Friday, July 27, 2007

Me, and them

[[Fiction]] [[Part 3]] [[Part 2 here]] [[Part 1 here]]

Friends are precious. It's as hard to find them as it is easy to lose them. At least that's what I've learnt in my life, and that's why, I'm always conscious about holding on to the few good friends I make. Not that I've been really successful so far. Sooner or later, everyone who I've loved and cared for has left me. Either fate, or distance, or silly misunderstandings/inevitable ego tussles have caused me losses and pains at regular intervals in life. Often, I lost trust in this world and everyone in there. But life still goes on.
Four years back I fell in love. She was a really pretty girl who studied with me. For almost a year, all I did was look at her and dream of her. Then, suddenly, luck shone on me and we became good friends. One day, I told her I loved her. She said yes; I couldn't believe it. But eventually, that didn't work out. A few months later she said she never loved me and thought we weren't working out. She wanted to leave. I let her.
It was with this, and other lesser ghosts in my life that I spent all my time struggling with, when I met her. She was this bubbly energetic girl with a knack of making anybody feel comfortable enough to share unconfided secrets with her within a few meetings only. At least that's what I did, and when I found cheer and hope in her comfort, I also discovered the loneliness in her life and the darkness beneath her cheer. I knew about her boyfriend from day one -- all of her friends do -- and when I met him I quite liked him too.
In fact, I remember that my first thought was they look great together. My second was a pang of jealousy. I subdued it.
I've never quite understood why he was indifferent to her to the extent I saw it happening. But she never complained of him. She always said she must understand his constraints and problems. But too often I saw the light in her eyes fade away after a brief phone conversation with him if I happened to be around them. Initially, I did not think anything of it. It was their life, their way. And she always insisted he loves her even more than she does. She always insisted being with him was her only happiness. .
Other than my friendship, she would add as an afterthought.
That made me happy.And indeed, happier I've been, more than ever, around her. She's too funny, too silly at times and always cheers me up. She doesn't like talking about her too much though, but when I insist she sometimes confesses she feels lost and gloomy, as if she can't understand him anymore. At times, I have this undying urge to comfort her, to take her in my arms, to make her the happiest girl on earth. And, I must confess, become the happiest guy on earth myself by being hers.
By taking his place.But that would be so wrong, wouldn't it?
And so impossible.
In recent times I've found myself thinking a lot about her, her smiles, her presence, her impact on my life....and them. From what I've heard from common friends, they have been the nicest and most perfect couples around. But in the last few months, I haven't seen her smile after a meeting with him. She tells me silly things and is so grateful if I listen, because she feels they are not worth listening any more. I wonder why.
The one thing I don't doubt is that she has loved him a lot. But her warmth and affection towards me is unmistakable too. She says she probably can't live without me. What if...what if...the love for him has faded now?
Can I....No.
That would be an insult to our friendship.
And what would he stealing his girl!
She has given me a fresh perspective to my life, and I can't insult our friendship by hurting her feelings and making her deal with the guilt of hurting me just because she doesn't love me back. I don't wanna lose her, and I won't. My job is to be around her and support her, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Already rumours are afloat there's something on between us. I think I should increase distance between us a bit, so those rumours die down and nobody bugs her...or tells him something untrue. Even if I wish it were true...sheesh..wished it were true.
I wish one could control love.


otsheylnik said...

Hey seems we are trying to do simlar things; I like it, though I haven't had the opportunity to be as confessional recently.


seraphicgirl1986 said...

it seems that every fiction is someone's reality.
loved what you've written and somewhere i can relate most with parts one and two; guess, you can too :)
its very difficult to justify every charcter in a story.
you have managed to do just that.
"brilliant" is the word i was looking for.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with 'poison coated elixir' on the story.


Shantanu said...

Well nice twist i would say, beautifully written , his perspective, her thoughts and feelings and him....

I think "him" is doing every possible thing to save her relationship with "he".... This is love when all you want is that she should be happy

But the real point is will she be happy even if the relationship is saved...

no I dont think that think that this is concluded yet..... Would be waiting for the next part


Oracle said...

Resisted commenting on the Part 2 , lest i be accused of reacting to one side of the story ( is there a part III :l)
;reactions based on one side of the story mostly and obviously tend to be prejudiced and frivolous and definetly worth 2 cents ;0 ( no fault of the people though)

But the above fiction * , reassures me that the lesson i had learnt the hard way ( read personal experience)is so necessary. ironically , though the rift , is the widest and the most difficult to negotiate, when it appears between two people who had once upon a time shared a cheek by jowl relationship.
The only way out is communication , not just talking but getting the point across, and that is the act we so often cringe from doing.

BTW : i smiled when i saw the disclaimer * Fiction ;0

Oracle said...

This is part III : p

Indigo Lobster said...

"him" and "her" seem to be real life characters and not just real life inspirations..!!!

mnowluck said...

A nice write-up.. enjoyed reading em..

Phoenix said...


Hi.Nice to see you here. Been through your blog. A different 'diary' I must say.:)

[poison coated elixir]
thanks a lot dear. Fiction is reality that hasn't visibly happened to us, yet. And in reality, everybody has a view to the same tale, everybody has a justification.:)

Maybe, maybe not. Even if it ends, it's not over :)

She;s a lucky girl, isnt she?Caught between so much love and understanding. then again, you can pity her for the situation she's in, for it's hard to say what she'd be happy in.

Phoenix said...

Yet, in real life, we seldom know more than oe side of the story, and even thats not complete. Yet we do not resist being opinionated, and perhaps, judgemental.that is a comment in the people we are.
the disclaimer was so that nobody mistakes the female voice in the first part to be my own, though i am not sure it worked much :(
i have never understood why human beings, so starved of conversation by their very nature, resist communication.

[indigo lobster]
well, if you think so.
Do you know anyone though?

Thnks :)

desperado said...

is it truly all fiction??
awesome...dis one d best..maybe cause i can relate to this one more..

i wish we could control ourselves...i wish

Voice said...

no win and all loss situation for everyone...

Phoenix said...

Fiction, inspired, imagined, understood. :)
thanks though, and as u put it, the thing abt fiction is how it makes us feel and see.

Not necessarily, but in any case, such is life.

Gautam said...

yu really write.......... CRAP......

Phoenix said...

Well, thanks, if that's why you think.
But care to explain, why is your blog full of MY posts, copied and pasted without even a source reference.

Sahil said...

Wow. So much confusion.

And so much discussion on the topic.

Call me simplistic if you will, but I still cant see why these guys don't get together (in pairs or all three of them) and sort this out through discussion.

I think all of them are being foolish in the way they keep assuming things about others.

Just find out the truth by asking.

(Btw, very good story writing skills...)