Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Phir bhi dil hai hindustani!

No adjective, opinion or judgment could ever be a honest summary for a billion plus people, but there are some characteristics nevertheless that unify the diversity of the people of my country to a large extent into that peculiar thing called Indian-ness. And if one just steps back and critically tries to observe oneself and the world around, one can't help chuckling with one part amusement, one part pride, a little shame and a lot of wonder, although I do agree that one thing we must learn quickly as a society is to laugh at ourselves more often, because until then we wouldn't quit being so defensive and often dismissive of our follies. I quite like the fact that we are mostly vociferous about feelings and sentiments, though a lot of our political class stands erect on just that specialization. We love our democracy like crazy, yet we want the biggest pie of it for ourselves. And of course, as a touchy post by Johann revealed, nothing worth saying is inoffensive to everyone.

So we fight ourselves, kill each other, pull the neighbour down, but also magically manage to unite in face of external threat, perceived or otherwise, warfield or crickefield. Well, well. We are probably one of the most racist societies in the world, priding the brown skin over the black, and worshiping the white, while letting our own kind not touch our food, enter our homes etc. Eccentric. And we are so damn eager to claim ownership on what interests in. So Sonia Gandhi cannot be the Prime Minister of India because of her "foreign origin", but we celebrate the victory of Bobby Jindal or an Indian-origin PM in a little known country with the full pride of belonging. We weep for Kalpana Chawla, but someone living in our country wanting to render his sporting excellence for the service of India is disowned because of his birth documentation. Slumdog Millionaire is only slightly more an Indian film as Forrest Gump or one of those war movies was Vietnamese. Yet we rejoice and cry in happiness when a mostly mediocre film wins the Oscar, mostly due to lobbying. SM was an entertainer made for the American audiences, winning their awards. We never rejoiced so much when Traffic Signal or Chandni Bar showed the gruesome reality of India in a much more realistic fashion. It's almost as if both our pride in Bollywood, and the starkness of the truth of our poverty needs an approval from the West to really start meaning something for us.

Oh well, so long as India wins the upcoming cricket series against New Zealand, I'm proud of us.


A learner said...

Delhi 6... Kaala Bandar.. !!

Mizohican said...

Sometimes we are often confused about who to accept or not because many times we listen to our heart rather than our head, and the heart always finds ways to blind us from what is most obvious. Rightly put there in your second para regarding this. bows. Trust the head, people. That is the most logical and rational thing to do.

Quintoo said...

Precisely.. phir bhi dil hai hindustani :D

Voice said...

As u told we all rejoice sometime for success of an Indian.. Like I am happy for Rehman. May not be his best work but he deserves it.

Einstein also got Nobel for his photoelectric effect experiment and not for this relativity theory.

ruSh.Me said...


Kunal said...

I am proud of us..

Indyeah said...

I read this in the morning..:)and had a smile on my face...coz the same topic:)
yeah telepathy it sure is!:)
loved this'' And if one just steps back and critically tries to observe oneself and the world around, one can't help chuckling with one part amusement, one part pride, a little shame and a lot of wonder, '':))

Indian Home Maker said...

Came here from Indyeah's blog ... it's amazing how this happens many times, we find more than one blogger thinking of the same thing to write about ...have seen this happen earlier also, it's amazing!!

In many ways we are a product of our history ... we have evolved through so much and st times just refused to evolve!

Phoenix said...

[a learner]
Ha ha.

"the heart always finds ways to blind us from what is most obvious"
Well said.
Somehow, this heart-on-the-sleeve quality of indians is endearing, despite being stupid smtimes. Keeps us human. Logical, who we? Not as a rule, only when needed ;)

Dil to paagal hai!

Phoenix said...

Strange is our brand of patriotism. :) Good for Rehman though.

[rush me]
yep, telepathy it is. sometimes it happens.... ;)

:D :D Amen!

Phoenix said...

Thanks for reading...i thought just the same reading ur post...happens sometimes...Indian connection ;) :P

[indian home maker]
:) Hey thanks for reading...totally agree...mind smtimes collides into the same thoughts... :)