Wednesday, August 08, 2007


"Our arrows will blot out the sun."
"Then we will fight in the shade."

Not bad for inspirational stuff, right. Good movie this was, 300. At least if you could just enjoy the cinematography and gore and think of nothing else. :)
Among other things, triple century for the post-count on the blog. Wow, that IS a lot of crap, right! :P
For the rest, life is doling out a lot of crap interspersed with moments of activity, nothingness, fun and discovery. Pain inside you, pain around you, and a superceding survivor's instinct to fight, to live, till the sun's blotted out.
I guess I'm doing well still, and life will do, for the moment :) There's just one problem, too much faith, trust, hope has been destroyed -deacayed or killed, and it's tough learning to live with voids.
But never mind, there's no fun living without tough things to do. As for now, time to celebrate the 300th issue of crap on a Public diary


Shantanu said...

Yes this is a good movie, a little unpractical though, really not sure that this actually happened in history or not....

Nice way to celebrate the 300th post!
well I dont find these crap ;-)

Anonymous said...

what a movie!!!....loved it
and 300 are right..thats a lot of crap :P
keep scribbling


vibhav said...

Congrats! Where's the party?

Vik said...

Congrats! I knew you'd come up with some sort of declaration of the feat in some amusing way when I read a comment some 3 posts back.

Anonymous said...

congrats! made a lot of sense in all what you wrote, more so in the comments. the pleasure was all mine :)
thanks for living :)

Anonymous said...

Oh you haven't seen mindless gore if you haven't seen a movie called HOSTEL. It's crap-gore, extremely disturbing, makes your innards scream in horror, don't watch it.

And hmm I to understand you are going through a not-so-happy phase of life? This random post of yours seems to amble too often along the lines of sadness.

Phoenix said...

As I said, keep the brains apart and watch it for the feel, the art, although even for that Sin City is probably better.

"well I dont find these crap ;-)"
:P. you havent "jhelofied" much of it i guess, but i'd still take it i need people like u to keep going :P


As long as you keep reading

Wherever you want. We still have a coffee due.

Phoenix said...

As I said, keep the brains apart and watch it for the feel, the art, although even for that Sin City is probably better.

"well I dont find these crap ;-)"
:P. you havent "jhelofied" much of it i guess, but i'd still take it i need people like u to keep going :P


As long as you keep reading

Wherever you want. We still have a coffee due.

Phoenix said...

wow! you actually anticipated! :P

Something's wrong with you isnt it? You alternating between too much chilly and too much sugar?
anyhow, thank you. Your comments have meant a lot.

Oh my God, such insane extremist views!
and please, stop reading too much. I just like to make things i do sound like difficult things so that when i do them they feel good and big:P

Anonymous said...

when i stop laughing, i'll post a retort :)

Anonymous said...

happy 300!!

Oracle said...

Triple century!hey pop a champagne. A pic of it will do for me ! :)

Phoenix said...

PS..Tell me when i can call you. Half my hostel is eating ur chocolates :P

thanks! :)

Yup, celebration time!! :)

Anonymous said...

Badhai ho :) ! Keep writing .

Anonymous said...

I like to do exactly the opposite so that even big things seem like less of a burden to me! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh oh one more thing, I hope you aren't interpreting that I've written a sarcastic account of hostel life: Because HOSTEL is a movie! It's about three guys who live in a hostel (not a college on, an independent one) in a creepy European city. The first part of the movie is full of nudity and the rest of eye-gouging and other bloody stuff

Anonymous said...

Oh oh one more thing, I hope you aren't interpreting that I've written a sarcastic account of hostel life: Because HOSTEL is a movie! It's about three guys who live in a hostel (not a college on, an independent one) in a creepy European city. The first part of the movie is full of nudity and the rest of eye-gouging and other bloody stuff

Phoenix said...

Thanks :)

At first I thought so, then I wasnt sure. Thanks for clarifying.
On another note, maybe an ideal stratery would be...tell yourself big things are small and easy, tell others small things are big and challenging. eh?

Anonymous said...

no retorts and none are forthcoming in the near future :)
the smile hasnt faded yet ;)

ps- god bless them all ;)

Phoenix said...

that's boringly disappointing you know, coming from you ;)

Bullshee said...

300 posts!??! thats amazing! I've been doing this for a year now and havent been able to churn out 50 yet!! Great going P!! Kudos!

Phoenix said...

Thanks, but it's taken me 2 yrs and a few months including 2 or 3 shut-down months as well. :)