Saturday, October 11, 2008

Being PM

I was just reminded of the times when we were young and had to write those essays on "If I were the Prime Minister of India", or something to that effect. I don't know if they still have those kind of homework exercises, but if they did, this would be one of the apt answers:

If I were the Prime Minister of India right now, I'd be really confused and flipping a coin to decide what I should concentrate on.
Whether the alarming terror situation in the country with recent flurry of blasts in the cities, or the alarming external security situation, with Pakistan and Nepal growing more volatile by the day.
Or, the global economic meltdown and focus on minimizing its loss to India, its stock market, its industry and its banks.
Or, controlling the surging inflation in the country.
Or, about the grave floods in Bihar affecting over a 2.5 million people.
Or in Gujarat and Orissa.
Or, the farmers in Vidarbha.
Or, the drought-like situation in many states where water-sharing is an issue.
Or, work for restoring peace and harmony in Jammu and Kashmir. Heal a wounded part of the country.
Or, control insurgency and bring back peace in the North-east.
Or, focus on the rising crime rate in metropolitan cities.
Or, act against the heinous communal acts and forced conversions and reconversions in Orissa. Bring back peace between the Hindu and Christian communities.
Or, work to preserve the GDP growth rate which looks like slipping below 7%
Or, work to establish a fundamentally strong economy.
Or, work to promote education at the grass-roots of the society by ensuring free primary education, a bill that hasnt been cleared in four yrs because the States dont want to foot the cost.
Or, build more higher education institutes and medical colleges(IITs??)
Or, bring nuclear power to India and setup the reqd infrastructure so India can meet its energy needs.

Dream job, anyone????

This isn't a critique on anyone's performance, just a sentiment that comes through grabbing the headlines every morning.
India, such a marvellous country!


One more blogger said...

I have one question dear if being a PM someone worried about all these things will the situation be the same as it is today? The politicians can never see any damn thing except their own self.
I tell you a more honest answer.
I will worry about how to do mug slinging politics! After all that is something which feteched me this PM position!!
Or how to put down opposition party?
Or what about the upcoming elections? Who will be we collaborating with? Should we do the alliance before or after the election?
Or what are the false promises I/party need to attract voters?
Or how to get hold of minority community’s vote? Few more reservation policies? {That is hardly gonna matter atleast to me... even if we impose them!}
Or what will be a possible answer if public ask about the promises made last time.
And the endless list will continue.

Arpit said...

Assuming you are an honest PM - the one really important question would be how to remove corruption. Much of the situation would be improved as a result of this...

Kunal said...

Could not agree more with you and Geetika's comment. Still, being pessimistic is nt goin to improve the situation. So, lets accept it and do our bit to improve it. That wont make the current situation worse...right?

Sandeep. said...

well, it is nothing related to this post ..i remember there was a post in which there were lots of analogies ,
i found this link , quite amazing ..

ruSh.Me said...
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ruSh.Me said...

he he.. just wanted to use html tags....
he he.. i feel the most important thing is to save yourself from the opposition.. coz if u don't stay in power.. all your good hopes and honest intentions go in vain....
like Mamta or Mayawati

Phoenix said...

It's a bit too harsh an accusation that a PM, any PM, could actually not think of any of these issues at all. Or similar ones. Not act enough,maybe, but nobody more or less is a complete moron, only mostly. Too many blanket accusations in ur emotional comment. Not defending anyone, but just get that feeling. Mud slinging is a part of modern day politics. Vote engineering is both an art and a science. And after all the crap, I was just wondering, if someone did sit to do sm work, just where wd they start?

True. But a very tough one too. Question that I cannot focus all my energy on tackling, for the problem is huge n time consuming n keeping it an only priority wd be short term disaster.

Phoenix said...

Absolutely. We need a society that actively works to improve itself and solve its problem. Only that can chnge the character of politics in india. Afterall politicians are ppl like us and from among us. A govt is always a mirror of the society it governs.

Nice post. Very funny. :)

Yeah, thats an occupational hazard. Dealing with complete morons and incredibly disastrous women like the ones u mentioned. Doesnt it give u nightmares that mayaati actually has a real shot at becoming PM of india

Diptanshu said...

I would make every week a four-working-days week. As kids, we were forced to be optimistic and given the freedom to think that life is all dance and song for the decision makers.

Phoenix said...

Life is not song and dance for anybody. Not even those who song and dance all their life.