Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Value Education?

One just doesn't know how much something or someone is important to us until it stops being there.

Like air, you don't see it, you even don't know it if you don't feel it, nevertheless you know how much you needed it the moment there's none. It's so easy to take life for granted and not value what we have. Love, for example.

And also, to some extent in today's times, the cellphone/internet/book-collection we are passively addicted to. For no apparent reason, I couldn't send text messages all day from my phone yesterday, and it was then I realized how crippling it is for me even though my phone is scarcely used these days like it used to be. And sure as hell, you need_to text the most on the day you can't. Damn, it was frustrating, for it was ok till the previous night and everything else worked fine anyway. Like that one day I dilli-dallied getting phone validity refilled for a few hours, and while nobody calls me anyway normally, that day I just had to get the calls waiting for me that texted "Call me. Please." Just how compelling is that? And weird. You need the pen the most just when you don't have it. Or the internet. Or the friend.

Life's way of telling us how to value things we have and stop whining for what we don't, is it?


Chakoli said...


yups that irony of life :DD

One more blogger said...

Bade bade deshon mein aisi chhoti chotti baatein hoti hee rehti hai ;)
Particularly that cell balance n validity thing!! It often happen.
But if these lil things can teach us something in life then are not they really good??

daman said...

I am not that fussy about cell bcoz hardly does anyone call me and i think we can live without these gizmos.... in some peace and solace......... :)

I Me Myself said...

that's probably because, we like them or not, our routines, or things around soon become addictions!
ps: i so hated attending those boring lectures in college on those hot hot days.. and today i'm sitting at home on such hot hot days, missing them!

Divesh said...

"Life's way of telling us how to value things we have and stop whining for what we don't, is it?"

And still you are whining about something you didn't have. :)

Kewal gyaan hona paryaapt nahi hai. Uska prayog bhi aavashyak hai :D

Phoenix said...

Haan, woh to hai.

Good to hai, hence this post. :) But amazing feeling when it happens!!

[daman kohli]
I get's nice if the fone doesnt ring (which it mostly doesn't for me) n it's a good thing if u have it when u need to call thats it. But on sm days it become suddenly important..!!!

Phoenix said...

[i me myself]
More than addictions, just habits. And habits are hard to go, hard to even notice.

It's soooo hot n humid, why wd u miss classes! :P

I'm not whining baba, I'm just writing the post so I remember to be more appreciative of life. :) :)

aditi said...

Very true....if someone is inaccessible then its tough even if otherwise we are busy!

I Me Myself said...

miss.. you missed the missing meaning of the "miss" i meant!

Phoenix said...

Aisa bhi hota hai :P :)

[i me myself] I get the 'hot hot' better too. sry sry.

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