Sunday, August 10, 2008

The time's arrived

That time has finally come, that which I knew would come, sooner or later, that which I pretended I knew what to do about when it was here, and that which I secretly hoped would be another one of those worst case scenarios that manifest themselves in my head in a typical attempt at preparing ahead and hence never actually arrive. But it has. It's time to start living by myself and myself alone. It's time to stop hoping for someone to turn up to listen, to stop calling up because you miss someone's voice and to stop expecting to be remembered. It's finally time to learn living without wanting company for food, or for hanging out. It's finally time to stop expecting others to understand. Just do what you need to do. Don't ask how. Even if you still don't have a strategy, it's too late and the war's already on, so deal with it.
Time flies. Even the convocation is finally over. It probably meant something. Maybe just this, that it's finally time to stop waiting.
How do I know?
Because I'm tired of the wait now.


ken said...

:) cant say nething

Anonymous said...

To golden good old memories and hopefully (I wish) new beginnings! :)

aditi said...

Time to be strong but one can't lie without the hope of having "someone to turn up to listen"...even if for a short time it seem no one is there, some one is probably round the corner, so tiem for temporary self reliance.

Passionate said...

All the best!!
Stay High Spirted :)

Wish u Smiles :)

A learner said...

But isn't Man ,"a social animal", as truly written by someone :)

One more blogger said...

I know that's sad the convo is finally over becoz till now we knew convo will be the occasion when we will once again see our frnds. And for many of my friends, I am not even sure if I will be ever able to even see them again!!
This holds good for many of close friends.
But life goes on....... :(

Phoenix said...

silence is golden :)

Yes, to new new beginnings. And Nammo. :P

Temporary fighter hai, it inherently leaves hope, it inherently means that this phase is going to be over n things will return to a better permanence. That is a trap!!

Phoenix said...

Thanks. Very kind of you.

[a learner]
Absolutely. Otherwise it wouldn't be so hard to mark the change. But change cant be denied. Not forever.

Yeah, life goes on. Not like this :( but like :)

This world's too small, life too long, and many many many more lives to touch. :)

Anonymous said...

Pitegi... :D