It's a bewildering feeling, being torn between powerful emotions leading you to different directions, each emotion hesitant still to express itself in totality. It's one of the most bewildering feelings on earth, not knowing what you feel or how are you supposed to feel that. I can see both truth and illusion existing together, and I believe in both of them. Perhaps. I wonder if this illusion of time and space I'm warped inside is actually a truth, or yet another trick. I don't want to get out of it though, even despite the confusion, even if I'm physically torn by all these opposing forces till mere shreds of me float dispersed in the homogenisation of illusion and reality, each feeling the pangs of unparalleled joy and pain simultaneously.
Topping the list of my weird desires, I thereby seek permanence in the transition.
Taking a leaf out of my book, do not seek permanence where there is none to be had...
"I thereby seek permanence in the transition."
:) Something which I fear...uncertainty.. you seem to be comfortable with it,,
I am back
In the long run , we are dead
- JM Keynes.
What good will it do to seek permanence?
reality and delusion....... seems pulchritude of indecision has deeply ensconsed itself in your psyche, but then, more one runs away from the verity, the greater is the force reality thursts itself, sooner or later.
PS- to philosophize, has one demerit, it is more than often gratuitous :P
wonder if anyone in this world can write in simple words!
Last nite i had a dream, where me and one of my fren chat over yahoo messenger. She's never been to ur blog but while chatting with her, she typed ur url on my window That's why i'm here again.. weird huh?? LOLz
I'm stuck here in mumbai with no connection, I'm kinda restless... i
We always 'seek'the impossible, or near-impossible, don;t we?
Hey, you back!
Sometimes even uncertainty, the transition, is comforting for its own reasons, for you dont want to completely let go of whats invitably going away....
Very true.
But life is made up of short term motives. :)
Anyone ka gussa mujh pe kyon.
How many times have i written in simpl words anyway?
Pissed ment?
You're right my friend, though i had thought you decided against visiting the page although as far as i am concerned i shall always be waiting to welcome you back.
You're right though that reality eventually strikes, and the more you live in denial before it, the harder the astrike be. Yet, sometimes, temporary illusions are comforting to hang on to - they lessen the pain.
See your dreams draw you here. Serves you right for bing irregular!
Topping the list of my write something like this
atleast someone awaits me :P
or am I mistaken for someone else :)
sorry for the blah, coudnt entirely figure out the sophishtry in your specious statements and hence decided to toss a little more from my side.
As usual I didn't understand this
hehe, so u r uncertainty personified arent you?!
Good considering i still dont know for sure who you are
Specious? :O
Never mind :)
then dont pick it up :P
i never claimed that, on the contrary i adore certainty ;)
"Good considering i still dont know for sure who you are", there are some suspects? :P
ignore the accusations; truths are inadvertently partial.
>>being torn between powerful emotions leading you to different directions, each emotion hesitant still to express itself in totality
Actually there are. wiont say they are good guesses though.
i really dunno with what context have yu written this post.. bit again... i can really identify with wats written... coz i feel da same!
gr8 post!
I am
Wild again
Beguiled again
Simpering whimpering child again.
Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered...
am I.
Hehe, your post reminded me of that song.
I'll sing to him
Each Spring to him
And worship the trousers
That cling to him.....
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