Monday, November 10, 2008

The web in the head

...and the infinite questions crawling around

Normal, right?


Anonymous said...

Very very normal..lolz!

Kunal said...


or rather back to normal?


Arpit said...


Mizohican said...


Looks like a non-conformist in a Non-Conformist Association.


Pallavi said...

Dats precisely wat I'm goin thru! Thr r many people I'd like to question!!

Anonymous said...

lolz something i have been doing everyday

Anonymous said...

perfectly normal..:)

Phoenix said...

:) I guess! :D

Never too far from it, never....

Common cold ;)

Phoenix said...

:D Yeah. If you Rebel against a rebellion, what doesit make you?

Ah well, if you ask me, I'd say, as long as you know the question, just ask!

it's more fun than it looks, more confusing than u think
