"There! Look at the moon. Isn't it amazingly pretty? Bright, full, hopeful. Now look again. Do you see the craters, the dents on its face, the pain that even the night can't hide for it? Is the moon smiling? Is it even watching me down here, an insignificant soul walking alone in the darkness of yet another night? Alone? Am I really alone? I have you, don't I? I'm talking to you as I walk. That means I'm not alone. I have you! But who are you? You are also me right. An invisible intangible unassailable version of me. You're everything that's good about me, and also everything that's bad about me. But I still like you. I like talking to you. Others may call me crazy, but...well..if I did not talk to you, wouldn't this walk be a lot lonelier?"
"Tell me, what do you think of the moon? Is it deceptive? Is it an illusion of beauty or a symbol of hope? Why does it conjure romantic images? Tell me, what do you think of romance? Or love for that matter...is it any good? You know for a long time I believed I was in love merely with the idea of love, with the hard-sold concept. But now, I can't see love and hatred as two distinct things any longer. The more I think about it, the more merged and indistinguishable they seem. It's just an intensity, a passion, a rush in the head when everything spins like crazy, a mere emotion. Emotions are silly things. Some people think my biggest problem, or the biggest discomfort I cause is being too emotional. They are discomforted by me, you see. Why do I care about some people? I don't know why, but it seems I do. Emotions again, I guess, but both you and I have both got used to being foolish and hurt over and over. Yeah, being emotional is a problem. But, there's no me separably apart from this problem. There's no me separably apart from you either. You listen and you understand, and at least you never quit on me, even when I do. You're wonderful."
"But if I confess to you, even with you here, I feel incomplete. I know you're listening but I don't know what I'm saying any more. I feel petty and unwanted. As if this long road I'm walking on is going to stay the same forever...long unwinding and alone. As if this night is never going to fade and I'd never hear another voice. And slowly, you'd get tired and fade away too, or you'd simply get bored of my blabber and run away. Heavens, how much do I talk!!(No wonder they hate it) So I was saying, you may run away too, and then my voice would be lost in the emptiness around me and my ears will go deaf by the silence. Would I still continue to walk? Well, what else. As if there was a choice! But look there, I think the moon is smiling."
"Ah no...the moon's hid now. It must have been saying bye to earth. It would have said bye to me too, I'm sure, if it knew I was here. Anyway, it's darker now. But the breeze is great, right. So tell me, what do you think of the breeze..?"