"So, the terrorists struck again? Which city today? Ah, Delhi. Okay."
Sounds like a familiar fragment of conversation. Too familiar an event?? Tell me, if terror attacks are this routine, do they even manage to terrorise? It's just become an everyday event for the fatigues indifferent people of India, just as used to the recurrent news of Blueline accidents, BMW runovers, horrifying rapes and devastating famines. They happen everyday. We are sorry they happen. And then we move on.
But nobody wastes colossal amounts of funds, risks lives, months of meticulous planning and training on planning a famine and a road accident. Terrorists, by God, are in a profession noone increasingly cares about. No governments fall, no wars happen, nobody almost even makes a point and intelligence gets a few curses and a lot more work to do. Cynics guess that terrorists do it either to show to the powers-that-be who fund them where the money is going much like MCD occassionally builds a road or two to show where the budget disappeared, strictly audit purposes. Or else, it is just some kinda corporate competition between various terrorist groups that they fight over board room meetings and power point presentations that highlight their achievements of the year.
It's almost algorithmic these days how these attacks happen. Multiple blasts in a short duration of time, few people die, city goes on high alert for 24 hours, and people get on with life as police tries and finds someone responsible. News channels have a field day and govts. condemn attacks and distribute compensation. The only people who are directly affected and wounded are the dead and the injured, and their families. Their lives change forever for the worse, but sadly enough, in a country of 1.1 billion, the number is too few for anyone to remember for long, and for the society to bleed as a whole. More people have probably died in the Bihar floods than in a decade of terrorism across the country, and the collective apathy of this society has failed to move us even then. For our generation that has virtually grown up on news headlines of bomb blasts, train sabotage, hijacks and kidnappings, terrorism has, fortunately or unfortunately, become a part of our lives we are used to living with. And if this is the case with people like me, it's not hard to imagine how someone my age in Kashmir feels about it.
Saturday evening when the blasts struck Delhi, I was out with few of my very close friends. We had booked tickets for a 735 movie at PVR Priya less than an hour ago when at 645 we heard that there were bombings across Delhi. At that time we'd returned from a late lunch and were safely in IIT campus, but ten minutes later after a brief discussion we decided to go to the movie anyway. Somehow, the blasts didn't scare me at all. The people I cared about were all safe, and somehow it wasn't worth cancelling the plan and wasting 800 bucks for the 'risk'. We were safe inside the movie halll anyway, we reasoned. So four of us went anyway, and Priya was yet unruffled when we reached at 720. Not surprisingly a lotof peoplendid not turun up for the show, and when we got out at 945 after the movie, everything was shut down and deserted, which meant we hunted quite a bit around the city to find a place for dinner. And then we caught on the news to know how many bombs and how many dead. That's it.
Joke of the day was how Indian Mujahideen isn't even a scary enough name. And why call themselves Indian when they hate India? Organized crime has poor aesthetics, and purpose. Our police and intelligence may not be competent enough, our govt. not sensible enough to setup a federal Counter terrorist agency or something, but I have a feeling terrorism will still die out in India eventually, because our people do not care any more.
Cheers to the spirit of India!
Why we always say that...??
why dotn we fight back man??:(((
cheers to the spirit of India....well, or the lack of it....
Right, we no longer care...20 dead in a 10-digit population....who gives a damn...but how does this attitude root out terrorism....its just a signal to the terrorists, give us BIGGER...MORE POWERFUL...blasts....we are a nation already deafened by the small blasts (we were always mute, btw..), make more sound....turn 20 into 2000...and then maybe we will notice.
Still, could relate to almost everything u said....but I think IM is a scary enuf name....ask the bereaved families....
Guess what, even I went for a movie that day - 7:40 show! Alright, yours was more daring, which one did you watch anyway?
Now what do we do? Have we even got our voter cards made? Do we plan to?
Know who are the people most indifferent to their nation? They're here.. in the best colleges of the country!
Spirited comment. Ha.
My aunt is nw almost bedridden,its been month since the jaipur blast and maybe its tym 4 her 2 movd on....she's stil alive,thxs god,but i know she wodnt fancy talkin abt it n say the whole spirit thg wen sm1's limb jst blew on your shoulder.its nt abt being indiff,its nt abt d figures or comparison,terrors dnt hv weightage,d real terror cms wen u askd yourself whethr you wil b able to see your lovd ones 4 last time.
Well, that is the whole point. The whole post is meant to be sarcastic, because I'm tired of the apathy and inaction of our society as a whole, including myself. I'm shocked that people have just become used to it so much they don't want to do anything unless n until they personally suffer, n i am disappointed that we celebrate indifference in the name of spirit. A handful of terrorists have made a billion submit to a life of apathy??
Well, the lack of a fighting spirit is what disturbs me. "Chalta hai" attitude even when ppl are dying eft right n centre for no reason!!! I'm tired of celebrating this indifference, hence the post. what you said is exactly what I implied in my post, we do not NOTICE any more. What does that say of us as a society????
The Last Lear. (Slow, good, for the critics, well-acted, too difficult dialogues to understand) The point is not abt the daring, point is I wasnt scared, this happens all the time, and that my own apathy is shocking.
At least you understood what the post really meant to say. Thank you.
I have a voter card made n I' vote, but at the moment, it seems like I've a choice between equally bad candidates.
I'm sad.
I think you misunderstood my tone, friend. I'm extremely sorry, trust me, for your aunt...outraged even...for evey single victim of the insanity called terrorism. It's mindless, it's inhuman. I hate it when media celebrates the spirit of the city. Human resilience has an incredible capacity, true, but enough is enough. The collective indifference of our society and government is apalling. It is true though, that thee cant be a policeman at every step looking into every corner for a bomb all the time. It is just not ggoing to happen. But alertness as citizens and strict law enforcement.....zero tolerance might save a few lives.
There's a war out there. If we do not go to it to end it, sooner or later it will come to us.
Let's jst change the chalta hai attitude,it's nt a sign of fighting back or unity nor its a sign of being optimistic n trust in the law n order.let's nt gt al somber or be a paranoid.the world is getin colder,harsher.othr dn d effort,let's change d mindset 1st.\m/ peace!
Have been following your posts for quite some time. And I agree, as most of us will, that we tend to call our incapacity to fight as our spirit to live despite these setbacks. But most important question is what all can we do?
What are the options that a normal working public has. A victim of these blasts either become more subdued and fearful or just decide to live it it. I can think of another possibility of fighting fire with fire, but this is in rarest of rarest circumstances or may be none. We, as a common citizen just tend to sympathize and then move on and get on with our lives involving Java, cricket and burgers. The need of the hour is have a joint intelligence based collaboration of like minded people who are ready to devote to put an end to this, or atleast to try this...but then again we think, if those in power are incapable(or unwilling), how will we fare? Well, in that case, we should be in power....
...visit my blog to read what I feel...
i agree that terrorism will eventually die out , when it runs out of gas... but till then can we allow the lives of more people to be taken by these elements......i feel deep down, one needs to address issues which instigate such activities..the day we do this terror wil eventually DIE..
actually it might sound like a good idea to americans and britishers.
they have nearly obliterated terrorism from their soil. but i've heard politicians everywhere are same. so they might let blasts happen at more frequent intervals lest they acquire a shock value and threaten their governments.
Rightly said What's terrorism without terror?
i'm not quite sure about what i hear ?
cynicism - for terror or our response ? sarcasm ?
I called up my roomies in Delhi the moment the blast news came on the TV (ex-roomies actually, but I still feel like I am living there).
I couldn't get through any mobile phones. Finally I got through one of our neighbors who have a landline. It was around 7:30pm, and none of them knew there were bombings!!! There was a blackout so they couldn't watch TV, and they were just wondering why all their cell phone signals were jammed! It was then that I told them.
Really scary. Am sure glad you're safe.
Nice Take. Nice spirit. :)
True. The mindset needs to be changed. What's wrong, is wrong. There are no lesser evils.
You have a valid sentiment there, as well as on your blog. Our resiliencve is our strength at some levels, but will no longer remain so when it turns into complacency. Somebody, clearly, is not doing his/her job right. And we as a society are allowing him to get away with it.
But so sad that we are waiting for that day when it runs out of gas, cause, marketibility value?
Yes there are issues which need to be addressed. Most of the times, the issues per se are not what causes an insanity like this, but the issues let them survive, let them be glorified and let them gain some kind of an approval. There needs to be the right action that takes out the justification from the unjustifiable.
That's quite cynical. Hopefully not true, but possible. Politics is so anti humanity on occasion.
You hear what you choose to. But yes, sarcasm crazed to its limit by cynicism.
It is scary. I just happened to get to know fast enough, and assured everyone was safe, and then, smhow i didnt care.
We have become habitual to the whole thing that we actually just check if our near n dear ones are safe and thats it! I really dont blame the authorities when the so called terror groups start placing bombs in dustbins! But its all a part of the blame game..we on the govt.-the govt.on the opposition or police-and so on and so further!Its all just going to go worse!
Couldn't agree more! Have u watched Wednesday? If no then make sure u do,u will find an echo in the angst experienced by the common man because of these terror blasts.I wrote about it too,though in a different way.
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