I have a strong urge for change...an urge to quit everything and go somewhere far away, another country perhaps, for a year or so and live/work/study/do anything there - essentially, make a different life, alone, free from all the baggage and my life as I've known it so far. See if an alternate version of my life can/does exist? See if that makes me want to live, or at least value appropriately the plenty good I've in my life.
Don't know what this means. Don't know what I want.
Don't know what this means. Don't know what I want.
Come to europe for a month in July. We shall chill :)
i've always wondered.
given a chance, i'll surely grab d opportunity and experience it....
must be so awesum...away from everything and everyone you know....leading an alternate life...gives u dat certain sense of freedom....
i totally understand wat u mean...all d best..:)
God has given u lots of gifts - almost all which He can. yet you struggle for happiness.
Ironical, guess there is no relation between happiness and what u hv in life.
It is true, people don't want to be happy. You can be happy if you want to... and when ever you want to
Want a life. Not a holiday
It's a strange urge..dunno if it's fleeting.
I had that lfe once..blew some of it. Dont know. But I know at the end of it, I dint really want to come back just then
Life is funny.
Or maybe it is just me.
But happiness definitely isnt just a sum of measurables.
The lady herself...[I have been stalking you and your public diary for quite some time now :P]
Thanks for commenting, heart thy blog.
Please don't do this.. it doesn't help...
I've felt like this before. Just hang in there. It will pass over. There comes a time when life feels meaningless and redundant. No hope, only despair. But the flow of life goes on. It's so ruthless that it doesn't even spare us a moment to think and lament. So we must drag ourselves in such testing times lest we stagnate and get stuck in a rut. Eventually we'll gain insights into our lives only at the right time or when it's too late. I would recommend you the novel 'The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.' The book will surely help you to understand your true self by prompting you to look deep inside you and what lies in there.
I feel exactly the same way.
It's a good sign. Even if it might not be possible to 'get another life' physically, you might be on the verge of a great change, a transformation! Shall watch this space.
been there!
but running away never helps...just be strong and face whatever it is that u want to run away from..
and rest assured, u will emerge out of it a stronger person :)
the things u express here in ur blog are true feelings that i have experienced at some point in my life..
You're having quarter-life crisis
Just relax, and post your world cup predictions here: http://indrajit.wordpress.com/2010/06/13/fifa-world-cup-football-2010-predictions-2/
nothing can make you want to live if not this life.. have a strong urge for change myself.. But would still suggest hanging around.
Alternatively, you can go have another life but dont expect to come back to the same life.. 'parallel universes' dont operate that way.. you might not remember what it was tht you had set out for :)
Better would be to be assured that an alternate version of your life can/ does exist.. even better would be to believe that this is that alternate version itself (atleast till you want your life back).
wow kya idea hai ! But equally difficult I know !! Let us know what you chose..
:) Then keep stalking. Like your blog too.
Sounds like serious advice that I must heed to, somehow.
Maybe, you're right. Have read the book though - Murakami fan you see :)
More questions than answers..sigh
Dunno if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
That actually sounds optimistic, even to me. Let's see what lies ahead. :)
It's not the fear of facing...just the fatigue of it all. Even the victory, the strength...dunno if that is worth it?
It probably means we are all a lot more similar than we think. Or it means we are both weird. :)
Let me know if you end up wiser and/or happier. Maybe that's a heads up into my future ;)
I read ur post earlier, but my football knowledge is extremely limited to the game and very little to the teams esp WC teams. Making bets seems too hard :P
Alternatively, you can go have another life but dont expect to come back to the same life.. 'parallel universes' dont operate that way.. you might not remember what it was tht you had set out for :)
This actually made me think a lot. You have a pretty valid, and scary, point there.
I need to think som more, but thanks for that comment
Have gone through these feelings in the past month myself... the only reason i have inferred is that one is not enjoying what he or she does...this may not be applicable in your case..just a reasoning i have made... best is to shun all your inhibitions and do what you love...compromising with your present situation is not useful in the long run... hope i am not too preachy!!!
Btw... thanks for dropping on my blog...
Happens.You need something to look forward to. Some excitement. Someway to make a difference.
And if none of that is immediately possible, then a weekend with family/friends to relax and enjoy:)
Thanks for the advice, if I can action :)
Maybe true. Need to b.r.e.a.k the monotony of life!
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