Friday, June 26, 2009

Dream diaries-II

Weird dreams are more the rule than the exception with me, but this one was strange.

I'd omit the preceding parts, the ones which I remember, but this is what I said at the end, and woke up saying:

I'm not lost, just waiting to be found.

Psychoanalysis, anyone?


Anonymous said...

*sigh* a deluge of thoughts only I don't know what to write here..

Passionate said...

n m lost now!!!

aditi said... the right person:P:)

Divesh said...

chalo, at least you are optimistic while sleeping :)

Bhushan said...

wake up and you will be found.

Winnie the poohi said...

Seems like your dream left you hopeful and also that you are quite romantic :)

Phoenix said...

Words, they often fall so short.

Come back, or be found.

Someone who can find, is probably right.

Phoenix said...

I'm optimistic at least half the day.

Guarantee kya hai?

[winnie the pooh]