Monday, October 12, 2009

Occupational Hazards

Everywhere I go these days, a certain kind of questions naturally pop up in my head:

How does this business make money?
How to optimize this process to make it efficient/cut costs/increase reach?
Why is this guy doing this job this way?
How can he make more profit?
How big is this market/margin?

Everywhere, I tell you, from neighbourhood paan kiosk to the Big Bazar checkout queue.

I bet designers constantly analyse street fashion, teachers consistently look for cues to teach effectively and doctors see germs everywhere too.
Side effects of the job, phew! :(

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Single and available???

My colleague at work was complaining yesterday, how all the nice guys (half-decent was her choice of adjective) in this world are taken and how we suddenly live in a terribly super-committed world. One could feel the agony in her words and see it in her eyes - "..and they don't ever break up either" - and now when I think about it, on one hand I still know a ton of people (esp guys) frustratingly single and ready to mingle, but that number (esp of the good ones) is definitely going down alarmingly. Have the times changed, or have we really become so old and settled in life? People I know are getting married for God sakes. Will I ever be able to find someone 'half-decent' to 'settle' with, *if* God forbid I ever want to, in another 2 or 3 years?

That is to say, should I start panicking about dying a maiden just yet? :P

On a related note, does anyone know any cute available guys in Mumbai? :P You are allowed to self-recommend, but self-introspect first.

On another note, I did a ton on household shopping yesterday, and fixed dinner and breakfast. I like the rhythm of things moving. :)

And does anyone know, why does every shop in Mumbai, including Dominos and Barista, have their shop boards in Hindi (and sometimes marathi, but that's logical) alongwith English? Curious.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Somwhere in the middle...

Here, in this world, things happen too quickly sometimes. And at other times, they feel as if the sameness has consumed all your life.

Here, in this world, I feel a little weird, trying hard to belong, yet the convoluted detached style of living of all the 'mature', warm and friendly grown-ups around me feels so unreal. What is missing?

Life is a roller-coaster, and should you forget that, it makes you a consultant.

I cribbed when they ruined my farewell three weeks back. Should I crib now, when I was just about getting the hang of this routine and I've been suddenly asked to leave the project mid-way onto something new, in 'hometown' Mumbai.

Bottomline, here I am, all alone at a swanky airport, cribbing about flight delays like those regular consultants, wondering just where is life going. Yes, this is it, that point where I need to go make my 'home' in an unknown city in a job that grows stranger by the day. Without any help, far away from those I love. Welcome, Mumbai.

It's just me. And my life. I can end up the happy all-conquering superwoman with a gazillion new friends, or I can end up the overworked fatigued depressive maniac.

Like most things though, I suspect, this too will lie somewhere in the middle.