Sunday, February 14, 2010

The one where life feels utterly worthless to live in

*Crib Alert*

As time passes, I realize, I am liking life less and less.
Growing up is very confusing, very painful and increasingly lonely. Why the hell does anyone ever want to grow up?

Things were so much simpler when I was younger. And they just keep on getting worse - it's hardly worth complaining when I compare my life with a few other people around. Nonetheless, it's not worth it, this life.

Falling in love was so much simpler four years back than it is now. It used to be simple, joyous and strengthening - now it can make me feel weak and helpless, the same love. When did it become so powerful?
Deciding what to do in life was so much simpler. Limited options, enough time, and limited risk. One could just be good at what one chose to do. But now? What job? To study further or not? Where is the career headed? Where is the money gonna come from? My parents wanna know when do I plan to get married. Or why dont I want to stay in BCG till I make partner. Hell, I don't know where I am going to be next week.

Having friends was so much simpler. People just became friends, and stayed so. Now, there are colleagues, acquaintance, bosses, juniors, hangout gangs etc Old friends are as spread away and occupied in their lives as I am, many have simply moved on so far away from the lifestyle that afforded them the luxury of people like me that they're not even the same. Everything is so much more lonely around here.
Even family - they were around and wanted you to be around all the time. And then, somehow, in the struggle to gain some space and acceptance, suddenly there comes a point when my parents don't want me to take a transfer to Delhi office and shift here because Mumbai has better "career scope" and they're already used to this arrangement. And here I was fighting to get a transfer. I still don't know whether I am going to get it, but in Mumbai, where I don't like it alone, I am suddenly almost homeless with both my flatmates announcing they wanna move out asap and I certainly cant afford the rent alone, and back in Delhi, to be honest, what do I have to bring me back.
This when my job kills most of my waking hours and is making me travel all alone to random cities- airport to airport. And it's not as fun as it sounds.
All this is a mess, I know, with a hundred more complications, and I am supposed to decide all alone. Why the hell?

This life is getting lonely, confusing and too demanding. I'm out of energy.

I want out.


Kunal said...

I can understand.
But we all have to fight our own struggles and keep fighting!!

There will be light at the end of the tunnel. Even if you do not believe it. :)
Good Luck.

Voice said...

You can make life simpler...

doc said...

We want you back here. Everything else will get sorted out, one at a time.

Unknown said...

As my good friend Amandeep used to say - fight, fight, fight!! Giving up(opting out as you put it) is never an option.

Anonymous said...

You might not believe might even feel like shouting but trust me when I say that this too shall pass. One day you will look back and
laugh at so much and so many...I know I did.

Unknown said...

I went through that phase too!! :D
Okay forgive the laughing, but trust me once you make peace with it, you look back and laugh :)

vibhav said...

Become a teacher in a remote village school for a few years :)

ps: But keep blogging.

One more blogger said...

Truly speaking I can really identify with ur situation :(

Anonymous said...

i never felt to put a comment on any of ur blogs.. though i read them often.. but after reading this blog couldn't stop myself...
donn let things have impact on you so easily... value the wonderful things you blessed with..
looking forward to read ur blurring but funny and straight from heart blogs :)

daman said...

I can only say, that you should enjoy your time, however hard it may be...don't we all go through these phases?....

Karan Agrawal said...

Dude, while reading I thought I am talking to myself! Strangely... am in same situation... mumbai... flatmates... office-home juggle, the loneliness...

I can understand your situation, but I dont have any answer...

aditi said...

Going through the same phase.
For the first time, I actually feel I am growing up...and so is everyone around me....and I see myself trying to resist it.

veikiin said...

I can relate to this post.

Sadly there doesnt seem to be a point afterall.

Kon ?? said...

Movie 'Up in the air' is just for you i guess :)
yeah this happens after u start working after spending all the time in college..old friends will keep getting further and further away..mostly you will meet them in 'get-togethers'. try making new friends in the new places that's the only way out i guess.

Prasad Narulkar said...

chill girl....u are not that grown up to take life sooo seriously...evryone is in the same situation...
why fret wen all it makes u is more sad..

prakhar said...

Hell, this thing really scared me! If this is what it means to be 'established on your own' then ...

I would rather be a writer than an executive or engineer or hell anything remotely connected to traditional "well being" and "grooming career opportunities"!

And yeah! sorry for jumping in out of nowhere. I am new to blogging and neither shared anything(or any thought) that publicly nor I am used to.