Excerpt from a story that never got completed :)
Miracles do happen.
Most of the crucial and life-changing moments—the ones that bring about changes for the good--- come in out lives without as much as a whimper, as if bare-footed. The noisier big-bang announcements generally turn out to be for things much less substantial, beautiful or useful than expected. The same goes with people. Friendships and infatuations that begin as feverish flings are often just that –short, temperamental flings; they grow quickly like shadows in the morning which shorten enough to disappear in the heat of the noon. People who come to stay are often those who’ve places their feet firmly in your life before you even realize that properly, and then it feels nothing short of a miracle if you think about it.
Adversity teaches everything; a hard life turns every donkey into a philosopher.
I don’t think I ever had a sustainable magnitude of courage to do anything all of substance. It’s always a fleeting handful of moments, and I make up for the rest by pretence of an equal strength of nerves, and to my credit I’ve managed to be good at the pretence all my life.
Ditto with the first para!
I know you have used "donkey" in the metaphorical sense, but I feel being a wild animal or a plant is much better than being a philosopher.
Well, yes, but you can turn that around if you want to - don't be proud of it - and you'll find you have much more energy for everything!
Great post! I agree with everything u wrote here. Life-changing events come uninvited and unknowingly.
you've been tagged. Go check.
My hero was never proud of it, so dont worry :), but boy whats with philosophers!
Oye! Thanks
My comment about philosophers is not intended to be sarcasm or a gaali. It's just that a person tends to be a philosopher when he is a dukhi-aatma. I mean my dog doesn't philosophise, she just jumps and wags her tail and even if scolded, is very lovingly too. It's a good life yaar!! :):)
Well...Ms.Dreamcatcher.. I wonder if these excerpts are a part of uncompleted story...
As I can feel the entire story in the excerpt itself... Great understanding... Presented beautifully!!!kudos!!!!
Wahi to maine kaha na...adversity turns anyone into a philosopher, jitne marzi funde le lo.
hey nice to see u around again...it speakes volumes about ur wonderful vision and understanding if u see so much in one little excerpt.
this was originally from a story i intended to write, but never got beyond the first 10 15 pages
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