Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In the air tonight....

  • Beauty. Beautiful, serene, wet water, and a slight chill in the air. I love rains!
  • Fear. When will the global economic crisis end? How bad is the job market hit? Will India stop growing? Will inflation ever come down? Will we get a job this year? Will the climate change kill us before we do anything?
  • Laziness. The weather makes you relax. Work looks doable, and hence, postponable. Sleep is good. Coffee is tasty. A laugh is worth it.
  • Frustration. Why is Delhi traffic so bad in the rains? Why can't someone maintain the roads?
  • Love. Season of being bowled over. Season of love. Of fifth yearites hitting the new couples list. Of old couples falling crazily all over each other again. Of sweet nothings. Of cuddles and kisses. Of looking at your life, smiling and saying touchwood.
  • Panic. CVs? Job prep? MTP?
  • Rendezvous 2008. Begins tomorrow.


aditi said...

Yup! you seem to be capturing the essence!

Anonymous said... basically love is in d air?n if d sun refusd 2 shine on u,i wil bombard u wit d rains n showers to make u dance!wel breakdance wil do!:P

Prasad Narulkar said... in phrases...

One more blogger said...

Hey in the awesome weather lets ignore the bitter stuff for the time being and celebrate the beauty, love, friends and ofcourse Rendezvous!!

Phoenix said...

And enjoying it too :D

:P Well, yes, all around. Thanks for ur generous offer. Let's all dance in joy:) :) breakdance or kuchipudi, ur pick :P

:) Incomplete, yet somehow adequate.

Part of life madam, part of life. Beauty too is nothing without murk to contrast with. Let's have fun :D

Chakoli said...


laziness.. I m always...
and weather... its always same out here..boring :PP

Divesh said...

never realized there is an association between laughter and laziness :D
Now I know why I am associated with them both always

Have fun :)

Realistic me... said...

:-D Oooooh!


vibhav said...

Sounds good!

Toon Indian said...

enjoy the weather till it of luck for the placements.
hope the sun shines on the World economy!!!

Anonymous said...

ohh the glorious 7th/9th semester......

Passionate said...

'The Realities'

Anonymous said...


such few words that sum up so much!

veikiin said...

Totally yar !! The weather has been so awesome lately, my cribbing about Bangalore seems like stuff of pre-history text books ..:P

Delhi rocks ! Officially ! :)

Vartika said...

"There's a time and place for everything...we call it the final year!"

Indeed my thoughts and state last year!
Keep falling in love and stay'll only get better by the day!

Phoenix said...

:D :D u r bored fot oo much of a good thing...not fair

Hehe...all good things belong to the same place. Heaven :P

[realistic me]
Thanks u too babe


Phoenix said...

Hope, yeah.

:) Yeah. Quite an experience.

Good ones? :)

Phoenix said...

Thats the deal. Few, enough.

:D Yey!

Part of life.