Thursday, May 03, 2007

Off the top of my head

The sem is nearly over, just four more exams to go. For many reasons I don't want it to be over, even I have to give majors everyday for that to happen. I know though, that time moves at it's own pace and what's inevitable is inevitable. This sem also marks the end of a very important , rather nice phase in my life...and it's never gonna be the same living in IIT after this. But then, every phase is different, and every phase ends. And despite phasal beginnings and ends, the continuity of life is maintained. Beautiful. :)

However that is not to say that everything that's happened in the last four months have been good. But woh to life hai! Still, poltu is one thing that has always irked me in IITD, and even three years on, it manages to hurt at times. Things random people say and 'close' friends do or don't. It's all dirty, and it sort of gives me satisfaction to keep out of the rat-race of the poltu posts, GSecs et al. Yet it pains to see totally useless people put incharge of good things, and the kind of people we'd have to bear and work with all of next year. Secys who can't get the basics straight and destroy the spirit of a loved club. GSecs who can't lead. And a token of last years' legacy was visisble at the various awards given away at the end of the year. Most of it was so frustrating I don't even want to talk of it. But some things are terribly logic defying. Why does the G.Sec of a board get an "Outstanding Contribution" to his/her board just for doing his/her job and sometimes not even that? Why do most people getting the awards are either PrizeCommittee members or simply the previous Secy or something of the club? Why does holding a post, gotten by merit-defying poltu in the first place, ensure all these awards through the year denying people outside the ranks what they deserve for working without vested interest or duty? And on top of it some awards even going to people 'applying' for them, purely poltu considerations again? Why make a farce of it all...each time?
And what actually pinches is things like getting shortlisted on merit for something and then beging remove out for poltu reasons. Or you getting awarded something after years of toil while someone else with little or no work in comparison getting the same thing too. Just takes your faith out of the System.

Anyway enough frustaps...there's still more to life. The last month saw a lot of parties/farewell treats with the senior batch all set to go. Hasn't really hit me yet, but yes these people would be terribly missed. And then my own batch would go the next I said, continuity...
I was doing a course at the start of the semester that I withdrew in March because I had too many credits and feared the excessive workload would hamper all my courses. Touch decision that was, and today had another discussion with the Prof for that course, who still missed me in class saying I got like the second highest in class in the first minor. Eeks..the kind of options life gives sometimes...


Anonymous said...

wishing on those line in mid of sem exams is something people dont do in general ;)
may be before exams i did wish the semester to stretch a bit more so that i could study a little but then, i never got second highest marks in any subject :D
poltu........i am not being judjmental here but to clear the mess you need to get involved and put in persistent, frustrating and thankless efforts, after which things slowly begin to change for good. Offcourse, you can stay put and understand all its intricacies and then chronicle your rants bolstered with few cogent arguments to enlighten the ignorant ;)

PS- a very good luck for the remaining exams !

Tapasya said...

All the best for your exams! You're right-its all about continuity! I'm passing out this May, life's been moving at a fast pace, and it doesnt seem that 4 years have gone by. We've had out tear-shedding sessions too, for you fear the world- and you take time to find new friends. Lots of people shall be missed. But as my friend puts it: Yeh sab vidhi ka vidhaan hai. The Show must go on.

Tapasya said...


Phoenix said...

Exams dont really affect a lot...
and about poltu, many people have claimed and got in to 'clean the mess' but the more things change the more they remain the same. Need, greed, effects and side-effects all gets mixed up. It isnt exactly good, the kind of obligations propogated, and meanwhile a lot on the wrong side of the line keeps getting butchered. It's one thing lobbying for someone in a contest between two deserving candidates, and quite another to irresponsibly support any candidatue just because u have the numbers.

Life goes on, until it ends for good.
Thats it.

Anonymous said...

if nothing else, you can stop things from getting worse.

Anonymous said...

Ya I can completely understand. In IIT, hardwork and sincerity are not respected, only fraud and poltu and that sort of stuff. I experienced this both the semesters. Well, earning things they don't deserve is for hollow people who pacify themselves by a bunch of numbers on a paper or certificate. Well, that's life.

And Taru, don't call it a "whine" or "crap", what you are saying is quite justified

AJ said...

What exactly is POLTU ??

Phoenix said...

I tried, did my bit, but at a larger level..issues are too complicated, and no one believes anyone would do anything for something other than vested interests. It takes too much enbergy to fight that mindset

You've just begun, and you're an attache, so you see a lot less of what it is.
Which hostel are you attached to?

Poltu=student politics in iitd
just some lingo :P