Sunday, October 24, 2010


Needs - too many. Desires - endless.

How much is too much? How much is enough?

Things have changed. Have they? How? Why?

Love? Attention? Companionship? Friendship? Which one is it? All of it? None of it?

Questions - too many. Restlessness - endless.

Weak. Very weak. Alone. Very alone. Crazy. Very crazy. Me. Very me.


desperado said...

too many questions always cause a problem

doc said...


Metallica bhakt! said...

We need to have a girls night out!

Tapasya said...

Force yourself to smile. Smile is always the answer.

JustSo said...

this too shall pass.

dreamer said...

hey can relate to what you are facing.
take a break, divinity helps.

If I had your mailid, I could have send you something to listen to.
Its soothing and gets me peace.
It shall help you to.