Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's not a good morning! :(

I don't know why it's happening to me now, but am caught in this weird phase these days that I wake up every morning and end up saying to myself that it isn't a good morning. It's weird, and I don't like it at all, because even though I've never really been an early morning person, I've a serious thing about waking up fresh, which I usually do, and my efficiency and productivity during the day suffers considerably if I haven't woken up with lots of smiles and energy. That is one of the main reasons why I must sleep soundly before every exam even if that means skipping a tiny bit of course so as to sleep well in time. And most of the times, when I'm in IIT, a four-six hour sleep does me enough good(at least eight on exam days) that I peak next morning. At home or other places I sleep more, but the effect is the same.

But these days, from the last few days, every now and then I wake up feeling not happy, not energetic, and often pained. I've seen weird dreams all my life, but mostly they are funny. These days, they are not. No recurring dreams, but all with scary tragic ends with a variety of people. I've lost count of the number of mornings now I've woken up with real tears in my eyes. It's so disconcerting!

And then, on a lot of these mornings, esp yesterday and today, I wake up so tired!! My body is aching as if I've just run 10 kms, there's a weird pain in my legs, in my head, in my eyes, nearly everywhere. Not screeching hard pain, but pain. Discomfort. I wake up at 8 everyday, and unless there is a class or important work at 10 or something, I usually sleep off again to complete eight hours of sleeping time. And I wake up at 10 again in equally bad shape. Nothing seems to cure, not a long warm bath as soon as I get up, not an effort to think nice excited stuff, not reading. The only two things that have been slightly effective are hugging a teddy tight for ten minutes, or just walking out for a while in 5 degree Stockholm air without many warm clothes. The cold breeze in my head does something soothing, but dont know what.
And it's worsening this sort-of morning sickness. For three days now I've woken up with a slight fever, not much...only 99-99.5 degrees F, and it disappeares on its own in sometime, leaving a weakening ache. And I absolutely hate all this happening. I dont know why I'm tired because although I'm working many hours, it's usually sitting at a place and reading/wwriting/typing work. The rest of the time I'm doing nothing great. OK, granted that no work had always made me tired, but these days even work makes me so tired. I'm damn confused!

I guess I need a dream-interpretor or something. Or maybe, I just need a long warm hug.


Anonymous said...

Hope its just a temporary phase n u wud be at ur charming self soon may U need a break..
Cool idea!! but i guess Suicide more like banging ur computer with a heavy iron rod..

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't even bother...

Siyaah said...

"...5 degree Stockholm air..."

On the practical side, it could partly be the (constant) indoor heating...takes a bit to get used to...

Ritesh said...

hmm.. get well soon, I wish I could send a warm hug from here.

It might be the indoor heating as siyaah suggested. Drink a lot of water and eat fresh stuff. Start sleeping 8 hrs a day!

Anonymous said...


Canary said...

Happy Diwali lady... :)

Canary said...

Happy Diwali lady... :)

Mohan Kodali said...

may be you can reduce the sleeping time to make things somewhat better? works fine with me.

Anonymous said...

u know wat ...i've go it !!!
U R SLEEP WALKIN MISSY !!! ...physically or metaphorically i m not sure...but yeah u r sleepwalkin :D