Friday, January 01, 2010


It's a silent night
A lonely sight
An endless wait
A battle with fate
I sit and listen
The moonlight glistens
I only hear
A voice not here
Not near, yet around
The echoing sound
Of your smiles
That all these miles
Haven't dumbed down
Or hummed down
I can hear
You, loud and clear
As you slowly say
"A hectic day!"
And hit the sack
On your back
I can hear
You lying there
Shutting your eye
Bidding Goodbye
Fading is the light
And I say Goodnight
(Why do I care?
When he doesn't even hear?)
It's still a lonely night
Even you're out of sight
I sit here quiet
Hearing the night fight
With itself and its gloom
That now envelops the room
Absorbing the sound of your smile
Coming from across the mile
I sit and listen
As the moonlight glistens
To the clamour of memory
The tears of history
The wailing of tomorrow
I listen, without sorrow
Sleep evades me tonight
As you now sleep tight
And dream the un-dream-able
I live the un-live-able
I am not yet lost
Haven't yet paid the cost
Of a silent past
An aweful cast
That ruined the drama
A musical panorama
But it's all right
It's a long night
You sleep and dream
Flow like a stream
If you ever get tired
I haven't retired
That day I shall hold you
Till then let her behold you
Till then I won't sleep
I'll let the night creep
For now it's just me
A night, and a moon's glee
An endless wait
A battle with fate
That's all that's there in my life
Without you, I'm not alive.


Anonymous said...

Why do people fuckin' WRITE poems. they are so weird, so indirect. You hate something, you tell that, you like something you tell that. If you want someone to fuck off, you TELL one to Fuck off. Period.
Its so cowardly, so mean.

One more blogger said...

seems u r missng someone badly!

Voice said...

A Voice is here now

Hey well written

Anushree said...

Good one... "Loneliness" can very well be termed as sideeffect of Urbanisation!!!

Bhushan said...

The wavy appearance of the poem is interesting :)

Phoenix said...

It's only cowardly if I intend to give *you* a "message" that I only choose to give through a poem, or something as subtle and 'mean' as that. But as long as you're not forced to come here, read, *try* to understand, comment, it's ok, I guess.

To each his/her own?


[one more blogger]
:) Maybe, maybe not.

Phoenix said...

:D :D


Not entirely sure. Would nobody in a "village" ever be lonely? It's just that loneliness is an outcome of emotional needs, and one seeks to fulfil those after basic survival needs are met - like food, or safety. Before that, loneliness can exist but is so irrelevant.

Lol...good observation....kabhi pad bhi liya karo :)

Kanupriya said...

nice! :)