Monday, November 20, 2006

Coffee Break

Phoenix's Philosophy Lecture

"Life is so tough."
"Tell me something new!"
" ain't easy...and everybody feels this all the time. Life got to be the most cursed of 'em all!"
"Maybe...but the number of curses you get and deserve must be giving even life a run for its money! ;) "
"Ha ha..very funny...but I'm serious you know...all the time everybody keeps saying life is this life is that..a bitch a whore a battle a puzzle...there's just no end to those words. Half the literature of this world revolves around interpreting and symbolising life. Half the world's philosophy is just that. Yet it remains the ever-lasting enigma."
"The ever-lasting enigma...and each answer to the puzzle is as right as it is wrong, as complete as it is incomplete, as true as any other...Have you ever wondered how remarkable it is that whenever things work out fine for us and life is smooth, we so stop digging into the puzzle and nearly everything else as well. But inevitably it'll quickly return to the "normal" course again with a twist or two and we'd be back on business...thinkind, pondering, reasoning, anguished, cursing. Almost like every short sunny patch is a mini vacation for us engaged in the job of discovering life."
"I don't think it is meant to be a vacation...I feel it feels like a short vacation because we treat it like a luxurious holiday and stop doing our job. We stop putting in the effort and the thought...we take things for granted. And life surely doesn't like THAT. So it twists again, saying 'you just don't deserve it bloke' !"
"So you think we would never be able to get out of the loops, the vicious circle...from birth to death must we agonise to find the answer to the unanswerable question...what is life and what is it's purpose?"
"Are you trying to ask whether or not there is a achievable state of liberation from the maze..."
"Maybe I am...I don't know...but now that you put it like this, what about the people, saints et al you know who claim to find the peace and the Nirvana? By the way, all Nirvana reminds me of is alcohol, drugs and tranquility..."
"Tranquility is the key..alcohol nd drugs are just the popular myths that claim to find it for you. I don't know anything about the saints, maybe they do have some way to break out of the loops that others don't know. Maybe it is all false and there is no escape. You know this book I was reading last said, Peace begins with acceptance and dies without perseverance!
Maybe I understand it a bit now. I guess there can never be an end to putting the effort as long as one is alive. That effort, the quest is the process that is the elusive meaning of life itself we seek to find. And the moment I know this, unless I stop working, I'd be at peace with myself."
"You know this now...are you at peace with yourself?"
"I will be I guess... as soon as I get back to work idiot. This is too long a coffee break. Boss is soon going to pop in here with a nasty twist for both of us."
"Ha ha..see you at dinner then."
"Yeah sure. Bbye."


Vik said...

Caffeine is bad for health, i heard. Now I know why!

Also got to know that phoenix having coffee sitting next to you is like passive smoking.. (which is more injurious than active smoking doctors say)

so, enlightening lecture :P

Vik said...

(not an amusing comment, but no offence meant. plz don't retalliate!)

Anonymous said...

interesting sure is stimulating :)

Phoenix said...

Ahh! someone is scared of me. :P
Yeah, coffee is hazardous.

Coffee sure helps waking up

Dreamcatcher said...

This is about the last post - Loved it.

Tapasya said...

Nice lecture, and a nicer definition of peace: acceptance and perseverance. Which book was it?

Phoenix said...


That's the point. Wasnt any book, or if it was it is yet to be written by me. I was just thinking randomly when this line and the thought came to me from nowhere, and just in order to say his I weaved an entire lecture/dialogue around it :P

Anonymous said...

Suppose I am lazy, what hope is there for me? Will I never get peace? How unfortunate!

Voice said...

confusing.. i too have regards for acceptance in life.. may b it is d most important thing

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on to your blog a few days back...and was so impressed by the way you put your thoughts into words that I even checked out some of the archives...felt that i must put in a word of appreciation here.

Looking forward to many more "philosophy lectures" from you :)..have really loved reading your reflections/thoughts on life,change et al

Phoenix said...

You got to pay some price for the easiness of laziness...but you do get the bliss of ignorance

you bet it is!

thanks a lot. Really appreciate your kind words. Glad to know someone still reads these random thoughts of mine.
See you around.