and he showed me the botanical garden and Japanese garden and he showed me other such things, I just LOVED it. I'm sorry I didn't click many pictures(next time sure) because I was so busy talking and having fun, but I shall put the few i have at flickr (link in sidebar). Oh how I loved the place! It was a breathtaking sight, and the weather was great and I just love hiking in the mountains myself! But the guy, Shell, he was quite amazing too, and then he was definitely amazed and impressed with me because according to him I knew so much and had such a perspective as a teenager. I didn't really believe him but basically I was enjoying his anecdotes so much I let it be.
There were a couple of moments that stayed with me during that walk before we finally reached another lake, then the road, and then walked through some farms and the Stockholm university till we reached the station and he dropped me in my train and left (polite and chivalrous :D:D). But the two moments were: one, when I was at that highest cliff and I saw all around and it was so beautiful and silent I could hear my heartbeat, and suddenly my heart took me to back home and I saw a beautiful dream with open eyes for a couple of minutes. It was plain passionate ecstasy. And the other was when he was telling me about his Master's days when he used to stay at a dorm nearby and run around the lake with some other guyes everyday. One of those days they were having one such race when one alcoholic who always used to sit at one particular bench, stopped them and said "Everyone has to die someday. But I would prefer to die of liver cirrhosis than of cramps and physical breakdown from over-exerted muscles!!" It was so funny, but the way Shell narrated it was funnier and we laughed aloud for a good two minutes when an old Swedish couple walking there stopped for us and said Hi and then the lady said in Swedish that the two of us looked really happy and she wished we always stayed so happy. He said thanks and both of us were equally touched when he translate that for me. It was such a nice thing to say. Wonder why we don't do it more often.
What is the price of a few kind words? And what is their value? Think about it.