Monday, March 19, 2007


All happiness is short-lived. So is the sorrow part. Essentially, so is life itself. Ephemeral.
But right now I don't care. I'm the happiest I've been in a long long time, and although I know this is short-lived too, the fact that I'd probably never be this happy again, at least in the foreseeable future, makes me even happier. And why not? I enjoy the fact that the smile pasted on my face these days is genuine, and my sleep is being peaceful again. Life's good. Sneha's back, so are a couple of other primary sources of joy. Only mum is a litle ill, hopefully she'd be fine soon.
Till then, I'm out to smile.


Mohan Kodali said...

Good that you are back.
Hope she will be fine soon :)

Tapasya said...

Keep Smiling! Its best to express happiness that way!
And I hope your mom gets well soon.

Vik said...

Apt title.
Keep smiling!

arpana said...

touch wood :)

Anushree said...

Good to hear dat u r happy... TOUCHWOOD!!!!!! Hope it remains for long!!!!

vibhav said...


ken said...

Good to find you happy :-) !!!

Anonymous said...

ya even i noticed! :)

but an irony of life is that to be happy it is important to be happy. i know it's a ridiculous recursion but true! like, today i was actually enjoying my ed paper (even tho i messed it up!) so cheers :D

Raja said...

you're a crazy magician.

[mom's ok now?]

Phoenix said...

happiness is a state of mind.if u want to be happy (or drunk) you will be happy (or drunk)

ha ha so i am.