Thursday, October 08, 2009

Single and available???

My colleague at work was complaining yesterday, how all the nice guys (half-decent was her choice of adjective) in this world are taken and how we suddenly live in a terribly super-committed world. One could feel the agony in her words and see it in her eyes - "..and they don't ever break up either" - and now when I think about it, on one hand I still know a ton of people (esp guys) frustratingly single and ready to mingle, but that number (esp of the good ones) is definitely going down alarmingly. Have the times changed, or have we really become so old and settled in life? People I know are getting married for God sakes. Will I ever be able to find someone 'half-decent' to 'settle' with, *if* God forbid I ever want to, in another 2 or 3 years?

That is to say, should I start panicking about dying a maiden just yet? :P

On a related note, does anyone know any cute available guys in Mumbai? :P You are allowed to self-recommend, but self-introspect first.

On another note, I did a ton on household shopping yesterday, and fixed dinner and breakfast. I like the rhythm of things moving. :)

And does anyone know, why does every shop in Mumbai, including Dominos and Barista, have their shop boards in Hindi (and sometimes marathi, but that's logical) alongwith English? Curious.


daman said...

it's pity that i live in delhi now :) ... but have more than half decent friends in mumbai ... On a serious note it's mandatory for shops to have signs in hindi ..(Shivsena Diktat) ... had to struggle a lot ...when i arrived there 2 years back ... reading the nos on BEST buses... btw you gain shifted to mumbai ....

Piyush said...

more like a MNS diktat. I think it is good in a way at least this way we may actually use and learn *something* of our own(?). Are we the only culture in this world who hates their own mother tongue ??
Anyway it feels nice to see some devnagari once in a while! However the implementation of this rule was not done in a good way. They just went around threatening people.

ruSh.Me said...

Its everywhere in Maharashtra.. Thanks to Mr. Raj, now the sons of soil have to read "FabIndia" as "Feb-Indiya".. though they might not get the head or tail of it..!! :P

Voice said...

Really decreasing at alarming rate.
Almost all my friends are not committed/married.

and i know some decent guys in mumbai.

Anonymous said...

Surprised you didn't know about the stupid political rules in Bombay that require to have the shops display the names in Marathi/Hindi. Ridiculous, eh?

On the "man-drought", it's everywhere!!! I've realised it out here too...the decent ones are all taken. Where the eff are the smart and nice guys??? Not happy.

Chakoli said...

No doubt... u cud see this all around in maharstra...
bad bad :(

even i face this situation...all guys are committed it seems ;)

Perakath said...

So evidently the single guys sit around wondering where the women are, and the single women sit around wondering where the good (bad?) guys are. It's all so inefficient. Bah.

Anonymous said...

All the good ones are taken...if they are not...there's bound to be a reason....btw....are quarter-decent guys acceptable?

Bhushan said...

If the 'single and ready to mingle' status does not preclude someone from being a 'nice guy' then there definitely must be a sizeable number around.

an alternate view regarding the dual language boards - arent those of help to those ppl who can read no other language but English :P

Passionate said...

I am in Mumbai....but not at all nice & cute....n have no intentions to be one :P


Tell you...whatever u say about Mumbai....the city will get on or into you... This is the city of dreams & the city that sleeps less than any other!!! Have a rocking time in Mumbai!!

Prasad Narulkar said...

Three points:

1) I am single! (Self Recommendation)

2) You cooked...thats invite me to

3) Marathi shop Boards...Thats coz Raj Thakarey wants to see if all the ppl who land up in mumbai knw how to read/write marathi


Realistic me... said...

Hey! Long your blog after a long time.

My sentiments exactly. :P

Does anyone know any cute available guys in Delhi? :P

Metallica bhakt! said...

Welcome to Mumbai.. hows it going?
I remembered a similar incident when I went to Hard Rock and me n my friends actually realized where the hot men in Mumbai were!! :P..
yaar we genuinely have a shortage of guys here in Mumbai.. either they are short (in my case) or too dumb to even go on a single date.. friends are in plenty! but otherwise as a friend recently said out of sheer humour "yahaan toh akaal pada hai yaar" :P
its because the MNS had issued a rule some months back.. some of the names are funny but in a way its good too!! what the Maharashtra Government couldnt do in years, they managed to do so in almost a month!

Kunal said...

Good Luck with Cute Guys...if you find one :P
Recommend me a cute girl in Delhi :P

Light Post...

Phoenix said...

[daman kohli]
It's a pity you'd to move to Delhi when I moved to Mumbai. :P

I can read the hindi/marathi more or less, but it's still a bit of a struggle to remember places named after people...however it's just funny to read mis-spelled hindi names on pedder road shop boards, in a city I end up speaking more english to neighbours n stuff than I ever did in Delhi

Shiv Sena - MNS : Potayto-potaato
It's just funny, people dont become more "indian" or maharashtrian or watever if u make them read more hindi script, funnily written. The good thing is that hopefully the common man on the street (hopefully literate) would relate to the streets n feel less intimidated by big shops even if he's not English-educated. That logic is respectable, but can only be a stop-gap between an effort to make sure everybody can read and write hindi english marathi and watever language they wish to learn.
MNS shd spend some eneergy there instead of playing super goons.

Phoenix said...

I really hope, all the sons of the soil that Raj-dom stands for, know how to read devnagari, n learn how to read english n do math. Thats more imp than any of this superficial crap. 100% education. But I wonder if that happens and the minds of people open ith exposure to different perspectives, wouldnt Raj-dom's base begin to erode.

Phoenix said...


Recommendations? :P

[psych babbler]
I think I've filtered out a lot of crap that's come out of SS n MNS i the recent yrs. Fortunately or unfortunately, it hadnt hit me how much things on ground are affected living in delhi.

Share the sentiment. Isnt it funny how all the girls seem to say that. Wtf happened to the guys?

Phoenix said...

Sigh. What is in the destiny of we pretty lasses? Guys, anyone listening?

Bingo, you said it. It's so inefficient. I';m wondering if I shd start using this blog as a meet-someone service for similarly deprived souls. :P

That is a very limiting line of reason, but maybe thats why those who are single, stay single. :( We need to get out of pre-conceived notions! have lines n limits that cannot be breached, so depends on parameters they fall short on, it may or may not be ok. They dont need to 'look' great, but be right kind of people.

Yeah, I'm sure, MNS had educational aims in mind.

Phoenix said...

Thanks, I hope that happens. I'd wait :)

Sure, come over some time. I'd be happy to subject you to some food. :P :)

[realistic me]
Yes, long time. How's ur exciting work going?
And yes, I know a bunch, tell me when u're free and i'd set u up.
My reco, try Doc, he's an absolute sweetheart,

Phoenix said...

[metallica bhakt]
Going good, you should come over soon. and you;re a journo, you should totally do a story on this and that would maybe help hidden cute guys become more visible to lonely girls :P

Sure, will do.

veikiin said...

It is surprising as to how so many people(including moi) can relate to this post and the "problem" could easily be solved by these same people meeting each other.

In this age of social networking its really funny that this problem of sufficient demand and sufficient supply but not enough "means of communication" exists!

Perakath said...


It's a shame that social networking in India hasn't extended to full use of Craigslist yet.

Pradyot said...

Kiddo, with authority of having more years under then belt than you, let me say this - Marriage is overrated.

Watch "Away We Go" - beautiful movie.

Unknown said...

well, after having a dekko.I'm astounded.Where have u all been.I'm in lucknow but I can definitely come over mumbai........kiddin'. indeed a beatific representation of solitude......[:D].....
I got u through "DECONSTRUCTING SELF".
and u bowled me over with your writings.
wish u fr future posts