Sunday, August 01, 2010


Sometimes it is hard to decide whether having a choice is better than not having any.
Life has stopped moving in any direction, and the inertia of the interim has started to get to me. The depressing thing is that neither of the possible short term alternates look attractive enough to energise. One slightly better and slightly worse than the other - that's all.
The good thing however, is for the first time in a long time, the medium/long term looks like something I would like to live for.
Now, how about some sunshine?
Actually, on second thought, the monsoon is great - the rain makes me want to fall in love, and the damp nights make longing that much thirstier.
Que sera sera, I guess.


Bhushan said...

nice to know that medium/ short term is something you would like to live for.
May be this can help:

I liked the end bit.

kayal said...

life is strange, it never works out to be something u want it to be. may be its time for serendipity ....

VT said...

It seems as if you looked inside my mind and then wrote this post!
Strangely enough,I find myself in a similar position...(although I still love the monsoon)!! :)