"Why is it so dark in here?"
"So that you can see better."
"What do I have to see?"
"Whatever you want."
"Couldn't I just have closed my eyes?"
"Your eyes are closed. Open them."
"In the darkness?"
"So what do you see?"
"Why are you hidden in the dark?"
"Because in the darkness I see myself better."
"Why don't you stop yourself from getting lost then?"
"Because I don't care."
"Who does?"
"Who does!"
Concrete Comment for an Abstract Post:
I do!
I care!
Somebody does......someone cont....
basically..if u know what you want..life becomes a lot easier...!!!
Not as abstract a post as the name...
And yeah... second doc :)
We are born alone and we die alone; intermittently, we try.
Could not understand :( Wanted to!
Who is "Who"? :D
Is this abstract one??;-)))
Someitmes...darkness can show you many things which one cant in bright sunny day:-))
the depth of darkness is difficult to fathom!!
Well....your call.
Oh my love, that's the mother of all IFs.
:) You're smart.
Well, good, in a way. Itni cryptic to nahi thi...but still...nevr mind.
[poison coated elixir]
Yeah, and sometimes I think it's all so futile. but then, the whole exercise is all there is to life.
:) That's a "secret"
Brightness is deceptive, a mask over truth.
True. True.
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