[[Fiction]] [[Part 2]] [[Part 1 here]]
Whenever I think back about my life, I can't help feeling I've been largely lucky, esp in the last few years. I was always a serious, shy, responsible guy happy, even if not content, in my little world of family, career, music, books and small dreams. I was never one of those guys who are surrounded by girls most of the time, as friends or otherwise, but I am not sure I really wanted to be. Still, growing up made me more gentle, more open, less content and perhaps less happy too. But all that changed quickly when I met her. She was just like any other girl, yet like no other girl I had seen. She was fun to know, she seemed interested in just the same things I was, and she used to read my face and my mind like nobody in this world could, save Mom I guess. We quickly became friends, but I felt so comfortable with her, so open, so light, so happy that before I knew I was thoroughly addicted to her-her gentle nature, her frank smiles, her opinions, her anger, everything. Smitten I was, and I knew it was love. She suddenly looked the prettiest girl around too; she understood me, I adored her, we felt the connection.
And one day, she told me she loved me. That was the best moment of my life. With her I was happier than I'd ever been. My friends would exclaim they hardly recognised me because I was sure the comfort, the contentment and the pleasure showed on my face. She trusted me so much I felt scared at times, scared of hurting her or unknowingly breaking her trust. She has always been complicated, hard to understand, but I felt sure I knew her, I am sure the love in her heart for me is enormous. The first time I kissed her, I knew she was my strength. And I became hers.
Since then it's been so much time we've just grown used to each other. It's been seven or eight months now since life took us on different paths. We thought we could withstand the distances and still be the same with each other, but today I'm forced to wonder, even though we are still together, are we the same? Something has definitely changed, and she has been saying so for a lot of time, but I never admitted. Perhaps because I was afraid it could be my fault. But now I'm sure it isn't my fault.
I remember the day six months ago when I first saw an unmistakable look of pain on her face over lunch that I didn't understand. Maybe she wanted to tell me something, but I didn't get a chance to ask that day. Later that night I recollected some recent instances when she had felt like she was on the verge of telling me something, moments when I hadn't pushed hard enough and moments when I was so stressed or tired or busy with work I deliberately overlooked it. It was true, there had been a lot of stress in my life lately, and though she sensed it and urged me all the time, I didn't have the heart of telling her for I never wanted to burden her with my problems. And the unwillingness to talk had been my excuse for an unwillingness to listen. Some days later then I asked her, and she literally broke down in my arms. She didn't tell me everything, but she said she was feeling very lonely, very scared, and she asked me why I had changed too. I tried reassuring her, tried making up to her and she felt happy again. After that I didn't ask and she didn't say anything for a lot of time. We would talk daily, then weekly and now on and off, but it's just because I guess we've been too busy in our lives and there's nothing except routine to talk of. I guess all relationships mature. New friends, new work, new problems kept me occupied and I thought less and less about her, simply because I was sure she was happy in her life, with her new friends and new work, including him.
When she first told me about him, with enthusiasm as she told me everything, I quite liked him. We both appreciated each others' friends and he seemed a nice guy and she seemed to like being with him. She'd try to tell me all about him and what they did, but at that point I didn't listen too seriously. Life drifted along. She was still the same for me, the girl I loved.
Or maybe she wasn't. She stopped telling me things, fears, dreams, whims and all those crazy things she always had. She stopped yelling on me when I'd forget calling her for a week. She still asked questions, I always replied I had nothing to say, and now, unlike before, she silenced at that. I thought she had matured and understood and it was all fine.I felt like I should do something, but didn't know what, and hence did nothing.
I am not insecure about her, but I always have wanted to protect her, and thus when I found my strength and solace in other people and sources, I stopped bugging her for those. Now she could live her life.
Except, what if I was wrong? An old friend told me today how she is always seen with him these days, how he seems to be the one she most trusts and most laughs with, how people who knew us both are almost sure we've broken up. My friend thinks heloves her. He also thinks she loves him too.
I told him it wasn't true.
But what if it is? My girlfriend, the girl who (I thought) always loved me so much, is she cheating on me?
All these months when I was protecting her from all problems in the world by struggling myself so that we could be happy later, was he stealing my princess from me by working his charm? He I dont care about. But does she really truly love him the way I believed all along she loved me? Why hasn't she told me then yet? Why is she pretending he is just another friend and I'm still her world? She doesn't care these days if I call or not, she doesn't beg me to meet her anymore, she always says she has nothing to tell me. I noticed the change, but I always thought it was because she was fine and understoond my constraints properly. So what if I'm too lazy or too tired to remember little things she says, she always forgives me. But is all this because she doesn't CARE any more? Because heis better looking than I am? Because maybe he kisses better than I do?
Does she kiss him with the same passion?!!?!?
Then why should she lie to me and pretend everything was normal? That bitch, enjoying two men devoted to her at the same time. And here am I, always thinking of her happiness, never allowing myself to take a crush on another girl seriously for the sake of loyalty to her.
She's cheated me. She's not mine any more.
But what do I do now? Should I ask her? What should I ask?
But she'd feel I don't trust her. What if she gets hurt? But I'm hurt too?
I don't know. Maybe I should wait...maybe I shouldn't have ever fallen for a girl like her at all.
But I think I still love her....or the old her.
Why did you do this to me?
Felt as if i am reading verbatim the story of my life.every element,every thing about it as if gave lyrics to the music of my very own life.....
Hmm. This had to happen. Things are getting too complex here. But like always, the solution is really simple.
He should ask her directly about what is bothering him - is she in love with him or him?
Don't make presumptions. Just ask.
Keshi is right when she says that humans tend to be polygamous. But the thing is they tend to get attracted to other people when their love for their old partner starts declining.
But to be actually in love with 2 people at the same time ? I am not so sure about that. But then I can only speak for myself.
All love is self-centric or love is a wanderer? i cant decide.*sigh* reasoning such things are the worst you can do to them.but sadly,u gotto face them..strange life,stranger love.
ohh..about your writing?,wat can i say..felt like i was reading a part of my mind..am sure all felt the same.U are just very effortless writer.Keep writing.
Simple Answer for HIS Question....
Just Let Her Free,U can not bound any one or restrict somebody to yourself.
I don't know any thing about this scenario but one thing is sure if HE is right at his place, if he truly loves her then one day He'll get HER..
hey sorry for the deletions, I made some typing errors! :P
Yes this is getting complicated to a large extent, and I think "he" is making it complicated, those days of stress, he could have sat with "her" and told her the reason maybe why he is not able to hear her out, everybody needs an outlet maybe this was the case with "her" and you never know she never loves "him" might be just a friend.
I am still on "her" side, maybe "he" should try to get into the root of the problem, she must be in a bigger mess than "he" is....
But didn't like the paragraph where he says "That bitch" if "he" still loves her, he wont use such terminology....maybe these are the questions he should ask himself!
Everyone should just take a deep breath, and listen to their hearts.
Does she still love him more than him?
Is he hanging on to her for the sake of what once was, but not what now is?
Does he, if he knew how she felt about him, love her enough?
The problem with the characters in this story is that they try to find all the answers themselves, without asking for help from the people they love, and the people that love them.
Is there a part3 coming up?. His side of things?
Ok, so she did ask him and he wasnt willing to open up. And the way part 2 has developed, i think acceptance is out of the question.
I dont know, but they way part 2 has developed, may be he really doesnt love her?...if he does, can he be so insecure?...and maybe he was never meant for her and she never for him, may be she needed someone who would listen to her,may be he needed someone who would be a bit forceful and could cajole him to talk about his issues.Maybe he was too introverted for her and she too complicated for him
And what bounded them together initally?...similar set of interests?...and yet they found nothing to talk about a few months later?
Well, if that's true, I really am sorry. Nobody should undergo pain like that, and I sincerely hope it's not too late for you and things work out for the best :)
True. Simple solution. But sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to do.
It's a dilemma, which I have attempted to portray in the last few pghs of the post. He loves her, wants to trust her, but isnt sure if he should. He gets angry on her, yet doesnt want to hurt her the next moment. He wants to hate her but he knows he loves her. And worst, he;s not sure and he doesnt want her to think he doesn't trust her, because if the suspicion works out to be wrong, that would destroy everything forever.
Her dilemma is different, she cant make out between love, sympathy, attachment, care and friendship. His dilemma is to accept something is wrong, and whether to correct it or quit it.
[purple deepens]
Love..dunno what it is...and the kind of questions and confusions it springs are practically endless.
And tough and strange. Yet, love is all we live for.
Easy indeed. And right to. But the act of doing it needs courage..the act of getting to that point.
What should he do..walk up to her and say...I am not sure you love me any more, but its ok, I love u still, and for ur happiness I want you to break up with me and go to wherever you'd be the happiest.
Can he do that at this stage?
No. He is forced to wait till she says something or he knows something for sure. He can at best try and talk to her about the problems in their relationship n see if that can be rescued. But this pain, he has to bear alone for sometime at least.
Because it's gonna be the toughest thing possible to look into her crying shattered eyes once he has said the above if she says he's the only one she's ever loved n there;s no happiness beyond him and why is she being suspected.
Never mind.
True, really. None of this would have happened had that silence not crept in as distance, but still, how long can one live in could have beens.It's just a mess all round.
That pgh, those lines are meant to indicate his dilemma and his fluctuations...that line is one natural thought of anger and hatred arising out of pain that he says...and the next moment he wonders about hurting her...he doesnt want to do that...he feels cheated..then is not sure..then thinks he loves her....his confusions voice his dilemma
Listening to hearts is the way out, but neither is it easy, nor does everyone have the courage and conviction. Yes, you're right, they are all taking a lot upon themselves.But such protectiveness comes naturally in love. Or watever it is. And in the end, they all have to find their own answers.
Yup, sure is. Everybody has a story, even if it;s the same tale :)
Your questions are valid. That he has loved her at some point of time is without question. And that he's consciously trying to fight insecurity is also evident. But the present is something neither he nor she understands. Think of it their way, like the people they are, and you'd also realise it's unthinkable of them to accept a radical change, a drastic failure like that, but eventually they need to either resuce or quit.
He was always introverted, and she always managed to make him talk earlier, before he started stone-walling her, but why..for her sake. We all maybe wrong u know sometimes in what we end up doing, but the intent was good and that counts for something. Yet, what's the price they have to pay now? Do they deserve it? Is she really a cheat, disloyal girl? Are they still connected at some level? Would she be happy if she went ahead with him leaving past behind?
just read the 2 parts....nice real nice
"That bitch"...didnt like this though....if he loved her he couldnt have said tht..never
its better to speak to her...than yourself..i guess
brilliant writing....i dont know how you manage to write such posts if its all fiction..hats off to u lady
u loved her naa, n she too did
, then go to her, u only said once that thr is nothin more imp than being together, rite?
Read this post again, and loved it....I specially liked the first part, her version!
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