Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I have a friend. Or rather, till a month back, I had her. As one of my closest bestest friends. She understood me pretty well. I knew her a lot too. There was stuff we could share with each other better than anyone else, and often with no one else. We were there for each other most of the times when it mattered, and I say most of the times because somewhere down the line my definition of what mattered was skewed and therefore I messed it up. We shared moments, we shared fears, and we shared silences that said everything words don't. We shared a comfort that could be derived from each others' presence only. We shared love in a different dimension, that came both from fighting with each other to listening each others'crap to crying over existant and non-existant love lives and work lives. We were around each other in difficult times. In others though, we were there, around, but often not adjacent to each other...perhaps because I thought physical companionship in normal course of life could be discounted in view of other obligatory role-plays that life imposes. As it turned out, I was wrong. Whatever I did, was labelled superfluous. True, tiny things have all the meaning. And all the time I couldn't spend with her doing other things and catering to other people was counted under lack of intent. I had lost her trust, and that is all that matters. I have lost her now, because without trust no arguments yield anything. I had her for several years, which is why life seems so incomplete and difficult without her. People shouldn't be allowed to come so close. I hate myself for hurting her, because she believes I took her for granted. I know arguments are futile. I know I want to say sorry and start afresh, but I also know I can give her no reason to trust me again than just trust me again. For once, she didn't understand me. And for the first time, she left me alone.
Life seems so vacuous in the last month. Busy and empty. Un-understood once again. But friends, there's soemthing to learn here. People who matter, should not be allowed to go away. Keep them with you, with love and with little gestures that count. Don't allow lack of communication and understanding to ruin the few things that really matter in life...the few pillars of support you have. If you were to die tonight, wouldn't you tell all the people important to you how much they mean? Wouldn't you forgive and embrace? All your friends who we otherwise take for granted because we think they're there. Think, they might not be. Why not live each day like the last then?
When you love someone, show it. Let the person know you value and you care. Tiny things matter. Little words comfort. We care, but we don't let the warmth come across unless major crises occur. I have learnt that what we do everyday has a special meaning of its own. I have learnt your smile means something to people who care for you. I have learnt how empty it feels to lose what you really value because of silly mistakes. She may never forgive me, and I'll curse myself the restof my life. Everyone's loss. All because of me.
So, hate me BUT Learn from me.


Mohan Kodali said...

So true. misunderstanding is bad and loosing friends for such is worse :)

One particular day I hated myself too for the same reason. Its alright now.somethings cant be back to normal as they were no matter how much we try to :(

Hiiii said...

I've tried to learn this many times, but something keeps on telling me that they should understand without me telling them. This un-spoken-ness of feelings is great, but obviously, only if it's understood.

Irony is it's seldom understood.

Anonymous said...

i can understand and relate....going thru the'ditto' phase....just one piece of advice : if at all the frienship is strong....its gonna be back on tracks....stronger...just keep faith..and take it in ur stride...hugs


vibhav said...

I wish you two become friends again soon.

Anushree said...

very true.. dat unsaid words, unsaid feelings are seldom heard or understood. Warmth, affection and love demand expressions... because no one really cares to read between the lines.
But then yes, if it was pure and true bond, the bond of love, then it will get back again, might be in your tomorrows with fresher perspective!!!!

Anonymous said...

as i said, the right moment comes; it did for me, it did/will for you.

Anonymous said...

I can completely understand you. And people have made bigger mistakes - like it took me 4 best friends to understand the true meaning of having a true friend.

On another note, is this the reason why you were sad for the past few days?

Venom said...

Time heals pal! Perhaps will be years!! Aeons! But will heal....And you'll know it was better off not talkin that period!